Image of Year 2 - Bar Charts
4 Jul

Year 2 - Bar Charts

During our statistics unit, Year 2 have been focusing on a variety of ways to display and represent findings. We have looked at tally charts, pictograms and now we have been focusing on bar charts. The children worked really hard to display their findings in a presentable way.

Image of Year 1 DT Exploring Stability
3 Jul

Year 1 DT Exploring Stability

Year 1 used playdough, card and rulers to measure the stability of different 3D shapes in partners during their DT lesson today. They looked at spheres, cubes, pyramids and cuboids and tried to measure the height at which these objects would roll down a piece of card. We compared the results in class and they were then set a challenge to create a small standing structure using the playdough and the knowledge of the 3D shapes they had investigated.

Image of Year 1 Science Investigating Smells
3 Jul

Year 1 Science Investigating Smells

Year 1 have been learning about the different human senses in science and this week we were focussing on smell and describing what different items smelt like. The children really enjoyed investigating what nutmeg, cinnamon sticks, lemon, coffee and some other different dried herbs smelt like. They recorded the information from our investigation in a table using adjectives to describe the different smells.

Image of Year 2 - Stained Glass Windows
3 Jul

Year 2 - Stained Glass Windows

In R.E Year 2 have been exploring what makes a church a church. The children have been understanding the various aspects of the church and understanding their place within the church. The children have focused on stained glass windows and how they tell Jesus’ stories and teaching. The children then had a go at creating their own stained glass windows using lots of colours and materials.

Image of Monday Worship: St Barnabas and St Paul and Welcome to Rev Matt
3 Jul

Monday Worship: St Barnabas and St Paul and Welcome to Rev Matt

Today, Rev Ben led our worship and we welcomed Rev Matt who will be working at St Barnabas Church too. We began our worship by thinking about a time where something happened to us and where we couldn’t wait to tell others about it. Amelia couldn’t wait to tell others when her Mum had a baby. Mason couldn’t wait to tell others that he had been on the television! We thought about how St Barnabas and St Paul were generous about the message about Jesus and how they told Jesus’ story to people for the first time. Rev Ben shared a video with the children about their story. On Saturday, Matt became Rev Matt and was ordained at Blackburn Cathedral. Rev Matt wanted to become a vicar because he wanted to spread the word of Jesus and to find out more about Jesus. Rev Matt spent three years at vicar school. He said he was most excited to learn more and for the children to learn with him. We gave Rev Matt a huge St Barnabas welcome. We ended our worship by singing ‘story of the cross’.

Image of KS2- Multi Skills Club
30 Jun

KS2- Multi Skills Club

A bunch of excited boys! We got all the apparatus out and made up our own obstacle courses so we could all try each others out. We finished the session with a very fast paced game of bench ball!

Image of Forest school week 3
30 Jun

Forest school week 3

We had lots of fun this week in our Forest School Club, we put up a shelter, continued to build our den and we also used some special tools. We spoke about how to use outdoor tools safely and what they can be used for, including using sticks to make tent pegs!

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
30 Jun

Friday Celebration Worship

Wow! We have had another week with lots to celebrate both in and out of school. The Rotary Club came in to praise and thank our year 5 children for their contribution to the community, their school and the wider world. They were presented with a certificate for all of their fundraising for our school and supporting a number of charities this year including Cancer Research, The Teddy Trust and DARE (Darwen Asylum Seeker and Refugee Enterprise). They also raised money for Turkey, Nigeria and Ukraine. Well done Year 5! Also a huge well done to our value award winners this week who have been working hard across the curriculum and demonstrating a wonderful attitude to learning. These were Mila, Piper-Jo, Lennox and Carter in the infants and KS1 and Ruby, Daniel, Freddy, Isaac, Harlow and Louie in the Juniors. We also celebrated lots of in school sporting success. Our Year 5/6 boys and girls gymnasts for attending a competition as two separate teams at St Bedes High School on Tuesday. They were amazing! Our Year 5/6 cricket team who came 3rd overall at a recent cricket competition, our Year 6 tennis team who came 1st overall, the Year 4 football team who took part in a festival and won every game and the Year 3/4 and Y5/6 DPSSA cross country team for their determination and courage and coming 2nd place overall. We also congratulated our out of school sports award winners. Well done to Ella-Grace for trying her absolute best and getting Star of the Week during her football training and competition, Isabella and Charlie for getting their orange belts at martial arts, Carter for getting the Fantastic Fox of the day at football, Lyla for gaining level 1 in her tap dancing, Jenson for completing his stage 6 at swimming, Marley for her kindness at rainbows, Olivia for getting the managers player of the year trophy at football, Isaac for his trophy for demonstrating fantastic football skills, Charlie Rose for being a superstar gymnast and Ivy for being a superstar cheerleader, Georgie for taking part in her first competition for dancing, Harriet for completing her 10m in butterfly and 10m in breaststroke, Eliza for getting to the finals of her football competition at the weekend and Eva, Katie, Sadie and Charlotte for coming 1st place in their recent football tournament. We said a final well done to Reception and Year 3 for winning the amazing attendance this week and India Mill for achieving the Value Award Points Winners this week. Thank you to our parents and grandparents that could attend and we wish you all a wonderful weekend.

Image of Year 1 Local History Lesson in Darwen Heritage Centre
29 Jun

Year 1 Local History Lesson in Darwen Heritage Centre

Year 1 had a super history lesson learning about the changes that have happened within Darwen Town Centre in the past couple of centuries. Our expert (Albert) from the Darwen Heritage centre showed the children a range of different historical images and photographs of the town centre many years ago and was able to explain what is in place of them geographically today. The children couldn’t believe that a few live bears and their keepers roamed the streets of Darwen for entertainment purposes years ago, or that the butchers hung their meat outside their shops! They got to handle and see artefacts including olden day money and a wooden cash register too.

Image of Year 1 History Walk in Darwen High Street
29 Jun

Year 1 History Walk in Darwen High Street

Year 1 have really enjoyed walking around Darwen High Street identifying different types of shops and finding out which type of shops used to be around many years ago. With the help of an expert from the Darwen Heritage Centre, they were shown different places that used to be bakers, butchers, grocery stores, pharmacies, shoe shops or different types of clothes shops (such as hat shops). They also walked through Darwen Market Place and found some placards explaining which shops used to exist in the 1800s.

Image of Darwen Primary Cross Country Finals Night
29 Jun

Darwen Primary Cross Country Finals Night

What a fantastic turnout for the final race night for DPSSA Cross Country! Team B pushed themselves so hard and showed true determination even with a few falls along the way. We worked brilliantly as a team and managed to secure second place overall. We also had success with Sophie coming second place overall in the girls Y5/6 races and also a second place overall for our Y5/6 Girls squad: Sophie, Charlotte, Aisha and Lucy. Well done to everyone involved!

Image of Year 1 Maths Using Tens and Ones to Make Numbers to 100
29 Jun

Year 1 Maths Using Tens and Ones to Make Numbers to 100

Year 1 have been making different 2 digit numbers up to 100 using dienes to help them identify how many tens and ones there are within the numbers. They have worked in pairs to create numbers and then made their own numbers so they can compare them too. Tomorrow they will look at one more and one less than any number up to 100.