Year 5- P.E- Bowling skills
During P.E. the Year 5's demonstrated their skills in both overarm and underarm bowling techniques. The children showcased their abilities to deliver the ball with precision and accuracy using both these bowling styles.
Westholme High 5’s Netball Competition Winners
What an amazing opportunity we have had this afternoon/evening, taking part in Westholme High 5s Netball Competition. After nine back to back games with a total of eight fantastic wins, we WON! A fantastic achievement for the children and their time to shine. It’s days like today that make you so proud to be a part of the St Barnabas family.
Mrs Ham’s Weekly Message
Good evening parents and carers, it’s been a short but very tiring week, especially for our Year 5 and 6 children. We are so proud of our Year 6 children for the confidence and resilience they have shown this week when tackling their SATS. They have been amazing and having their breakfast together each morning really helped them to relax. We will find out the results on the 12th July but whatever the outcome, we know that they have all tried their best and have done themselves proud. Year 5 had a fantastic time at their residential. Thank you so much to Miss Kachwalla, Miss Lyons and Miss Woods for giving up their time to support the children on their super trip. It’s been lovely to hear about their favourite parts and they have made memories that will last a life time. For all the photos please click here: Our Year 2 children will be taking their KS1 SATS over the next couple of weeks, but it is much more informal than KS2 SATS. The ‘quizzes’ will be taken in small groups with Mr Bloomfield in our rainbow room. We wish them lots of luck and know that they will shine. For all the other news from this week, including a mock baptism in Year 1, our super netball team and hunting for natural materials in Year 3, please click here: I hope that you all are able to enjoy the sunshine this weekend. Thank you for your continued support, Mrs Ham
Year 5 - Class Worship Eurovision
This afternoon we talked about how the UK is holding the Eurovision for the first time since 1998. We talked about how music can affect us emotionally whether it makes us happy and energetic or can make us cry. The children certainly felt a range of emotions when listening to a variety of songs.
Year 5 - Music Clarinets
The class are sounding great on their clarinets now. We started our lesson with a little game to help us learn about keeping in time with each other and then Mr Gardner taught the children how to play a new sea shanty.
DPSSA Netball League
We’ve had another great night down at DVHS taking part in the Darwen Primary Schools Netball League. A first tough game but came away with a 3-2 then in the second game we won with an impressive 7-0! A huge well done to all of the children who worked hard to develop their game and strive for success.
Year 1- Mock Baptism
This afternoon, Rev Ben welcomed us into St Barnabas Church to experience a baptism first hand. Rev Ben baptised baby Ben Barnabas and made the parents, godparents and other guests make promises to look after Ben and teach her to be kind and respectful. We also made a promise to be good role models to her. Rev Ben showed us the font and blessed Ben with the water to symbolise that he had been baptised. Rev Ben told us that it isn’t only babies that get baptised but you can in fact be baptised at any age. Rev Ben also showed us the baptism candle which represents the light of God and the bible you get given when you’ve been baptised. We said thank you to Rev Ben for showing us what happens at a baptism and making us feel so welcome. We then went back to school and had a little party to celebrate Bens baptism. We enjoyed a drink of juice, a cake and played some fun party games.
Year 3 Prehistoric Art: Mark Making
Year 3 have had a fantastic afternoon, using the natural materials collected on our walk earlier this week to experiment with mark making. This term, we have been focusing on prehistoric art and the class will be creating a cave wall painting! We thought about how during Prehistoric times, humans did not have paint and brushes like we do now, so instead would have used natural materials to create their artwork, like we have done today!
Year 2 - Windmills
For our Design & Technology unit year 2 have been exploring the functions and structure of lots of different types of windmills. We looked at all the functions individually and carefully looked at each one in order to build that knowledge to design and create our own windmill.
Year 1 Art Colour Mixing
Year 1 have been learning about the primary colours and how to mix them to make secondary colours. We then mixed the three secondary colours to make the colour brown and painting trees using all of the colours.
Year 1 Writing a Short Narrative
This week we have finished writing our short narrative for the ‘Dogs Don’t Do Ballet’ story and the children have used images to help them structure their sentences. They have been saying it out loud first and tried hard to use the correct punctuation at the beginning and end of their sentences.
Year 4 English - Exploring Fact Files
In our English session this morning we have started our new Non-Fiction unit on Fact Files. We explored various examples all about the Vikings as this is what we are studying in our History lessons. We discussed what they are for, their purpose and what a good one looks like.