Rev Ben began our worship by leading us in prayer. Mrs Ham and our heads and deputies then led our Easter service 'The Greatest Story Ever Told'. We began with Palm Sunday and then moved onto the garden of Gethsemane. Our news reporters explained what happened whilst year 4 shared their artwork of the betrayal. The reporters continued with their report from Calvary hill. Year 5 shared their crucifixion artwork. When Jesus died, the earth shook. Year 3 shared their artwork whilst we sang lord of the dance. Reporters were then at the tomb where they reported that Jesus’ body has disappeared. Jesus had risen from the dead! A huge thank you to our heads and deputies for reports on the biggest news story ever to be told. Wow group led our prayers at the end of our service. Year 6 then shared their artwork whilst we sang give me oil in my lamp. Thank you to all of our wonderful parents, carers and families who came to our Easter service, it was lovely to be able to share it with you.