Reception Lunchtime Science Experiments
Reception Class took part in rainbow themed science experiments today for science week at lunch time with our science club leading the activities. They were excited to see how different colours came out of the skittles to make a rainbow pattern and how different liquids react when mixed together.
Year 1 Police Safety Talk
Today Year 1 met PCSO Gail, PCSO John and PCSO Darren the bear to talk about what the police do, stranger danger and how to stay safe in our community. They asked some super questions, tried on a police vest and were shown the equipment the police wear to communicate and capture evidence whilst working. We looked at how the police get around and the different vehicles they might use. We also all got a photo and cuddle with Darren the bear.
Year 3 Science: Exploring contact and non-contact forces
This week in Science, Year 3 have been exploring contact and non-contact forces. We started by learning about different types of forces, such as push, pull, air resistance and gravity. We then thought about the effect that different forces can have on an object. Finally, we took part in a range of different activities to investigate contact and non-contact forces, such as kicking a ball, sanding wood and throwing and catching.
Year 3 Music - Electric Drums
Year 3 have been building on their beat skills during music, working in pairs and showing real perseverance in picking up the beat and maintaining it.
Numberfit Fun in Year 4
As part of our mental maths sessions we are taking part in the Numberfit sessions linked to the #Globalchallenge2023. The children complete fun challenges linked to multiplication and fitness in order to take part in the challenge.
Reception- Police Officer Visit
This morning we had a visit from our local PCSO’s Gail and John and ‘Darren’ the police teddy bear. We were ready with lots of questions to ask them and we also answered some amazing questions they had for us. We were taught all about ‘stranger danger’ and how to keep ourselves safe. We also got to hear the police officers on their radios and we got the opportunity to try on some of their uniform, which we found out was very heavy. We all really enjoyed our visit.
Reception - British Sign Language
This morning, Reception children enjoyed a British Sign Language session. We discussed when we might need to use sign language. Some children remembered signs that they used in nursery, at home or in Worship. We learned the BSL signs for hello, how are you, good morning, good afternoon and good evening. The children enjoyed practising signing to each other.
Year 4 English - Play scripts - Storyboards
In our English session this morning we have been preparing a story board for our play scripts that we will write next week. We have focused this on our class novel - The Firework Makers Daughter and Chapter 5 which takes place in Razvani’s grotto.
Year 1- Sound of the day!
Today’s sound of the day ‘z’. We sounded out lots of words with the ‘z’ sound. Super sounding out year 1!
Year 2 - Easter Story
In year 2, we have been looking at the Easter story and the symbols relating to Easter. We created our very own spinning wheel detailing the key moments of the Easter story.
Online Safety: Safe and Healthy Online Habits
It’s almost Red Nose Day! In support of Comic Relief, our #WakeUpWednesday guide has got some top tips on helping children and young people to build their digital resilience – minimising the impact of #OnlineSafety threats.
Year 4 - Numberfit Times Tables Challenge
Year 4 are doing a great job of completing the times tables challenges on the Numberfit programme. It certainly got our hearts pumping, as well as our brains working.