Year 2- Lunch time MUGA session.
Lunch time MUGA session for year 2- Learning how to control the ball in football and using the correct part of their foot to pass the ball to their partner.
Year 1-Science
In science year 1 have been looking at the differences and similarities of different animal groups such as mammals and reptiles.
Science- Thermal Conductivity- Year 5
This afternoon, Year 5 have been exploring the thermal conductivity of materials. We started the lesson by looking at ways to save energy in our homes. The children suggested, switching off lights, keeping windows and doors close in winter, wear warm clothes around the house, having a quick shower instead of a soak and unplug electronics. We then discussed loft insulation, double glazing, solar panels and energy lightbulbs which which last up to 12 times as long as traditional bulbs, using less electricity.
Year 2 - Mastering Numbers
Year 2 - Mastering numbers, quick challenges in maths for quick recall. All the children did amazingly well.
Monday Worship- Black History Month
Last week we focussed on being kind to our neighbour. When we came into worship, we listened to ‘Respect’ by Aretha Franklin. We discussed what this meant and looked at how it was one of our Christian values and our British Value, mutual respect. Mrs Ham told us about how many years ago, Africans were captured and taken to America to be slaves. The children all agreed that this was unfair. Mrs Ham then role played with Declan and Elsie to show the children how slaves were treated. They weren’t treated nicely which was very unfair. In 1865, slavery was completely banned. In 1926, Carter Woodson created black history week and now we celebrate black history month every October. We watched a video which showed how Ayanna Najuma who was just 7 years old changed the world! Ayanna did a peaceful protest and went into a white only restaurant and waited until they were served. Ayanna asked for a hamburger and a coke but the waitress said no. They went back on day 2 and 3. By day 3, they were served food and the restaurant became integrated. Ayanna said “my voice was little but it was just as important as everybody else’s voice”. Martin Luther King Junior also stood up for what was right and he fought for a long time for everybody to be treated equally. Finally we watched a song video about Rosa Parks and how she fought for change. This week, Mrs Ham asked the children to reflect on anything that we have experienced that seemed unfair. Did we have the courage to speak up? Can we do this going forward? We finished our worship by singing ‘Make a difference’.
Reception: Muddy Monday
What a fabulous Muddy Monday the children in Reception have had. Today, the children continued to explore their local environment and we went to Jack Keys Reservoir. We explored the differences between Knowsley road and the reservoir. The children said it was a lot quieter, there were a lot more trees and water. We then built some birds nests after reading Owl Babies. The children also enjoyed getting very muddy in an area of the woods. They described the mud and what it felt and sounded like.
Super Gymnasts - Year 5
Super Gymnasts! Year 5 has demonstrated all of the gymnastic sequences taught so far. They were able to work in pairs and in small groups with music in the background. During the lesson, the groups watched each other and gave constructive feedback.
Message from Mrs Ham
Good afternoon parents and carers, I hope you're all well. We have had another brilliant week at St Barnabas this week. To see what has been happening, please see our news page on our website. We had our Macmillan Coffee morning on Thursday which wasn't as well attended as in previous years, however we appreciate that many of our parents are busy working and less parents are now working from home. If you would like to donate to such a wonderful cause, you can do via parent pay. A huge well done to Years 2 and 5 for the best attendance across school this week. They will receive an extra fun session on the MUGA with Miss Baxendale. All parents have a legal obligation to ensure their child attends school regularly and on time. Unfortunately we still have children and parents arriving onto the school grounds at 8.55am or after, despite several reminders. We want all of our children to have the best start to their day and to be ready to start their morning learning tasks at 8.55am, which is our official start time. All children are expected to be in their classroom with their coat and bag away for 8.55am, not walking through the school gates at this time. Any child who isn't ready in their classroom at 8.55am will be marked as late in our register. Every second counts so when children are late or off school they are missing valuable learning time. We have several events coming up in the lead up to half term including Hello Yellow day for World Mental Health Day and our Harvest Festival. Please see our events page for further information. Thank you for your continued support and if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to me on the yard or send me a dojo message. I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I hope this rain eases off and the sun comes out, Mrs Ham
Year 2 - Tile Painting
Year 2 painted clay tiles.
Sports Awards- Celebration Worship
During our celebration worship this morning, the children were presented with their sports awards. Last night, a group from Years 5 and 6 represented DPSSA football. They played superbly and gained 1 victory and a narrow defeat. A massive well done to all of our children who also celebrated awards that they brought in from taking part in activities outside of school. We had awards for gymnastics, running, swimming, dancing, reading and martial arts.
Celebration Worship and Celebrating Values
During our Celebration Worship, Mrs Ham reminded everyone about spreading kindness at school and at home. The children shared some of the kindness that they have been sharing at home, such as, cleaning their bedroom, helping their parents carry in the shopping, opening the doors for teachers and pupils and looking after the environment. We also celebrated the value certificate for each classroom presented to, Year 6 - Eva, Year 5 - Rio, Year 4 - Laila, Year 3 - Grace, Year 2 - Sofiya, Year 1 - Harry and Emily, Reception - Sienna and the winning team this week, Whitehall Park. They have all demonstrated our Christian and British Values throughout the school. A huge well done to everyone. The worship came to an end with a prayer led by Mrs Ham and three children.
Year 2 - Creating a weave pattern.
Year 2 created their own weave patterns using different coloured card to create their own unique pattern. This weaving linked in well with their work on local history and the cotton industry.