Image of North West Ski Federation Schools Race 2023
20 Mar

North West Ski Federation Schools Race 2023

A huge well done to Isaac P for representing St Barnabas in the North West Ski Federation Schools Race 2023 this weekend. He came first in the boys junior individual category. Well done Isaac, we are super proud of you!

Image of Darwen Swimming Gala 2023
17 Mar

Darwen Swimming Gala 2023

A huge congratulations to our swimming team for their super effort and determination this evening at the Darwen Swimming Gala. A special mention to Isaac for winning first place in the breast stroke final, Sophie for second place in the breast stroke final and Ted for third place in the free style final. Our girls medley came second and our boys medley came third which meant that each member of our team won at least one medal! It was wonderful to hear them encouraging each other too. Well done you little superstars! A massive thank you to Mrs Gardner for devoting her time to trialling and coaching the team.

Image of Celebration Worship -Sports Stars
17 Mar

Celebration Worship -Sports Stars

The list of Super Sports Stars was never ending this week which is so great to see! We had children receiving awards for a number of out of school sports such as swimming, martial arts, horse riding, dancing, rugby and gymnastics. We hope that the children are inspired to take part in different sports after hearing from our worthy winners.

Image of Reception - Doctor Visit
17 Mar

Reception - Doctor Visit

Today Reception class welcomed Dr.Chloe who came from Blackburn Hospital to talk to us all about her job. She explained how she loves to help people and even told us about her therapy dogs, Alfie and Patrick. The children asked some fantastic questions all about what is inside her doctors bag and Dr.Chloe showed us her stethoscope and showed us how it works. Thank you Dr.Chloe, we had a wonderful time!

Image of Year 3: Scholastic Book Fair!
17 Mar

Year 3: Scholastic Book Fair!

This morning, Year Three visited the Scholastic Book Fair, where they completed their book wishlist. The children spent some time exploring the different books at the fair and then choose their top 3 books , to add to their wish lists. Each child also received their £1 book token from World Book Day!

Image of Reception - Maths
17 Mar

Reception - Maths

This week we have been learning all about counting. We have practised counting things that we can’t see such as sounds during our clapping game. We then looked at strategies for counting larger groups of objects. The children recognised that we couldn’t always use our subitising skills but we can use strategies like ‘move it and count it’ to help them to reliably count. The children were given mystery bags of objects and had to count them and record their answer. Well done Reception!

Image of Celebration Worship Value Points Winners
17 Mar

Celebration Worship Value Points Winners

In our Celebration Worship this morning we spent time reflecting on why we came to school in non- uniform- our school council chose to raise funds for families who have been affected by the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. We also celebrated our Value Ponts Winners across both Key Stages and it’s so lovely to see how our values are being shown by the children and how they are working hard both in and out of the classroom. We had so many other things to celebrate this morning such as Let Girls Play Football Event, Let’s Go Sing and the verse speaking competition. The list of Super Sports Stars was never ending this week which is so great to see! Attendance Winners were Years 2 & 6 and Value Points Winning house team was River Darwen.

Image of Year 6 computing
16 Mar

Year 6 computing

This week, year 6 have been creating cinemagraphs on the Motionleap app. Their aim has been to make still pictures move.

Image of Year 6 maths
16 Mar

Year 6 maths

Year 6 have spent this week in maths applying their knowledge of ratio and proportion to problems. We have looked at the importance of efficient maths so that we have less opportunities to make mistakes.

Image of Year 1 Phonics Different Ways of Making the ‘ea’ Sound
16 Mar

Year 1 Phonics Different Ways of Making the ‘ea’ Sound

Last week in phonics we looked at the different ways to make the phase 5 ‘ea’ sound and practised reading and writing words with these different graphemes. We also played some Bug Club games to see if we could read words with different amounts of syllables in them using the various different ways to make the ‘ea’ sound and looked back at the ‘ee’ sound they learnt in Reception last year.

Image of Year 4 Design & Technology - Designing an alarm
16 Mar

Year 4 Design & Technology - Designing an alarm

In DT today, we have been designing our very own alarm system with a push to make it a push to break switch. The children thought really carefully about their design, what it could be made for and how their circuit would look. We also looked at a book called ‘ When I grow up’ which has been written by some local business owners called Elektec, who we will be having into school in the next few weeks to discuss all things electrical and construction.

Image of Year 2 - Creative Writing
16 Mar

Year 2 - Creative Writing

In year 2, we have been focusing on the wordless book, The Journey written by Aaron Becker. We have been focusing mainly on using our senses to create a description for the forest image. The children explored the school grounds in the woodland areas and used all their senses to influence their creative writing.