Year 4 Tooth Decay Investigation
Science was very interesting this week. Year 4 set up an experiment to test how different liquids affect our teeth, except that we used eggs to represent teeth. After a 5-day soak in either water, cola, black currant juice, orange juice, sports drink or vinegar, the egg shells were examined and cleaned with a toothbrush and toothpaste. The children then observed the changes to the eggs and drew conclusions about how certain liquids may affect our teeth.
Fun in the Snow
Year 3 have been having so much fun in the snow, building snowmen and playing games together. ❄️
Whole school pantomime
We had great fun watching Santa Live Pantomime this afternoon. Oh no we didn’t! Oh yes we did!
Year 2 - Exploring how angels are portrayed.
During our RE lessons, we have been exploring how angels have been portrayed in different ways. We have looked at: traditional, stained glass windows, statutes, cartoon images and we looked at the similarities and differences between all of them.
KS1 Kurling Festival
A huge congratulations to our Year 2 Kurling stars who represented our school brilliantly at the KS1 Kurling Festival. They narrowly missed out on third place. A special thank you to our Sports Leaders for supporting and encouraging our team and to Me Bloomfield for coaching them.
Reception: Rev Ben Visit
Reception class enjoyed listening to Rev Ben. He explained how the church prepares for Christmas. Thank you for visiting!
D.T- Year 5- Christmas themed cushions
This term for our design and technology unit, the year 5 elves have been busy making Christmas themed cushions. Prior to making the cushions, the children have carefully planned their cushions. They have learnt how to create button fasteners, button whole stitch, envelope fold, hidden stitch, running stitch, zig zag stitch, over stitch, and stitch embellish to give that wow factor. They have also made sure that the cushions are functional and aesthetic. They have also evaluated their finished products by answering a series of questions. We are super proud of the dedication and enthusiasm that the children have shown throughout the planning and making of these products. We can't wait to showcase our products at our Christmas Fair.
Danger- thin ice and cold water
Good evening parents and carers, during this cold spell, please remind your child of the dangers of walking on or playing near frozen lakes, ponds or reservoirs. We have had reports that some of our school children have been walking or playing around the ice on Jacks Key reservoir and they have been spoken to about the dangers of thin ice and cold water by our teachers. I’m sure you will have all seen the tragic news of the four young boys who have fallen through the ice in Solihull and three of them have sadly lost their lives and the fourth is fighting for his. Our thoughts and prayers are with him and all of the boy’s families. Let’s ensure that this awful tragedy doesn’t happen to any of our local children by reminding them of the dangers of playing near open water. Many thanks for your continued support, Mrs Ham
Carols by Candlelight
A huge thank you to everyone who came along to the Carols by Candlelight Service. Our choir sang brilliantly and well done to Jenson for his lovely reading. It was wonderful to hear one of previous choir members, Isaac, singing a beautiful solo too. It really does feel like Christmas now.
Year 4 DT - Seasonal Stockings - Part 2
Wowsers- we have had such a productive morning in Year 4 finishing off our ‘ Seasonal Stockings’ . The children have worked so hard developing their different types of stitches. We also managed to embellish them with buttons, ribbon and felt. We can’t wait to show the parents and carers at our Christmas Fair!
Year 4 DT - Seasonal Stockings Part 1
Wowsers- we have had such a productive morning in Year 4 finishing off our ‘ Seasonal Stockings’ . The children have worked so hard developing their different types of stitches. We also managed to embellish them with buttons, ribbon and felt. We can’t wait to show the parents and carers at our Christmas Fair!
Out of School Superstars
Along with our Values Winners this morning, we celebrated our ‘Out of School Superstars’. It was lovely to hear about all of the different activities that the children have been taking part in. This week we presented awards for dancing, gymnastics, swimming, kickboxing, Beavers and cheerleading. Well done to each and every child that celebrated on the golden podium!