Reception - Christmas Service at Church
Reception class attended the Christmas Church Service. We joined in with the carols and practised our actions. The children listened carefully to the prayers shared by KS2 children.
House Team Value Point Winners - Whitehall Park
Well done to Whitehall Park - our House Team Value Winners for this half term. The children had a fab time celebrating in the disco party this morning.
Santa’s been to St Barnabas!
This afternoon our KS2 children got to choose a special Christmas present from Santa for being so good in school all year!
Year 1- DT project
Year 1s DT project is now complete! ✔️ So proud of year 1 as lots of time and effort was put into these. Planning✔️ Painting ✔️ Sawing ✔️ Cutting ✔️ Glueing ✔️ You name it we did it! Great job you bunch of superstars!
Year 1- Christmas party
Year 1 had a great time at our christmas party!
Year 3/4 Christmas Party
We’ve had a fab time this afternoon at our Year 3/4 Christmas Party. We played so many games including musical bumps, corners and pass the parcel. A big thank you to Mrs Ham for letting us visit’ Santa’s Grotto’ to choose a little gift too. Merry Christmas everyone!
Year 1-A visit from Santa!
Wow what a day! Year 1 have had a visit from Santa and all received a special gift for being superstars all year.
Year 3 D.T: Making our Christmas Photo Frames
Year 3 used either wooden lollipop sticks or wooden dowels to create their photo frames. Some children painted their materials, before using a hot glue gun to create the frame. The children who chose to use the dowels, used a saw to cut the wood down to the correct size. We will be evaluating our finished products and thinking about what worked well and what we would change, if we were to design and make our photo frames again.
Reception Christmas Party
Today in Reception we had our Christmas Party! We played Musical Statues, Musical Bumps and Pass the Parcel. The children were amazing singers and dancers! At the end, we all got into a circle and each child had the choice to go into the middle and show everyone their amazing dance moves!
Year 5 - Christmas Party
Year 5 have had a blast today! They have danced, played musical chairs, played kahoot online and taken part in pass the parcel which involved a forfeit.
Year 3/4 Christmas Party
We’ve had a fab time this afternoon at our Year 3/4 Christmas Party. We played so many games including musical bumps, corners and pass the parcel. A big thank you to Mrs Ham for letting us visit’ Santa’s Grotto’ to choose a little gift too. Merry Christmas everyone
D.T- Year 5- Yarn Christmas Card
Year 5 have used their skills learnt during D.T to make Christmas cards using Yarn. Some of the children have threaded a bead to their yarn to give that extra look.