Image of Mental Health Support Team Newsletter October 2022
7 Oct

Mental Health Support Team Newsletter October 2022

Here is the latest newsletter from the mental health support team that work with our school and other local primary and secondary schools to support children's mental health. On Wednesday 19th October at 6.00-7.00pm there will be a parent support group session via TEAMS focusing on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). If you would like to attend the virtual meeting please email [email protected] for a link.

Image of Reception PE skills
7 Oct

Reception PE skills

Reception have been practising the fundamental skills of jumping and hopping in PE today. They worked at the different stations to practise their skills and were brilliant at taking turns and watching their team mates. Well done!

Image of FOSB Remembrance Day Art Competition
7 Oct

FOSB Remembrance Day Art Competition

FOSB Remembrance Day Art Competition £1 entry on ParentPay 3 Hamper prizes to be won! Deadline: Friday 4th November Art work will be on Display in the School Hall on Friday 11th November during Celebration Worship and some pieces at Whitehall Park

Image of Celebration Worship
7 Oct

Celebration Worship

Wow what a jam-packed celebration worship we had this morning - our children have certainly be living life in all its fullness this week! We started by sharing smiles with each other in aid of World Smile Day - Mother Theresa taught us that ‘peace starts with a smile’, so let’s smile at one another and continue spread joy and kindness around our school. There have been so many achievements across school this week! We say a big well done to this weeks value point winners Albie, Bluebelle, Alice, Lola, Bobby, Lucy And Eliza who continue to demonstrate our Christian values throughout school. River Darwen are our Value point champions this week. Keep it up! And what fantastic Sports stars we have in our school - well done to Charlie, Miles, Annabel, Penelope, Leonora, Isabella & Charlie, Eliza, James and Lyla. Congratulations to our DPSSA football team for their 10-2 victory against St James, what a result! Well done Rosie for your super reading too. Year 2 and Year 5 are our attendance winners this week - let’s keep up that fantastic attendance to school. We also shared our Remembrance Day art competition with the school and look forward to seeing some fantastic entries for the chance to win a prize hamper. It was lovely to have Lillian back in school with us to finish with a blessing and a prayer. Thank you. What another tremendous week!

Image of Year 2 - PSHE
6 Oct

Year 2 - PSHE

Year 2 - PSHE. We discussed loneliness, what to do if you see someone who is lonely and how you would feel if you are lonely. The children worked really well expressing their views and opinions on the matter and worked well to come up with ideas of what they would do if they saw someone who is lonely.

Image of The Big Debate in Year 4
6 Oct

The Big Debate in Year 4

As part of our British Values, we take part in The Big Debate. Today we looked at whether or not police should be given more funding. Would better police funding also reduce crime? Last year crime was up by 2% and we have lost 22% of police since 2010. The majority debated that we SHOULD provide an increase in funding and education around crime.

Image of English-Non-fiction text- Year 5
6 Oct

English-Non-fiction text- Year 5

Over the next few weeks, the children will create an information text about Ancient Maya which links with their History topic. In today's lesson, the children explored a variety of non-fiction text, (newspapers, articles and magazines) and identified the common features.

Image of DPSSA Football
6 Oct

DPSSA Football

The boys represented school superbly tonight with fantastic attitudes and effort. To top it off they produced two well-deserved wins, 2-1 against Holy Trinity and 10-2 against St James, Lower Darwen.

Image of Year 6 Hockey
6 Oct

Year 6 Hockey

Year 6 have started to apply the passing, dribbling and shooting skills they have worked on over the last few weeks to a game situation.

Image of Year 6 Class Worship
6 Oct

Year 6 Class Worship

In class worship this week, year 6 have been discussing whether they think competition is a good thing and whether it helps us to achieve more. We spoke about how this links to one of our British values (Rule of Law) because of rules that take place in competitions to make it a level playing field.

Image of Year 6 R.E.
6 Oct

Year 6 R.E.

This week in R.E. Year 6 met a Christian named Keziah. They compared how her life may be different to a non-believer and looked at how Jesus’ teachings have an impact on her daily life.

Image of Reception Feely Bag
5 Oct

Reception Feely Bag

Reception have been having a go at guessing and describing the items in the Feely Bag. We talked about how if one of our senses is lost, then our other senses will be stronger. The children put the blindfolds on and picked an item from the bag and described it to each other to guess what it was.