DPSSA Cricket
Today, our cricket team competed in the DPSSA Cricket competition. They represented the school superbly well and throughout the day they played 6 games, in which they won 4 and lost 2. This ensured a third place finish and the only two teams to beat St Barnabas went on to claim 1st and 2nd place. What a superb effort!
Science Club Aqua Sand Experiments
Today our Year 5/6 Science Club children carried out some different experiments using different coloured aqua sand. They were amazed at how this sand is actually waterproof and loved adding different ingredients to the sand to see what happened.
Whitehall Park Supporters Group Need You!
Whitehall Park Supports Group would like to let you know about this family-friendly event for all. Families can drop by to join them for a little while or longer to help them with this important task, which is great fun for all ages. They recommend long trousers and long sleeves just in case there is a nettle hiding among the balsam. The balsam itself is no bother. They provide gloves and refreshments (regular tea, mint tea, biscuits and water). What a great way to support our community!
Whole School Multiplex Movie Night-
We would like to take this opportunity to thank parents, carers and staff for your incredible support and enthusiasm during our recent movie night. We are thrilled to inform you that our dedicated Rotakids, along with our smart school councillors, have fulfilled their promise and successfully completed their final project. Through their combined efforts and hard work, organising a successful multiplex movie night, together we have managed to raise an impressive sum of £580.60 after the cost of food! This significant amount will contribute towards the school minibus, which will greatly benefit our students by facilitating transportation to sports events, competitions, and other important activities. This achievement is a testament to the incredible community we have at our school. Your dedication and willingness to contribute have made a significant impact on our fundraising efforts. Together, we have not only created a memorable and enjoyable event but also managed to raise much-needed funds.
Year 6 Mini Tennis Competition Winners!
A huge well done to our Year 6 children who came first in a mini tennis competition! They competed against 9 schools and played really well throughout. Well done Team Barnies!
Year 5 French - Clothing and Colours
For the past couple of weeks the children have been learning how to pronounce different items of clothing and colour in French. They played a game where another child had to guess which item of clothing they were. They have all been working really hard and their French has come on leaps and bounds.
Well-being Club
For our well-being club this week we started off by making some lovely apple doughnuts. We all enjoyed mixing the ingredients and chopping up the apples and they definitely enjoyed eating them all up after! We then went on a little walk around the school grounds listening to what different sounds we could hear and if we could find a rainbow of colours in the nature around us.
Thank a teacher day
On this national ‘thank a teacher’ day, I would like to say a huge THANK YOU to our wonderful teachers, support staff, site staff and office staff. You are all amazing!
Year 5 - PSHE- Stay Safe Around Water- National Drowning Prevention Week
This week it is Drowning Prevention Week and in our PSHE lesson today we focussed on essential knowledge to keep safe around water. The children learned the importance of seeking help, following pool rules, wearing life jackets, and constant supervision.
Reception - Maths - Exploring numbers to 30
This week we have been looking at numbers to 30. We started by discussing everything we know about 30 and the children had some fantastic ideas about how we can make 30. We then played a game using 30 counters. The children had to roll the dice and take the counters away, the person to take the last counter won! The children practised their subitising skills to look at how many counters were left, and their reasoning skills to decide what they would like to roll next!
Online Safety: AI Chatbots
“How are you today?” AI chatbots are among the most talked-about digital developments of recent times, but how safe are they for young people? This week’s #WakeUpWednesday assesses these ‘virtual friends’ from an #OnlineSafety perspective. Download >> https://bit.ly/42PExNL
Reception- Superstar writers!
Reception have been learning about African Animals and amazing facts about them. This afternoon we drew our favourite African animal and wrote amazing facts about them!