Year 6 P.E.
In P.E. Year 6 have started to develop their passing and receiving skills in netball. They started by focusing on chest and bounce passes and later applied these in a 4v1 game situation.
Year 6 Art
In Art, year 6 discovered that the ancient Maya are born with a spirit companion. These are accompanied with a symbol so year 6 produced a symbolic tile full of images that best represent them as a person.
Week 4- Sports club
This week we worked in teams to create our own obstacle courses for our team and the rest of the club to try. Each group got the same set of equipment and had 5 minutes to create a fun and interesting obstacle course for the rest of the teams to try. We had so much fun!
Reception- P.E
I’m so proud of Reception class in P.E this week. It was our first P.E session together in the hall using all the equipment. We had 4 stations set up to practice our fundamental skills. We had a go at balancing, jumping, hopping and jumping.
Year 4 Information Texts - All About the Amazon
Over the past few weeks in our English lessons, we have been looking at information texts. We have looked at the features, vocabulary and how to build sentences using quantifiers and openers. We have learnt so many new things about tribes, animals, plants and deforestation. Our final pieces of writing include all of the above and they are all beautifully presented.
Reception subitising to 3
This week in Maths, Reception have been learning to subitise. This means they can say how many objects there are without counting. They have done brilliantly at this and can subitise to 3. We also looked at the number blocks 1, 2 and 3 and the houses they live in.
Be Internet Legends - Wellbeing Worship in Year 4
In the Be Internet Legends Wellbeing special Worship this morning, we looked at how we can look after our digital wellbeing. We discussed lots of ideas and focused on the importance of finding a balance with our on screen use. Year 4 absolutely loved taking part in the group chats and were amazed when we got two personal shout outs! We are going to look at the top 5 tips again in our PSHE session tomorrow and design posters that share these messages.
Year 3 - PSHE - Be Internet Legends
Today we joined an online assembly hosted by Google. We talked about how to be internet legends and to stay safe online, how we feel about using the Internet and about limiting our time to try and keep a healthy balance.
Music - Composing Music digitally in Year 4
In our Junior Jam computing session we have been composing music and then evaluating pieces using constructive criticism. The children listened really carefully to each music piece shared and evaluated respectfully.
Junior Jam - French - Ou habites-tu
In our Junior Jam session for French this week we have been learning common phrases such as asking how old someone is and where do they live? The children worked so hard on deciding their fluency and engaging in conversations.
Year 4 - RE: People Challenging Authority
In RE this week we were learning about people who have famously spoken out against their authority figures in order to affect change in the world. The children worked in groups to research Rosa Parks, William Wilberforce, Oscar Romero or Greta Thunberg. They considered why these important people felt they had to speak up and how their acts of courage brought about important changes.
Year 4 - Maths: 3D Shapes
The Year 4s love a practical lesson and today they enjoyed exploring 3D shapes and using questions to help them label and describe them. They then answered questions about 3D shapes set on LbQ.