Reception- Rhyme time.
Just before lunch Miss Baxendale got the rhyme time bag out. We had so much fun singing in different voices and acting out the rhymes. It was so lovely to see everyone joining in. What a bunch of superstars!
Football Practice
This week’s session the children worked on various techniques associated with keeping possession of the ball. The children then took this technique and practised that within their various games that they played; each featuring a different way of scoring such as, multiple goals, dribbling through gates and achieving more than ten passes.
Rev Ben’s worship- God’s promise to Abraham
This morning Rev Ben led our Collective Worship. We first had to guess how many stars were on the screen. We had lots of guesses such a millions, thousands etc. We realised that it is very hard to count stars. We then listened to a Bible Story about Abraham counting stars and how God promised to rescue the world through Abraham’s family. He told him that he would have a big family. Abraham and his wife Sarah were really old so didn’t believe when God said that they would have a baby. But they did have a baby called Isaac, meaning son of laughter. Rev Ben told us that God is always generous and was generous to Abraham and Sarah. That promise that God made to Abraham about having a big family and in his family there would be a rescuer- Jesus, came true. Rev Ben then reminded us about Black History month as we are focusing on that this month. He told us that Jesus said that God loves everyone from every country, of every skin colour and of every language. We finished with a reflection of the story, a prayer and then sang ‘Waymaker’.
Reception: MUGA Fun
Reception class are so lucky to have access to our MUGA throughout the day! Our outdoors is always open no matter the weather. The Ducklings enjoy putting on their puddlesuits and wellingtons to practise ball skills and their fundamental skills.
Reception: Owl Babies
This week our Ducklings have been learning how to print and make creations using a variety of resources. We read the story of owl babies and then they created Sarah, Percy, Bill and Mummy owl. Super creations and paintings!
Year 5 - Investigating evaporation
Year 5 have continued to look at reversible and irreversible changes. This week we had a look at how we can recover a dissolved substance that has been dissolved in water. We used the example of salt and ink. We demonstrated that when heat is applied to a solution you can evaporate the water and what’s left in the pan will be the substance originally dissolved in the water.
Reception: Phonics
Today, our Ducklings learnt the ‘s’ sound in phonics. We looked at objects that have ‘s’ in them such as snake, nest, soup and spider. We then practised writing the grapheme in different ways.
Year 5 - Library visit
Today year 5 got to experience a workshop that was being hosted by Louie Stowell. She explained and promoted her series of books - Loki and engaged with all the children answering questions about her achievements. The children took part in creating their own god’s while replicating the main characters from her book series.
Year 1 meet Author and Illustrator Ursula Hurst
Year 1 had an amazing morning meeting author and illustrator Ursula Hurst at Darwen library. They enjoyed looking at lots of the books that Ursula has illustrated over the years such as Roo and Sarge to the rescue, The Angry Giant, Zed Ted, Bea and Monah Lot. Ursula also read us a story called Drawing Hope which she was both the author and illustrator of. It was about a young girl called Hope who loved drawing and painting and had a dream of turning the gloomy town in which she lived into a bright and colourful place and with the help of Mrs Green, she did just that. Year 1 loved seeing how the town and characters turned from grey with lots of worries to bright and worry free throughout the story. Thank you to Darwen Library for such a wonderful opportunity and to Ursula Hurst for inspiring our children.
Year 3- Children's Literature Festival
Today, the Year 3 class walked down to Darwen Library to join in the celebration of the Children's Literature Festival. They had the pleasure of meeting Christina Gambita, an author known for her diverse range of books covering topics such as pollination, healthy eating, plastic pollution, teamwork, mathematical concepts, history, and safeguarding. Ms. Gambita read her book 'Roo and Sarge' to the class which the children thoroughly enjoyed. She also talked about the importance of kindness and how we should be kind to everyone. The children also learnt how to say their names using sign language, which was a wonderful experience.
Year 1- illustration Worksop with Ursula Hurst
After meeting Ursula Hurst and looking at many of her illustrations in various children’s books including her very own book, ‘Drawing Hope,’ Year 1 had a lesson in illustration. Ursula showed the children how to create different characters with expressions such as sad, shocked and happy and various hairstyles and clothing. Thank you to Darwen library for this wonderful opportunity.
Year 4 - Children’s Literature Festival
After a blustery walk to Darwen Library, Year 4 enjoyed a great afternoon meeting Louie Stowell, author of the popular children’s book series, Loki. They had great fun learning about the characters, taking part in the ‘which character are you’ quiz, drawing the main character and asking the author questions.