Year 2 - Exploring South America
As part of our geography unit hot and cold places. Year 2 have been exploring the continent of South America and looking at the climate in Rio de Janeiro. The children learned many facts, figures and reasons for why the climate is as it is. The children used their knowledge to write a section of their explanation text in English.
Summer Reading Challenge
This morning, Angela from Blackburn and Darwen library service, came to talk to us all about an exciting Summer reading challenge and the wonderful prizes that can be won for reading 6 books over the holidays. Dear Parent / Carer, Your child has been invited to join Ready, Set, Read! the Summer Reading Challenge 2023. This is a national library reading game, which will introduce your child to the joy of reading for pleasure and help to develop his/her literacy skills throughout the summer holidays. Once enrolled each member reads 6 library books (or eBooks / eAudio), with stickers or a prize awarded for each book that is read and returned. Those who complete the scheme will receive a medal and a certificate. To enrol, simply come to your nearest Blackburn with Darwen library and complete an application form between 1st July & 30th September. Your nearest library is: Darwen Library, Knott St, Darwen, BB3 3BU. Website & map: Enrolment in the scheme is free of charge, and involves children borrowing books on a library card. If your child does not yet have a library card, we would encourage you to take this opportunity to enrol them as a library member. This is a quick process, and you will simply be asked to complete and sign another form. However, those children without library cards may still join the Summer Reading Challenge, and temporary arrangements will be put in place to allow them to borrow books. We look forward to welcoming you and your family to our libraries during the summer. Yours faithfully, Adele Karwat, Service Manager: Libraries & Archives
Year 5- R.E- What are the outcomes of our choices?
In R.E. this term, we are studying and exploring the lives of prominent women mentioned in the Bible. We are focusing on their significant roles, contributions, and the lessons we can learn from their experiences. This afternoon we learnt about Deborah, Deborah served as a judge in Israel during a time when the land was oppressed by the Canaanites for 20 years. People would come to her for legal judgements and guidance in settling disputes. She was known for her wisdom, righteousness, and fair judgments. In groups, the children engaged in discussions about the significance of making the right decisions and asking for help when necessary.
W.O.W. Group - Messy Parables - The Mustard Seed
Last week was the W.O.W. group’s first Messy Parables session. We read the Parable of the Mustard Seed, talked about how one little thought or belief can grow into something great, and made our own self-belief badges. All in all, a brilliant first session, with a few biscuits thrown in for good measure. This week, the parable is The Unforgiving Servant.
Reception- Pentecost
This afternoon, Reception have been learning about a celebration in the Church calendar called Pentecost. We watched a video of the story and then acted this out. First, we sat in a circle and prayed just as the disciples did, we then had some children act out the huge gust of wind that was felt by the disciples as the Holy Spirit arrived and blessed them with the ability to speak in different languages. Finally, we spoke in different languages such as, ‘Bonjour,’ ‘Ciao,’ and ‘Konnichiwa,’ to teach everyone about Jesus. We created some flames, doves and wind as these are symbols of the Holy Spirit, and we also drew some pictures of the disciples and wrote in different languages in our RE sketchbook. Well done Reception.
Reception: Muddy Monday
We continued our learning by comparing two local environments, Knowsley Road and Jack Keys reservoir. Seb said there are lots of animal habitats at Jack Keys. Albie said there are lots of trees at Jack Keys. Fletcher said it is much quieter at Jack Keys. Piper-Jo said there are more children at Knowsley Road. Heidi said there are more cars at Knowsley Road. Super comparison. We finished exploring by enjoying a short forest schools session.
Monday Worship: Fruits of the Spirit
Mrs Ham shared some photos of fruit trees and asked the children to name the fruit on each tree. We saw tangerines, pears, pineapples and strawberries to make a few. She told us that in the Bible, St Paul wrote in one of his letters about the fruit of the spirit. Mrs Ham had a fruit bag and asked some children to pick out a fruit from God’s fruit bowl. The children had to think about different fruits and discuss what they mean with a partner. The first was faithfulness. Wilson said if you trust each other then you would be faithful. The next fruit was self-control. Hamza said it is all about not reacting. The third was kindness. Archie said it is about helping people or giving to others. The next fruit of the spirit was love. Darcy said if you show love then they will show it you back. Sonny said giving somebody a hug shows love. The next was goodness which means being really good! The next fruit of the spirit was joy. Grace said if you are a nice person to be around then you will bring joy to others. Gentleness was then pulled out of God’s fruit bowl. Neve said you should be gentle with both your words and actions. Sofia pulled out patience. Daisy said it is all about waiting. Hamza said do not say hurry up! The last fruit of the spirit was peace. Mrs Ham wanted us to have a little peace whilst we reflected on our worship today. We ended our worship by singing ‘Fruit of the spirit’.
KS2 Sports Day
A huge well done to all of our KS2 classes for their determination and encouragement at our annual Sports Day. It was a brilliant morning and everyone tried their best. Thank you so much to all of the parents and carers who came along to support. A massive thank you to our Sports Leaders for setting up and running the races and to all of our staff team for their support. We all thoroughly enjoyed the Mums and Grandmas, Dads and Grandads and Toddler Races too. Well done to everyone who took part, you were great sports!
KS2 Multi skills club.
Another great afternoon at Multi skills. We all had a go at delivering a basketball drill working on dribbling, passing and shooting before getting stuck into a very close game!
EYFS and KS1 Sports Day 2023
This morning, EYFS and KS1 classes competed in our annual sports day competition. The races included egg and spoon, sprint, sack race and an obstacle race. The children were fantastic at showing resilience and they were great supporters for their friends, cheering each other on and clapping! Each race winner received a medal and all children cooled off with an ice pop at the end as a treat. Thank you to all the parents and carers who attended and supported, it was a brilliant morning!
Year 5- Lunch time on the MUGA.
In Year 5's MUGA session this week we had a go at cricket and it was so nice to see them all attempting another sport and encouraging others just like St Barnabas the encourager.
Year 1 Handwriting
Year 1 are working very hard to improve their cursive handwriting. We are very proud of you Year 1. Keep up the amazing work and concentration.