Image of Reading- Year 5- Scholastic Schools Live
14 Oct

Reading- Year 5- Scholastic Schools Live

Today we chose to go live for our reading session and listen to Hughie and Freddie. In this special session, the boys read their book 'Friends Are Amazing', a picture book celebrating the importance of friendship. They also spoke about raising £250,000 for the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, and their top tips for being an amazing friend.

Image of Year 3- Story Writing
14 Oct

Year 3- Story Writing

Today, Year 3 have had a go at writing their own versions of some fairytale stories. We watched some clips of these stories to remind us , and then the children had a go at re-writing these stories with their own ideas. The children then read out their stories to the class.

Image of Year 3 Maths- Partitioning
14 Oct

Year 3 Maths- Partitioning

In Year 3 Maths today, the children have practised partitioning numbers into thousands, hundreds, tens and zeros. Some children came up to the front and had a go at writing the numbers in front of the class. The children then had a go at challenging themselves by completing a partitioning worksheet.

Image of Celebration Worship - Value Awards
14 Oct

Celebration Worship - Value Awards

In Celebration Worship this morning we saw lots of children who had demonstrated our Christian values and British values and have worked hard to achieve great things. We can’t believe how quickly six weeks has gone by and all of our children are growing in confidence and maturity by the day! It’s lovely to see how they all support and respect each other both in and out of the classroom. Well done to all of our Value winners this week.

Image of Celebration Worship  - Sports Awards and House Team Half Term Winners
14 Oct

Celebration Worship - Sports Awards and House Team Half Term Winners

As part of our Celebration worship, we saw so many children sharing their fantastic achievements out of school too. Our football team had some fantastic wins at the DPSSA football games last night, showing great sportsmanship and serving our school so respectfully. We also shared the end of this half term “House Team Value Winners” Drum roll………… WINNERS - Whitehall Park - 18 2nd - India Mill - 15 3rd - River Darwen - 11 4th - Darwen Tower - 7 Congratulations to every single child in school for working so hard to demonstrate our Christian values both in and out of the classroom

Image of KS1 - Multi skills festival
14 Oct

KS1 - Multi skills festival

On Friday morning we took a team to the KS1 multi skills festival at QEGS Sports Hall. Everyone represented school brilliantly and most importantly had so much fun! We are so proud of everyone for trying their best even if they found something difficult. A massive thank you to Riley and Eva, our Sports leaders who came along to support 11 sports stars!

Image of DPSSA Football
13 Oct

DPSSA Football

The lads were outstanding this evening and produced two fantastic results. A 1-1 draw, which could have very easily been a win, followed by an amazing 7-1 victory!

Image of Year 6 Science
13 Oct

Year 6 Science

Year 6 have been investigating if adding more components to a circuit, affects the output of that circuit.

Image of Year 1- Hello yellow hunt
13 Oct

Year 1- Hello yellow hunt

What a fun session we had today, we went on a hunt to look for 10 yellow objects that had been hidden around our school. The excitement and competitiveness was on another level! Well done to red team for finding all the objects and being the first ones back.

Image of Reception- 1k a day
13 Oct

Reception- 1k a day

Wow what a bunch of superstars! Reception’s first time doing the 1k and they were amazing! Hopping, jumping, running like a tigers, stomping like elephants and many more laps of fun!

Image of Reception- fundamental skills
13 Oct

Reception- fundamental skills

P.E was amazing today. I am so proud of each and every one of them! Taking risks by climbing to the top of the climbing frame and practising fundamental skills such as jumping and hopping.

Image of Food Technology- Year 5- Move and Learn
13 Oct

Food Technology- Year 5- Move and Learn

This week, the children have used their knowledge from the Eatwell Guide to prepare and cook a balanced meal at home with their parents or carer.