Image of Year 1- Safer Internet day
7 Feb

Year 1- Safer Internet day

Today for Safer Internet Day we discussed games and personal information online. We looked at lots of scenarios and we decided whether that was safe to share online or not. Year 1 made some very sensible comments about what we should do. We finished the day with a story about Smartie the penguin and his tablet. We learnt that you should always tell a trusted adult if you have any problems online.

Image of Year 2- Safer Internet Day
7 Feb

Year 2- Safer Internet Day

Year 2 have been celebrating all the amazing ways we use the internet but have been focusing mainly on our digital footprint to ensure that we remain safe online. We discussed: - Do not believe everything you see online - Do not post anything that isn’t kind - If I see something that makes me feel uncomfortable tell a trusted adult, report it and block it - Play with people we know - Most importantly keep having fun! - Understand age limits and respect those limits - Keep microphones and cameras off when online gaming with people who you do not know.

Image of Reception- Safer Internet Day
7 Feb

Reception- Safer Internet Day

In class we read a story for internet safety day, it was all about Smartie the penguin and how he could keep safe when using his tablet. The children listened so well and came up with some super ideas of how Smartie could keep safe and what he could do in certain situations. We had a discussion all about stranger danger and said that the best thing to do if something pops up on our tablets that we aren’t sure about is to tell parents, carers, grandparents or another trusted adult they know who could help.

Image of Kooth - Online mental health and wellbeing support for 10-18 year olds
7 Feb

Kooth - Online mental health and wellbeing support for 10-18 year olds

Good afternoon Year 6 parents and carers, I have spoken to your child today about an online mental health and wellbeing support for young people called Kooth. We have watched a video about the services they offer and there is further information included in the attached letter. Heather from Kooth will be leading a session with our Year 6 children in the summer term and will focus on transition to high school and the Kooth support service. I have given the children a leaflet so they are able to access the service if they wish. For further information on how to help your child with their mental health and wellbeing, please see the following page on our website under the tab of advice and support.

Image of Year 2 - Interview role play
7 Feb

Year 2 - Interview role play

During our English lessons we are looking to write an interview with Traction Man. We used role play methods to inform our writing and discussed many ideas, got into character and generated vocabulary and expressive techniques.

Image of Year 5 - Safer Internet Day
7 Feb

Year 5 - Safer Internet Day

Today for Safer Internet Day we discussed whether we need to share everything online. We looked at a scenario about a boy sharing a video of his friends online which ended up causing a fall out. The class shared their opinions on what the boy could have done to prevent this. The children made some very sensible comments and were able to think of some useful solutions for the situation.

Image of Safer Internet Day
7 Feb

Safer Internet Day

During our worship today we celebrated safer internet day. Safer internet day is celebrated all over the world and it helps children to understand ways of being safe online as the internet is growing as well as social media. Children discussed all the amazing things that they use the internet for and understand that it is an amazing platform to use with lots of positives. Although the internet is a great tool, we have to be careful that we: remain safe, understand age limits, only play games with those who you know, avoid online bullying and be able to recognise ‘fake news’. Children discussed many ways in which we can avoid these negatives and to enjoy using the internet for all its all amazing uses it can have such as: - Do not believe everything you see online - Do not post anything that isn’t kind - If I see something that makes me feel uncomfortable tell a trusted adult, report it and block it - Play with people we know - Most importantly keep having fun! - Understand age limits and respect those limits - Keep microphones and cameras off when online gaming with people who you do not know. One of the aims of the session was to keep talking and to be very open with a trusted adult about your online activity. Whether you have seen something that makes you uncomfortable or whether you have done something you believe is wrong. A trusted adult will always be able to help you and help you to remain safe online. Most importantly we recognised that the internet is an amazing tool that can be used to help us gain knowledge, communicate with people and have fun. As the internet grows and gets more advanced we understand that it is not going away. But remaining safe is the key.

Image of Reception: The Lost Sheep
7 Feb

Reception: The Lost Sheep

As part of Reception’s learning on stories Jesus told, we read ‘The lost sheep’. The children thought about how the shepherd would have felt at the beginning and end of the story. We then made these faces and helped Mrs Wilkinson to read the story from our rhyming bible. The children said that he would have been scared and upset but then happy at the end when he found his lost sheep. Archie said “God is like the shepherd” and Evie said “we are like the sheep”. We discussed when we have been lost and who found us too.

Image of Online Safety Day: Information for Parents
7 Feb

Online Safety Day: Information for Parents

Today is Safer Internet day and the whole school will be taking part in activities all about online safety. This is also covered in our PSHE and Computing curriculum throughout the year. Today, you can join Myleene Klass on a FREE Online Safety course for parents & carers. Whatever your child's interests, whatever their age, this course can help you protect your children online. Book your place today >> Every week, we post online safety news on our website which you can find here:

Image of Year 5 - Money Matters
7 Feb

Year 5 - Money Matters

We had some great fun with Mr Souter today when he came to talk to us about managing money. We discussed different types of budgets, deficit, surplus and balanced. We talked about which is the best type of budget to have and decided that a surplus budget allows us to have more of our wants and can help in times of emergency.

Image of Year 2 - Has man ever been to the moon?
6 Feb

Year 2 - Has man ever been to the moon?

During our history lessons in year 2, we have been looking at explorers. We looked at many different sources and worked as historians to discover how we can prove that man has actually been to the moon and what source best suits the statements children were presented with.

Image of Year 2 - Gymnastics
6 Feb

Year 2 - Gymnastics

Year 2 have been perfecting their tuck and star jumps in our gymnastics topic in PE. We looked at the core principles of gymnastics, starting positions, focus jump and landing position. All the children practised these jumps and did amazingly well throughout the lesson.