Foodie Friends Club- Year 3 and 4
The children had a blast making mouth-watering shaped biscuits. They prepared the dough using ingredients like butter, eggs, and flour, rolled it out, and used biscuit cutters to create different shapes before baking them in the oven.
Year 2 - Art
This afternoon, we combined our knowledge of pattern making and handling clay to create our clay tiles. This required lots of steps and skills which we had practised last week. We had to; roll the clay out (this needed some strong arms), cut the tile to an accurate size, ensure our tiles had straight, sharp edges, etch our names onto the back and score lines onto the back. Once we had completed all of these steps, it was time to create our patterns. We used various objects to create shapes that repeated or alternated. Some children decided to to use their hands as tools by creating their own shapes with craft knives. It was fascinating to see how each child chose their own patterns and had such diverse ideas.
Year 5 & 6 District Football
A huge congratulations to Matthew, Freddy and Oscar who represented their Distrct in a football tournament held at Blackburn Rovers’ Senior Training Ground. They played extremely well and demonstrated their amazing talents.
Message from Mrs Ham
od afternoon parents and carers, we have had another brilliant week at St Barnabas. Highlights have been: *Celebrating Hello Yellow day for World Mental Health Day *Reception- PE in the hall using the apparatus *Year 1- Investigating poo (not real) to see if was from a herbivore, carnivore or omnivore *Year 2- History Walk to see where Ghandi stayed in Darwen *Year 3 and Year 5- visits to Darwen Library *Year 4- Completing their amazing information texts all about the Amazon *Year 6- Performing Arts session with Lucy from Rothwell Arts For further information about what your child has been learning this week, please click here: We have had complaints from local residents about parents parking over and reversing into their drives. Please could everyone ensure they park considerately and may we remind you that the zig zag lines should not be used as a drop off point. They are there to protect our children and parents and to keep everyone safe. We recommend parents park further away from school and walk up Knowlesly Road to avoid traffic congestion around our school gates. Next Thursday morning we have our Harvest Service in St Barnabas church at 9.30am. This will be led by our WOW (Worship our way) group and Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will be taking part . Parents are very welcome to come along and show their support. Donations of packets and tinned food and toiletries would be very much appreciated for our local food bank and DARE (Darwen Asylum and Refugee Enterprise) We also have a non-uniform day on Thursday to raise awareness during Down Syndrome Awareness month. The FOSB Autumn disco is also in the evening- tickets are only available till midnight tonight via parent pay so that our FOSB members can order the correct amounts of food and drinks. Friday is an INSET day so school will be CLOSED. Wishing you all a lovely weekend and thank you for your continued support, Mrs Ham
Whole School Celebration Worship
To start our celebration worship this morning, we reflected on another busy week. We talked about a couple of highlights such as our ‘Hello Yellow Day’ to celebrate World Mental Health Day, A Let’s Sing Together workshop and library visits for years 3 and 5. We then presented our value award winners for this week. Well done to Harry, Eva, Scarlett, Arabelle, Darcy, Reuben, Will and Isaac for demonstrating the 4Bs. We then said congratulations to India Mill for achieving the most value points this week and an even bigger congratulations to River Darwen who are our overall value award winners for this half term who will celebrate with something of their choice next Thursday. Our well-being warriors then announced the six winners for our ‘Hello Yellow’ self affirmations poster competition who were Molly, Mila, Summer, Lucy, Lilly and Alice. Also, we said a huge congratulations to our Y5/6 football team for their superb talent and sportsmanship last night as they won both matches, Reception and Year 5 for being the super attendance award winners this week and Jake in Year 5 for getting his pen license. We then celebrated our out of school achievements. Well done to Marley for her drawing certificate that she achieved at Rainbows, Harriet for achieving 75m in her swimming, Grace for achieving a special honours award in her Jazz, Poppy for getting player of the match in her football, Layla for her football award that she achieved by attending Blackburn Rovers, Alby for reading 6 different books as part of the summer Reading challenge and Vienna for achieving 20m in her swimming without armbands. We ended our worship with a lovely prayer from Rev Ben and a reminder about our Harvest Celebration at St Barnabas Church next Thursday 19th October at 9.30am. Everyone is welcome and we would really appreciate some donations for the local food bank. Thank you for your continued support and we wish you all an enjoyable weekend.
Hello Yellow Day Poster Competition Winners
This morning in Celebration Worship, our Wellbeing Warriors announced the winners of the Hello Yellow Day Poster Competition. Huge congratulations to our Key Stage 1 Winners : Mila and Molly and Key Stage 2 Winners : Summer, Lily, Lucy and Alice. Thank you so much to everyone that took the time to create a poster. They were of such a high standard and lovely, bright and colourful with wonderfully positive affirmations on them.
Online Safety: Roblox
Building your knowledge! The massively popular world-creation game Roblox has finally been released on PlayStation. Our updated #WakeUpWednesday guide reminds parents of the potential #OnlineSafety risks to watch out for. Download for FREE here >>
Netball Club
Tonight was our final netball club session for this term as the nights draw in! It’s been an absolute pleasure to watch this group develop their netball skills so quickly. We can’t wait to see how the netball season progresses in the spring. In the meantime - keep those drills going and shoot the ball.
Year 2 - Local History
This afternoon, Year 2 set off on a local history walk to explore the events that happened when Gandhi came to visit Darwen in 1931. We visited the lodges that were home to mill workers and this was also the place that Gandhi stayed during his visit. The children learnt why Gandhi was invited to Darwen by Percy Davies the owner of Greenfield Mill. We walked past where this mill used to be and there is now a stone in place to show where it once stood (see photo). Mill workers wanted to speak to Gandhi to discuss his campaign for Indian independence from the British Empire which resulted in the cotton boycotts. One Darwen lady said ‘your boycott is putting us into poverty’. I’ll let the children tell you how Gandhi responded. The walk was really enjoyable in the sunshine, we ended with a story in Jacks Key. The story explores the remarkable life of Gandhi and the interesting events of his life.
Year 1 Science
Year 1 have been investigating poo this week. They have been looking for clues to decide whether they think the poo is from a herbivore, carnivore or omnivore. The clues included fur, bones, leaves, twigs, shell, hair and nuts. They have also been looking at the teeth of animals and deciding whether they think the animal is a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore before sorting them into a Venn diagram.
Performing arts workshop
Year 6 were very lucky to take part in a performing arts workshop with Lucy from Rothwell Arts Dance Academy. She very kindly linked the session to the children’s end of year performance, ‘The Jungle Book’, and choreographed a dance routine for them. Year 6 showed fantastic enthusiasm and really let themselves go. Well done year 6!
Wellbeing Worship
This morning, year 6 took part in a virtual wellbeing worship. The focus of the session was that any time spent online should make you feel good and not bad. One of the presenters compared online time to eating doughnuts and explained that although doughnuts are very tasty, too many of them would not be good for you. This applies for screen time too.