Reception- Junior Jam
Today Reception have been very lucky to have three different junior jam sessions today! In the first session, they looked at different songs and focused on how they make you feel. The children listened well to the songs and showed good understanding of the emotions the songs created. They then had a French session where they learned the french word for ‘hello’ and they also learned some numbers in French too! They also had a go at learning the song ‘Frere Jacques.’ They then had a Computing session, where they went onto the iPads, and played a coding game.
Year 2: Class Worship
During class worship, we had a look the impact that Roald Dahl’s books have on the modern day world. We discussed whether these books should be rewritten to fit in with new rules and regulations in today's society. Children were of the opinion that they: represent a time period, are historical and are still very funny and appealing. Therefore we agreed that they should not be rewritten.
Year 2: Taking Rubbings
During our art lessons we have been experimenting with the formal elements of art. We looked at creating at through rubbings of many different materials. We went around out local area taking rubbings of: trees, benches, rocks and walls to create a variety of patterns.
Year 3 Food Technology: Savoury Cracker
In Design and Technology, Year 3 have been practising their cutting, slicing and spreading skills in preparation for making our own sandwiches. We prepared our own savoury crackers and thought about how we need to get ready to cook, by washing our hands and getting our ingredients ready. Before preparing our crackers, we learnt about using the bridge cut and claw grip, to ensure we are cutting and slicing safely.
Year 3 Science: Comparing how things move on different surfaces.
This week in Science, Year 3 have been investigating how objects move on different surfaces. We set up a ramp in class and timed how fast the toy car moved, on different surfaces. We discovered that the car moved fastest on the wood and Cling film and slowest on the sandpaper and bubble wrap. We will now be using our data to create a bar graph with final results!
Reception - Signs of Spring
This week we have been learning about the Seasons of the year. We discussed signs of Spring and observed the weather outside. Children went on a ‘Spring Hunt’ outside and recorded their findings. We looked at flowers and made ‘petal soup’ - the children loved carefully measuring using the teapots and teacups.
Year 1- Science Volcano experiment
Wow what a exciting afternoon we had on Monday. We made a volcano by using bicarbonate of soda, food colouring, water and vinegar. We mixed all our ingredients inside before taking it outside to watch it explode. Look closely at our pictures to see our shocked faces!
Year 1- Garden Centre Visit
On Tuesday morning we walked down to ‘Four Seasons Garden Centre’ in preparation for our next science topic about plants. We found out lots of information about plants and the seasons they grow in. At the end of our tour around the garden centre we purchased some seeds to bring back to school to watch them grow.
Year 1: Garden Centre Visit Thank you!
We would like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone at “Four Seasons Garden Centre” for making us all feel welcome. Sonia said she was really pleased with how we respected the garden centre and how well they represented our school. Sonia gave us some free gifts to bring back to school (Planters, soil and flowers) we can’t wait to plant these.
Year 5- P.S.H.E- Our Emotional Needs
The children worked in pairs to design their own character who is the same age as them. They then discussed the needs of their characters, thinking about their strengths and weaknesses, what they like and dislike and how their character feels about themselves. We then explored situations which we don't find easy and created examples of positive coping strategies. These included; speaking to somebody about how you're feeling; writing down your worries if they're on your mind a lot of the time-some people find this helpful.
Year 5- Explanation text about Volcanoes and Earthquakes
Over the course of two weeks, Year 5 has learnt the features of an explanation text and written their text all about earthquakes and volcanoes. They have used their learning from their Geography lessons. They have explained the cause of earthquakes, identified famous volcanoes and explained the short and long-term effects of natural disasters.
Reception: Dental Hygiene
Today, the children learnt all about the importance of dental hygiene. They learnt how to brush their teeth properly and what food and drinks to not eat and drink as much of to look after their teeth. The children practised cleaning teeth and showed us their beautiful, sparkling teeth.