Image of Celebration Worship
9 Dec

Celebration Worship

In Celebration Worship this morning we looked at how our children continue to work so very hard in promoting our Christian and British values. We are all so very busy preparing for the Christmas Fair, school performances and Christmas Worship. We had our House Team Winners announced for this half term - Whitehall Park for the second consecutive time- well done. It is so lovely to see all of the children celebrating each others success as we had lots of awards for out of school sports today.

Image of Inter- House Sports in FS and KS1
9 Dec

Inter- House Sports in FS and KS1

What a fantastic opportunity we had this morning taking part in the Inter- House Dodgeball Competition. Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 loved every second and we saw some great sportsmanship and tactical decision making. A huge thanks to The Sports Leaders for organising and running the event too!

Image of Rotakids- Toy Collection
9 Dec

Rotakids- Toy Collection

The Year 5 Rotakids have fulfilled their promise of helping the community and the world. Over the past few weeks, the children have been collecting used toys and soft toys for the needy families of Darwen and refugees living in Darwen. Some of the toys will also be sent to children in Ukraine, who have lost almost everything in the war. Amazing achievement from families, staff, and children.

Image of Reception - Making Reindeer Baubles
9 Dec

Reception - Making Reindeer Baubles

This week we have made reindeer baubles to sell at our Christmas Fair. The children used their fingerprint for the nose, stuck on googly eyes and made their own antlers out of pipe cleaners. The children really enjoyed making them.

Image of Year 1- Inter house sports event
9 Dec

Year 1- Inter house sports event

A massive thank you to our amazing sports leaders for leading a great inter house dodgeball competition this morning. Year 1 had a great time!

Image of Year 6 DT
8 Dec

Year 6 DT

Year 6 have been analysing different ingredients that they may use in their festive sausage rolls. The children noticed, that when the ingredients are isolated, they may not taste entirely satisfying. However, after watching a video of a chef in action (Jamie Oliver), they noticed that some of these ingredients may complement each other nicely.

Image of Year 6 music
8 Dec

Year 6 music

Year 6 have worked hard to improve their keyboard skills this week in their music lesson.

Image of Reception class nativity- The little angel
8 Dec

Reception class nativity- The little angel

We were so proud of our Reception class for their fantastic performances of their Nativity- The Little Angel. They all showed such courage and sang their little hearts out. Thank you so much to everyone who came to watch and we really hope you enjoyed it. A huge thank you to Mrs Wilkinson, Mrs Thompson, Miss Baxendale and Miss Bentham for all of their support and encouragement. Thank you also to Rev Ben for coming along to watch and leading us in prayer. Thank you to all of our parents for the amazing costumes that you provided for the children and for helping them with their lines and songs. I’m sure you will still have the songs in your head till about March!

Image of Year 6 English
8 Dec

Year 6 English

Today, year 6 have been summarising the key events from the first chapter of ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’ in order to plan the beginning of their own emotion-driven narrative.

Image of Year 5 - PSHE- Lend us a Fiver
8 Dec

Year 5 - PSHE- Lend us a Fiver

During our P.S.H.E lesson today, the children have role-played a situation where one child is asking the other to lend them them five pounds. However, the lender needs to feel confident about lending the money and ask the borrower why they want to borrow five pounds. As a class we discussed the reasons and found solutions to prevent borrowing money. We then learnt about Martin Lewis who is an expert on giving advice on money matters and thought about what advice he would give.

Image of Year 6 DT
8 Dec

Year 6 DT

The final step before year 6 make their DT project was to visualise how they think it will look. They designed their product by using a blown up diagram in which it reveals the individual ingredients that the sausage roll will contain.

Image of Year 1- Phonics
7 Dec

Year 1- Phonics

Year 1 have been working so hard in phonics this week! We are very proud of them!