Year 6 Geography
In Geography, year 6 have started to focus on their local area of Darwen and how it fits into the wider world. They discovered that there were more local and regional links and less national and international links. We then thought about how our diagrams would compare to a big city and concluded that they would have many other national and international links. For example, they may have an airport that provides international travel.
Year 6 P.E.
Year 6 have been developing their striking, bowling and fielding techniques during a cricket-type game. During the game, they were given time to reflect in order to apply simple tactics that may have benefited their team’s performance.
Monday Maths in Year 2- Comparing Mass
Year 2 have been comparing the mass of classroom objects today. They first made a prediction as to which of the two items would be the heaviest before testing this out using the balancing scales. They then had the opportunity to test out items of their choice. Well done Year 2.
Year 5- Food Skills
In Food Technology, the children practised food preparation skills (bridge hold, claw grip and grating) this afternoon.
Huge congratulations to our netball team on winning their group in the DPSSA Netball league at DVHS. Awesome play tonight to achieve two fantastic wins 8-2 and 5-2 against strong competition. They now go on to the grand final after half term. Fingers crossed!
Year 3 PSHE Dental Health
Year 3 have been discussing how they can maintain good oral health. This included food choices and also how and how often they brush their teeth. Each child was given a toothbrush and toothpaste, we encouraged the class to make sure they ‘tickle each tooth’ when brushing their teeth, twice a day to maintain healthy teeth and gums.
Year 1 Human and Physical Features in our Local Area
Year 1 have been exploring our local area and finding different human and physical features in their house colour teams. Their team leaders have recorded this information as we have walked around our local area. We also got the opportunity to talk about the seasonal changes happening from Spring to Summer and identified different wild flowers that we have been learning about within our plants science topic.
Year 1 Colour Mixing
Year 1 have been using two primary colours and making different shades of a secondary colour through experimentation. They have really enjoy making different shades of orange and purple using different amounts of the primary colours.
Year 1- lunch time MUGA session.
We fit lots of fun activities into our MUGA session today.
Smart School Council in Year 4
In our Smart School Council session we discussed what would help us with our transition into our next school year. We had four options: move up day, two move up mornings, a fifteen minute Q & A or information poster. The children discussed these options carefully and sensitively but the outcome which most groups voted for was for a full day of transition, rather than just the usual afternoon.
Year 4 English - Information Texts
In our English lesson today we have been developing our ideas for question research. We looked at ‘Viking Weapons’ and ‘Viking Jobs’. The children added lots of detail to their research banks and then selected relevant key pictures and captions.,
Reception - All about farms
This week we have been learning all about farm animals and farmers. We looked at which animals we could find on a farm and the role of the farmer. We know that some farms grow crops and some look after animals. We’ve enjoyed playing in the farm small world area this week, making tractors using 2d shapes and making our own farms using the tap it boards.