Christmas lunch
We had a lovely Christmas lunch together as a school family today. Thank you so much Mrs Norton, Mrs Beech and Miss Norton for such a tasty meal and to all of our staff for serving the children. The children loved pulling crackers with their friends and enjoyed singing and dancing to Christmas songs.
Christmas Fair - Thank you!
A huge thank you to everyone who came to our Christmas Fair this evening. It was the first one since the pandemic so it was overwhelming to see such a brilliant turn out and a return to normality. Please see the photos for the winners of the raffles. Please message me if you have a winning ticket and send a photo of your tickets. Thank you so much to our choir for entertaining us. I’m sure you helped to get everyone in the festive mood. A massive thank you to our friends of St Barnabas (FOSB) volunteers and staff for manning the stalls. Also, a huge thank you to all parents and carers for your generosity over the last few weeks with your donations of bottles, toys and chocolate. A special mention to the Merry family for donating the proceeds of their hand made decorations to school too. Thank you so much for your generosity. We have raised a wonderful amount of money to put towards our school mini bus, which like I have mentioned before, will help to reduce the cost of trips for all of our parents and enable us to enter more events and competitions. We have some things leftover from our tombolas and nativity concerts so we will be donating them to DARE( Darwen Asylum and Refugee Enterprise) and the local food bank. These will be passed on to children in need this Christmas. Many thanks for your continued support and generosity. You truly are wonderful parents and your children are simply amazing, Mrs Ham
Year 2 - Making festive fruit kebabs
Year 2 making their fruit kebabs to sell at the Christmas Fair.
Year 2 - DT - Chopping skills
As part of making our fruit kebabs, year 2 have been learning to chop and organise their fruit in preparation to assemble their fruit kebabs. We learned both bridge and claw methods of cutting fruit in a tidy fashion to make our fruit kebabs more appealing.
Design and Technology- Christmas Fair
In D.T this term, the whole school have worked their absolute socks off. The children have made wooden reindeer ornaments, festive fruit kebabs with choc drizzle and marshmallows, fire engines, photo frames, festive sausage rolls, seasonal stockings and Christmas themed cushions. The children then had the opportunity to purchase their products at our school Christmas fair.
Year 3 D.T: Christmas Photo Frames
Over the course of this term, Year 3 have been busy planning and designing their own Christmas themed photo frames. We started by looking at existing photo frames and thinking about how we wanted to create our own free standing frames. The children then thought about which materials they would like to use, to create their photo frames. Some children have used wooden lolly sticks to build their frame, whilst others used wooden dowels and cut them down to the correct size. We are so pleased with the finished products and can't wait to purchase them at the Christmas Fair!
Christmas Fair
TODAY IS OUR CHRISTMAS FAIR!! Join us today, Wednesday the 14th December 2022 between 3.30-5.30pm.
Online Safety: Staying safe over Christmas
‘Tis the season to … stay safe online!
Year 6 DT
Year 6 have completed their festive sausage rolls and they looked absolutely amazing. They made sure that they contained popular festive ingredients that complemented each other, and I’m sure they will taste as good as they look!
Year 6 DT
Year 6 proud of their finished products. What wonderful and unique festive savoury snacks!
Year 4 - Christmas Cards
Year 4 have been creating Christmas cards this week, and they’ve gone for a bit of humour. Look out for the Christmas cracker-style jokes coming home in school bags.
Year 4 - Hanukkah
To finish our Christmas RE unit, Year 4 learned about the Jewish festival of light called Hanukkah. They discovered the miracle of the menorah candle and the significance of light, and they made their own dreidels and used them to play the game.