The future Scientists of Year 3 had a fun science project for British Science Week, all about making electricity without burning coal. Working in pairs, they had four cups, each numbered 1 to 4, with yeast added to all of them. Cup 1 got 150ml of cold water, cup 2 got the same amount of warm water, cup 3 had warm water and a teaspoon of salt added, and cup 4 had sugar and 150 ml of warm water. They secured the cups with gloves and rubber bands to keep air in. They observed what was happening every minute 15 minutes for 45 minutes to see how things changed over time.
Before experimenting, Year 3 predicted what might happen. Some thought the yeast would turn into flour or make the gloves fly! But they were amazed by what happened. As time passed, the yeast made a gas called carbon dioxide. This gas filled the gloves, making them blow up like balloons. Cup 4 had the most respiration because it contained sugar. As the yeast consumes the sugar, it releases carbon dioxide gas. With nowhere else to go but upwards, this gas gradually inflates the glove. The whole experiment wowed the kids! It was fun celebrating science during British Science Week, with a theme of time.