Image of Reception - PE
10 Feb

Reception - PE

In PE this week we started with a warm up. We practised balancing on a beam, crawling and jumping over hurdles, and climbing on our climbing frame. We were very brave and enjoyed using all of the climbing equipment.

Image of Year 1- Gymnastics
10 Feb

Year 1- Gymnastics

What a fun P.E lesson we had on Friday. We had lots of different stations that included climbing, balancing, jumping, and different rolls. Some of us found some of the stations tricky so we had to show lots of courage. A huge well done to all of year 1!

Image of Year 5- Music with Mr Gardiner
10 Feb

Year 5- Music with Mr Gardiner

The Year 5 class are enjoying their weekly music lessons with Mr. Gardiner. Over the past few weeks, the children have been learning how to assemble and play the clarinet. This afternoon, the children have been playing a song introduced to them by Mr. Gardiner.

Image of Year 5-The Mind Walk- Mental Health Awareness Week
9 Feb

Year 5-The Mind Walk- Mental Health Awareness Week

This afternoon, the Year 5 class stepped out of their classroom to appreciate God's wonderful nature around school. The children took this time to clear their minds, talk to their friends, giggle and just really enjoy being out. It was lovely to see everyone just enjoying themselves.

Image of Wellbeing Workshop in Year 2
9 Feb

Wellbeing Workshop in Year 2

Today our Well-being Warriors led another one of their fantastic workshops as part of Children’s Mental Health Week. The children looked at lots of different feelings, how we can manage them and that it’s ok to feel sad sometimes. We look forward to finding out our class winners for the feelings jar activity tomorrow in Celebration Worship.

Image of Year 5- Collective Worship
9 Feb

Year 5- Collective Worship

During our class worship this morning, we looked at this week's news on equality and the earthquake which has caused major damage to the families of Turkey and Syria. We discussed equality in detail and mainly focussing on men and women's football team. The children shared their opinions and thoughts on the topic and concluded that humans are equal and Jesus wants everyone to treat each other equally. He also teaches us to challenge individuals and social structures, that do not treat all humans equally. We watched a short clip of the damage that has been caused by the 7.8 magnitude Turkey-Syria earthquake and looked at the support that is already out there. We learnt about how earthquakes are measured and the damage it can cause. We then thought of ways that we could help by sending them a prayer and that we are thinking of them all.

Image of Reception - Understanding Of The World
9 Feb

Reception - Understanding Of The World

This week, we have looked at floating and sinking. To start, we discussed what we already knew. We then gathered a range of items and investigated if they would float or sink. We made predictions about what would happen, and named some of the materials the items were made out of. We really enjoyed putting the items into the water to check if they would float or sink.

Image of Year 2 - Building bridges
9 Feb

Year 2 - Building bridges

In science, we have been looking at the use of everyday materials. We looked at what makes a strong and sturdy bridge. We took a trip to a local bridge to investigate the material used. We then used the materials we could find to make a bridge of our own. We explored: strength, support, structure and how big a bridge can be.

Image of Year 6 French
9 Feb

Year 6 French

In French, year 6 have been looking at household and classroom items. They needed to use their knowledge of language and apply it by labelling a classroom.

Image of Year 6 Computing
9 Feb

Year 6 Computing

In computing, year 6 have created a theme song to put into their keynote to showcase their very own superhero.

Image of Year 4 Maths - Finding missing lengths to calculate the perimeter
9 Feb

Year 4 Maths - Finding missing lengths to calculate the perimeter

In our maths lesson today we have been working hard to calculate missing lengths in order to find the total perimeter. We found that sometimes you need to add the lengths and sometimes you need to subtract them to find the answer.

Image of Year 2 - Collective Worship
9 Feb

Year 2 - Collective Worship

During our class worship we looked at the story with the Wales national football team. They are one of very few national football teams that have granted men and women equal pay. We looked at equality within sports and across the world and we all talked about how anybody can play football. The society we live in is and should be inclusive and we all have the potential to be amazing.