Image of Reception: Using our Senses
5 Oct

Reception: Using our Senses

This week we have learnt all about our senses. We had a discussion about what happens to our senses when we lose one of them. The children put on their blindfolds and described the touch, smell and taste of the different fruits. They tasted orange, lemon, apple and pear. Fletcher said that the lemon stung his tongue, Annabel said that it makes her shoulders wiggle! Renee said that the pear smells like a plant. Marley described the orange as juicy and Alice described the apple as smooth.

Image of Year 4 - Classifying Animals
5 Oct

Year 4 - Classifying Animals

In Year 4, our super scientists have been sorting animals into groups and sub-groups using different criteria.

Image of Year 4 Attending the Literature Festival
5 Oct

Year 4 Attending the Literature Festival

On Tuesday, Year 4 walked to Darwen Library Theatre to take part in the Literature Festival. We listened to a local poet called Rappaman, who shared a collection of poems with us and had us all participating.

Image of Year 4 - Harmonies
5 Oct

Year 4 - Harmonies

Year 4 have been learning about harmonies and singing a Capella in their Junior Jam music sessions this week.

Image of Year 3 Class Worship: Pebble Prayers
4 Oct

Year 3 Class Worship: Pebble Prayers

This week, the WOW Group provided the class with a new idea for how to pray. In class worship, we focused on Pebble Prayers. Some of the children took turns to come to our class prayer area and complete a Pebble Prayer. The children held a pebble in their hand, whilst saying their prayer and putting the pebble into the water. Thank you to the WOW group for this lovely idea for how to pray!

Image of Year 3 Darwen Library Visit
4 Oct

Year 3 Darwen Library Visit

Year 3 have had a fantastic morning at Darwen Library! The class took part in a workshop with children’s author Dan Worsley. Dan spoke to the children about how he became an author and what inspires him to write! We then had the pleasure of listening to some of Dan’s short stories. The children also had the opportunity to ask Dan questions about his job and how to write a book! The class loved listening to Dan and were inspired by his enthusiasm and enjoyment for creative writing and story telling!

Image of Year 3 Super Spelling!
4 Oct

Year 3 Super Spelling!

This week in spelling, Year 3 are focusing on words ending in -el. In class, we introduced our new spelling rule and completed the spelling zone and dots and dashes activity. Throughout the week, we will complete a variety of different spelling activities focusing on the spelling rule, ready for our quiz on Friday!

Image of Year 1- English
4 Oct

Year 1- English

In English year 1 have been looking at the features of an information text.

Image of Year 2- Lunch time MUGA session.
4 Oct

Year 2- Lunch time MUGA session.

Lunch time MUGA session for year 2- Learning how to control the ball in football and using the correct part of their foot to pass the ball to their partner.

Image of Year 1-Science
4 Oct

Year 1-Science

In science year 1 have been looking at the differences and similarities of different animal groups such as mammals and reptiles.

Image of Science- Thermal Conductivity- Year 5
4 Oct

Science- Thermal Conductivity- Year 5

This afternoon, Year 5 have been exploring the thermal conductivity of materials. We started the lesson by looking at ways to save energy in our homes. The children suggested, switching off lights, keeping windows and doors close in winter, wear warm clothes around the house, having a quick shower instead of a soak and unplug electronics. We then discussed loft insulation, double glazing, solar panels and energy lightbulbs which which last up to 12 times as long as traditional bulbs, using less electricity.

Image of Year 2 - Mastering Numbers
3 Oct

Year 2 - Mastering Numbers

Year 2 - Mastering numbers, quick challenges in maths for quick recall. All the children did amazingly well.