Year 2 - Maths
This morning in maths, we recalled our number bonds to 10. The children used ten frames and counters to represent their number sentence and wrote it alongside. We then applied our knowledge of number bonds to 10, to answer questions that were trying to trick us. However there was no fooling us as the children knew exactly what they needed to do and solved the problems. We will be moving on to fact families to 10 and 20 in our upcoming maths lessons.
Reception- I’m special. You’re special.
Today Reception class met Harold the Giraffe and he told them all being special. He taught them a special song called ‘I’m special. You're special.’ and the children loved joining in. They looked at themselves in the mirrors and told themselves and each other that they are special. We then shared the things that we like and don’t like with Harold. We all like and dislike different things, which is one of the ways that makes us all special and unique. We then chose some nursery rhymes that we like to sing and wind the bobbin up, at superfast speed, was definitely our favourite.
Reception- Powder Paint Fireworks
Reception class had lots of fun learning all about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder plot. They then created their own firework patterns using powder paints. They tried hard to create lines, circles, spirals and stars.
Rhyme and Story time begins Wednesday 1st November
Our rhyme and story time starts again tomorrow, Wednesday 1st November from 9-9.30am. Parents, carers and family members are more than welcome to join us with their children from Reception class only. Preschool children, toddlers and babies are also more than welcome to attend.
Year 2 English
This morning, we introduced our new book for English this half term. We are reading Jack and the Baked Beanstalk. The is a classic fairytale with a twisted plot. We revealed the front cover and generated questions using our question hand. This encouraged us to use a range of openers for our questions such as ‘Who, What, Where, When, Why’. The children had lots of different questions based on their initial reactions to the title and cover.
Whole School Worship with Rev Ben
Rev Ben taught us all about the value of thankfulness this week. He told us the story of the Jews being freed from slavery and how they lost sight of the good things God had given them, so they were left to wander in the wilderness for 40 years. The children loved interacting with the story and shared their ideas on how we can focus on the good.
Year 4 - Maths Problem Solving
In Year 4, we have been solving problems by breaking them down into smaller steps. We used trial and improvement to come to a plausible conclusion that fit the given criteria. The children loved that it was a problem about aliens too.
Year 4 - RE: The Transfiguration
After exploring the events of the Transfiguration of Jesus, the children in Year 4 examined a variety of artwork depicting the event and made note of the key common features and how they show His importance. The children then worked in teams of 3, 4 or 5 and created their own interpretations of the Transfiguration using chalks on the playground. They all captured the key message well.
Reception: Muddy Monday
We had a very busy Muddy Monday session today! We started the session with Mrs Ham. We discussed signs of Autumn and enjoyed singing Autumnal songs. We then went to a woodland area with Mrs Wilkinson and collected sticks to make some bonfire pictures this week. We enjoyed playing in the mud and the stream and even had a go at climbing trees!
Whole-School Worship: Allhallowtide & Praying for Peace
This morning Mrs Ham reminded us of the Christian season of Allhallowtide starting with All Hallows’ Eve tomorrow - Hallow means Holy and it is a time to be mindful of the good we can do in the world, All Saints’ Day on Wednesday - when Christians remember the good the saints have done, and All Souls‘ Day on Thursday - when we think of those who have died and are in heaven. We discussed Remembrance day which is coming up shortly, where we remember soldiers who have died in the wars. We also thought about the conflict in Israel and Gaza and prayed for those who are suffering in this war. We watched some newsround videos to learn about how children in Gaza and Israel are being affected and we thought of some ways that we can be like saints and help. Peyton said we can pray to God for them and Darcy, Jack and Naomi said we can donate money, clothes and toys to the children who have lost their homes and belongings. To finish we sang a 'Song of Peace' where we wished for a world where hate and war would cease and the everyone in the world could live in peace.
Year 3- Art- Shading from light to dark
In the final art lesson in the unit on the formal elements of art, Year 3 further developed their skills by patiently practising smooth shading from light to dark. Before filling in the animal template, the budding artists carried out a warm-up activity. They practised shading boxes from dark to light using an HB pencil. They aimed to create smooth, neat, and even shading without any gaps.
Harvest Church Service 2023
A huge well done to our WOW (Worship our Way) group and our choir for leading our Harvest Church service and to Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 for their wonderful contributions. Thank you so much for your generosity shown towards Darwen Food Larder and DARE (Darwen Asylum and Refugee Enterprise). All of the photos can be found here: and the videos are posted on classdojo.