Today, year 1 had to solve some clues involving rhyme to work out the location of the item they were looking for or the name of the item itself that they were looking for. After solving the rhymes, they found a wooded area which they thought meant that the setting of the story was a woodland or forest, some oranges with a black centre which they decided must have been eyes\eyeballs, a mouth with teeth which they decided must belong to some form of mammal and a paw with claws which they decided must belong to a mammal with paws and claws. Using this evidence, they predicted which story they thought that we might be focusing on as part of our English unit. Some children thought it was Goldilocks and the Three Bears because of the forest setting and the sharp claws, some children thought it might be the hungry caterpillar because of the woodland setting, some children predicted that it would be Little Red Riding Hood because of the forest setting and because they thought that the paws with claws belonged to a fox, one children predicted that it was My Dad is a Grizzly Bear because of the forest setting and because of the paws with claws and some other children predicted the Gruffalo because of the forest setting, the sharp claws and teeth and the orange eyes.