As part of history unit on the Great Fire of London, Year 1 acted out what happened during the 2nd September through to 6th September 1666. We had the baker Thomas Farriner going to bed and leaving a spark in the oven which then caused a fire to break out, children acting as the fire jumping from house to house, children using leather buckets, water squirters and fire hooks attempting to put the fire out and others escaping London in boats on the River Thames just as residents did at the time of the GFoL, children acting as the fire getting ever nearer to the Tower of London where people had stored their possessions for safekeeping, children acting as St Paul’s Cathedral and being defeated by the flames, children acting as King Charles II ordering gunpowder to be used, children acting as the buildings which were blown up with gunpowder to create a fire break to stop the fire and finally children acting as the last flames which died out.