Reception - Maths - 2d shape
In Maths this week we have been learning all about 2d shapes. We worked on identifying and describing a circle, square, rectangle, triangle, pentagon, hexagon and octagon. The children enjoyed playing the mystery bag game, drawing around 2d shapes and making patterns using shapes.
Year 2 - Collective Worship
During our class worship year 2 have been looking at whether music has a positive impact on the world and what impact the Eurovision Song Contest has on the world around us. The children came up with amazing ideas and suggested that it has so many positives such as: makes people happy, helps express emotion, different songs for different feelings and improves people’s moods. The children spoke very highly of Eurovision and talked about how it brings lots of countries together and is a change to show of talents on a big stage.
Year 1 Bug Club Phonics
Year 1 have been using chrome books to log onto Bug Club Phonics and complete different activities linked to the sounds and tricky words they have been learning in class.
Year 1 RE Baptism pictures
Year 1 have been drawing and painting their own version of a baptism or christening as part of our current RE topic. They have included a child being christened, the vicar, godparents, family and friends.
Year 4 History - Viking Chronology
In history today, we have been looking at key words to do with Viking invasion, matching these to their definitions. We then looked at a timeline placing events chronologically. The children worked extremely hard to develop their knowledge about the Viking invasion, what happened at Lindisfarne and how this impacted on following events.
Junior Librarians
Today, Annabel brought her favourite story to share with our librarians. The children really enjoyed listening to the story. You can find the 13 story treehouse in our library- why don’t you read it as I’m sure you’ll enjoy it as much as our librarians!
Online Safety: Telegram
Special delivery: it’s Telegram. This popular messaging app boasts formidable encryption and speedy delivery – so why is it often regarded as an #OnlineSafety risk? Our #WakeUpWednesday guide helps you read between the lines on Telegram. Download >>
Reception- Junior Jam
Today, reception have participated in some junior jam sessions. The children revisited how to say ‘hello’ and how to say numbers ‘1-3' in French. We were really impressed that they remembered these from their last session. The children then learnt their numbers up to 6, learned some French songs and then had a go at some French colourings as well. In the next session, the children took part in some computing, where they used the MP Weather app on the iPads to see what happens in different weather conditions. They got to dress their characters in the clothes that suited the weather.
Year 2 - Music
During year 2’s music lesson they have been focusing on chords in music. Children have opportunities to play many different chord patterns and express themselves creatively in their music session using instruments.
Rhyme time Notice
Thank you to everybody who has attended our weekly rhyme times and story times. Today is the last one for this half term and they will recommence after the holidays on Wednesday 21st June.
Reception - Migration
This week in our Amazing Animals topic we learned all about migration. We looked at why birds migrate to warmer climates and made our own bird feeders. We have put a bird feeder outside of our window too so that we can watch the birds!
Year 4 - Science of Sound
In Year 4 this week, we have been investigating how sounds can change when they travel through different mediums: air, water and solid objects.