Image of WOW Group - Messy Church Planning
23 Mar

WOW Group - Messy Church Planning

The WOW Group had plenty of ideas for a parable-themed messy church. The children have taken a parable in pairs and have started researching craft ideas and songs to put together a session in the Summer term. Keep your eyes peeled for the date coming soon.

Image of Reception - Designing a Superhero Comic
23 Mar

Reception - Designing a Superhero Comic

Today Reception class received a very special letter from Captain America. He had left some of his superhero comics for us to look at. We then designed our own superhero and Supertato inspired comic strips. The children tried really hard to sequence a story and used speech bubbles too. Well done Reception class!

Image of Year 4 Picture News - Should we all be entitled to an opinion?
23 Mar

Year 4 Picture News - Should we all be entitled to an opinion?

In our class worship this week we have focused on Picture News. We looked at the news article about Gary Lineker and how his Tweet led him to be dismissed from Match of the Day. We had some great conversations and came to the decision that we should all be entitled to our own opinion, but we need to choose our words very careful as these could be hurtful.

Image of Online Safety: Passwords
23 Mar

Online Safety: Passwords

What’s the password? As the digital world’s most common security measure, passwords therefore remain a prime target for cyber criminals. Our #WakeUpWednesday guide has tips to improve #OnlineSafety by beefing up your password strength. Download >>

Image of Reception - Art - Observational Drawing
23 Mar

Reception - Art - Observational Drawing

In Art this week we looked at observational drawings. We studied the daffodils carefully and used artist pencils to sketch the flowers. The children included details such as leaves and buds and then used the pencils to lightly shade some areas. The children were very proud of their works of art!

Image of Year 5: Collective Worship- See with your heart
23 Mar

Year 5: Collective Worship- See with your heart

During our class worship today, we explored a text about the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association, which provides trained guide dogs to people who are blind or visually impaired. They rely heavily on volunteers who help to raise and train the dogs before they are matched with their new owners. The children then participated in a drawing activity while being blindfolded. It was an experience that helped them understand what it might be like to navigate the world without sight. This created an awareness about the challenges faced by the visually impaired. We ended our class worship by singing ' Light up the fire'.

Image of Year 3: Lunchtime Science Experiment
23 Mar

Year 3: Lunchtime Science Experiment

Year 3 had the chance to take part in a couple of science experiments during their lunchtime today. They looked at skittles colour pattern experiment and the milk, food colouring and liquid soap experiment. The children were really excited by the results and had a super time!

Image of Year 4: Smart School Council - All about Autism
23 Mar

Year 4: Smart School Council - All about Autism

In our Smart School Council session today, we looked at how we can promote awareness of autism, in particular, Autism Awareness Week 2023. The children discussed the options very sensitively and highlighted that some people have siblings that are also autistic and have varying needs.

Image of Year 4 - Junction 4 Scooter and BMX Opportunity
23 Mar

Year 4 - Junction 4 Scooter and BMX Opportunity

Year 4 had the amazing opportunity to take part in a scooter and bike festival at Junction 4. The children enjoyed experiments and trying out new skills and tricks and being taught by the mentors that were at the skatepark. The children had an amazing time with lots of children being challenged and going beyond their comfort zone.

Image of Year 4 PSHE - Positive Periods
23 Mar

Year 4 PSHE - Positive Periods

In Year 4 we have been looking at puberty and how our bodies change. This week we focused on menstruation - what it is, how it happens, how often and how to manage periods. We looked at lots of different types of sanitary wear including panty liners, sanitary towels, tampons, menstrual cups and period pants.

Image of Year 2 - Easter Symbols
23 Mar

Year 2 - Easter Symbols

During our Re lesson, we have been looking at a variety of symbols that are related to the Easter story and what they mean to Christians. We have designed our own stained glass windows with Easter symbols that will be displayed in Whitehall Park.

Image of Year 1: Easter Story
23 Mar

Year 1: Easter Story

Year 1 have been looking at correctly sequencing pictures from the Easter story. They have been remembering significant events including the resurrection and created some artworks to reflect this.