Year 5- Science Eggsperiment- Dissecting An Egg
Year 5 have enjoyed learning about the inside of an egg. They have all had a chance to explore the different features of an egg using a magnifying glass. They have learnt about the inner and outer membranes; these are between the eggshell and egg white, that help to keep the bacteria out of the egg. They also learnt how birds and reptiles have similar life cycles to one another. Like birds, reptiles begin their life cycle as an egg.
Year 1- When should I use a capital letter?
Year 1 have been learning when to use capital letters. As well as using them at the start of a sentence, Year 1 have been learning that capital letters are needed for the names of people, places, days of the week and the personal pronoun, ‘I’. First, they corrected some sentences to make sure that they included capital letters correctly and then they went on to create some of their own sentences using capital letters. Well done Year 1.
Year 1-Adjectives and nouns
Year 1 have been exploring adjectives and nouns. They watched the Literacy Shed clip ‘Marshmallow’ and listed some of the features of the monster such as eyes, tentacles, teeth, horns and ears. We talked about how these are nouns. They then described the features using adjectives. They then went on to create their own monster and described the monster’s features using adjectives. We had stripy bodies, sharp and pointy teeth, shark like teeth, pencil like teeth, razor sharp teeth, comfy fur, soft, multicoloured fur, bulging, yellow eyes, bright red eyes, a bumpy tail and bendy tentacles. They tried to use two adjectives and separated them with a comma. Well done Year 1.
Reception: How do Muslim’s pray?
Reception loved their visit from Miss Kachwalla. She explained all about how Muslim’s pray and showed some of her prayer mats. Miss Kachwalla also showed the children what she has to wear and tried a Burkha on for the children to see. The children then decorated their own prayer mats.
KS2 Dinner time fun
This week we fancied mixing it up a bit on the yard, so we set our sports leaders a challenge to set up some different activities. The children have enjoyed playing dodgeball, having a mini sports day and playing with the equipment on the yard.
Reception: Den building
The children enjoyed creating a den on our school grounds today. They all worked together and had a brilliant time. They then roleplayed camping and enjoyed making a camp fire.
Rev Ben Worship: Ascension
Rev Ben began his worship with a game of charades. We watched the bible story of the Ascension. When Jesus went up to heaven, it made his followers sad. However, Christians believe it is a good thing as Jesus is not limited to one time and place. Everyone, everywhere can speak to him. Jesus is always able to help us. Rev Ben asked us to think about how Jesus serves us from heaven and how we might want Jesus to serve us today. Rev Ben blew bubbles for his prayer time. As he blew the bubbles, we remember how Jesus will always listen to us as he can always hear us because he is in heaven. We ended our worship by singing Waymaker.
East Lancashire Hospice Cheque Presentation
Today we welcomed Jackie from East Lancashire Hospice to present a cheque for our hop, skip and jump fundraiser. We raised £373.50. Thank you to you all for your kind donations.
Year 5- R.E- Bible Detectives
In our R.E. lesson this afternoon, we embarked on an exciting journey as Year 5 Bible Detectives, exploring what happened after Pentecost. The children worked in pairs, diligently skimming and scanning Acts 2-5. They showcased exceptional skills in locating key information and piecing together the narrative.
'Good' Ofsted Report
Good afternoon parents and carers, I hope that you've all had a lovely weekend enjoying the sunshine. This afternoon we received our official Ofsted report from our inspection back in March and I'm so pleased to say that St Barnabas remains a GOOD school. We are really happy with the outcome of the inspection and feel that the report reflects our school family well and celebrates the areas that we have been working on for many years. To read the report, please click here: I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support during our inspection through either speaking to the inspector or filling in the parent survey. It appears that some of you were so keen to share your views that you filled it in more than once. It is brilliant to hear such great things being said about our school and we thank you for promoting our school through word of mouth to your friends. Our Reception class for this coming September is full again of first choice places, with many parents commenting that they have seen and heard great things about our school and we have waiting lists for several of our classes. I really am proud to lead such a wonderful 'GOOD' school with fantastic, hardworking staff, amazing children and super supportive parents and governors. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued support as we couldn't do what we do, without your support, Mrs Ham
Reception: Muddy Monday
The children in Reception visited Whitehall park for their Muddy Monday session. They climbed trees, built bug houses, found creatures and discussed their habitats and created their own games. The children enjoyed looking under logs to discover minibeasts. They have all been super explorers.
Year 5- P.E- Bowling skills
During P.E. the Year 5's demonstrated their skills in both overarm and underarm bowling techniques. The children showcased their abilities to deliver the ball with precision and accuracy using both these bowling styles.