Image of Year 4 - Hand Hygiene Workshop
19 Oct

Year 4 - Hand Hygiene Workshop

A huge thank you to LCC for delivering a hand hygiene session to Year 4 today. The children were shocked to discover that their hand washing may not always be sufficient in removing germs, especially those who put their hands under the black light. We will definitely be spending more time washing our hands going forward.

Image of Year 4 - RE: Is it ever right to challenge authority?
19 Oct

Year 4 - RE: Is it ever right to challenge authority?

Year 4 debated whether it was right to challenge authority. They then carried out research about people who have famously challenged authority to make a change in the world. We have learned a lot from the efforts of Rosa Parks, William Wilberforce, Greta Thunberg and Oscar Romero.

Image of Brilliant Boccia
18 Oct

Brilliant Boccia

It was an absolute pleasure to take four superstars to the Boccia Festival this morning at QEGS. They won three out of their five games and represented our school so brilliantly, especially as they also assisted the referee when it wasn’t their turn to play and kept score. They are super keen to lead a Boccia club next term and Boccia sessions on the MUGA with Miss Baxendale at lunchtimes.

Image of Reception Boat Race
18 Oct

Reception Boat Race

Reception have been playing in the water area outside and we decided to have a boat race. We discussed how much water we would need to make the boats move and what we could use to fill up the water, such as the bottles, pans and jugs. The children then identified which boats travelled the fastest and the slowest.

Image of Whitehall Park- Values Winner's Disco and Non-uniform Day
18 Oct

Whitehall Park- Values Winner's Disco and Non-uniform Day

A huge congratulations to WHITEHALL PARK (Green) house team for the most value points this half term for demonstrating our Christian and British Values. The children have voted for their prize and they would like a non-uniform day this Thursday 20th October with a disco at break time. All other house teams still come to school in their uniform on Thursday please and PE kits if it's a PE day.

Image of Choir club
17 Oct

Choir club

It’s lovely to hear how much our choir club are improving with their singing each week. We can’t wait to hear them singing in church on Thursday for our Harvest Festival.

Image of Football training in the sun
17 Oct

Football training in the sun

It’s wonderful to see so many boys and girls from Years 5 and 6 taking part in weekly football training sessions with Mr Bloomfield and Mr Prescott. What a lovely sunny evening with the best views in Darwen from the pitch!

Image of Year 1- Autumn walk
17 Oct

Year 1- Autumn walk

This afternoon year 1 have been on a walk around Jack Keys looking for signs of Autumn

Image of Reception Car Wash
17 Oct

Reception Car Wash

Today the children wanted to wash our outdoor cars and bikes. The children used the brushes and cloths to clean with. They worked together as a team by encouraging each other and helping to fetch the water, showing our Christian values of friendship and generosity. 

Image of Monday Worship: Blackburn Diocese Harvest Appeal 2022
17 Oct

Monday Worship: Blackburn Diocese Harvest Appeal 2022

During the start of our worship, we discussed what literacy and numeracy meant. We then discussed if any jobs do not require us to read and write. It was really interesting which jobs the children thought didn’t require you to read and write but Mrs Ham proved the children wrong! All jobs require you to read and write. Reading is like a key. If you can’t read, you can’t unlock all of those possibilities. You wouldn’t be able to be a teacher, cook, builder etc. We discussed the British Value of individual liberty. We all have rights. We have the right to education and it is free. This year, the Bishop of Blackburn’s Harvest appeal is supporting the Mother’s Union. The Mother’s union is a Christian charity but it shows the British value of tolerance of all faiths and helps everybody. Mrs Ham showed the children 4 tools and the children explained what each tool does. Mrs Ham explained that in some countries, they do not have the tools to do things that we take for granted: our reading and writing. The Mother’s Union helps people in Burundi which is one of the poorest places in the entire world. In Burundi, families live on £1.50 per day. Our Wow group have set us a challenge to raise £1.50 each to help to support families in Burundi. Wow group explained that we can do chores to help raise the money. Monies can then be paid on parent pay. We can also collect tins and cans for Dare. Mrs Ham has also asked if we can write prayers for families in Burundi. This week, we need to think about how we can help other people and help to make a difference. Our choir group led our song at the end ‘The Harvest of Love’.

Image of Reception: 50 years of St Barnabas
17 Oct

Reception: 50 years of St Barnabas

This year, St Barnabas primary school is 50 years old. We walked to the old school which is now Barnabas House nursery. Lots of the children recognised this building as they used to go to the nursery. We discussed how small it is compared to our big school.

Image of Year 5 - Move and Learn
14 Oct

Year 5 - Move and Learn

We did it!!! The children in Year 5 have completed a 5-week Move and Learn Project through Blackburn Rovers. Consisting of a series of classroom and physical education sessions, plus home-based family challenges, they have learnt about the importance of physical activity and how to eat a balanced diet and lead an active lifestyle. Well done!