Happy half term holiday!
Good afternoon parents and carers, well what a busy half term it has been with residential visits, an ofsted inspection, lots of sports events and SATS. We are so proud of how hard the children have worked so far this year, they really have worked their socks off. Our Year 2 and Year 6 children tackled their SATS with confidence and determination and really tried their best. After the holidays our Year 1 children will be taking their phonics screening 'quiz' and our Year 4 children will be taking their multiplications quiz. We are sure that they will try their best and make us all proud. For all the latest news, please click here: https://www.stbarnabasdarwen.co.uk/news We have lots of exciting events next half term including sports day, lots of sporting events, trips, father's day celebrations, the Summer Fayre, leaver's celebrations and our transition day. For all of the upcoming events after the holidays, please click here: https://www.stbarnabasdarwen.co.uk/events Thank you so much for your continued support as we couldn't do what we do, without your support. A huge thank you to all of our staff team too for the fabulous support they give to our school family. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful half term holiday and I hope the sun continues to shine for us all. We will see you all on Monday 12th June. Take care and God bless, Mrs Ham
Forest School- Using Tools
We had a fantastic forest school club this lunchtime. Some of the year 5 children were taught how to safely and correctly use loppers and a sheath knife and what we use them for. The children watched me demonstrate and then had a go themselves at cutting sticks with the loppers and whittling wood using the sheath knife. The children had a great time learning new skills, they were all super sensible and listened exceptionally well. Well done Year 5!
Half- Term Value Points Winners - Whitehall Park
Well done to ‘Whitehall Park’ for winning this half terms Value points Award. They have had a great time celebrating their win this morning by taking part in a multi- sports session which included relay races, football, playground games and trim trail.
Reception PE-Sports Day Practice
Today in PE, Reception have been practising the different races ready for sports day. They were really good at balancing the plastic eggs for the egg and spoon race. They were also able to run and jump over the hurdles and had lots of fun racing against each other for the sack race!
Year 1 Geography and Science Walk
Year 1 have been learning about their local area and have been making key observations about where they live ready to create a map of the local area after the half term. We have been learning about different types of plants in science and spotting different deciduous and evergreen trees as well as wild flowers. There has also been lots of opportunities to discuss the changes from Winter to Spring and to think about the changes that will be happening soon as we move from Spring to Summer.
Celebration Worship
This week during celebration worship we discussed and reflected over the week of Pentecost. The children enjoyed listening to what each class has been doing over the week and celebrated their achievements and successes during the week. We also had a visit from one of our Cidari Trustees, Jo Venn and it was lovely to show her the great things we have been achieving. A huge well done to all of our values award winners, you are a credit to yourselves and our St Barnabas family.
Sports Stars
A huge congratulations to all of our sports stars this week. Many children participate in a variety of sports and events outside of school. A massive well done to our school's netball team who won the high 5’s netball final this week and our cross country team who worked extremely hard and showed huge amounts of determination to complete the course. Other sporting achievements included, gymnastics, dancing, performing arts, skiing and many more.
Year 6 geography
In geography, year 6 investigated the north west region by operating online mapping tools. They set up buffers at a 10, 20, 30 and 50 mile radius from St Barnabas to see what sort of landmarks or cities they would come across as they venture out of Darwen.
Year 6 PSHE- Kooth & transition
Year 6 had a visit from Heather from Kooth, an organisation who provide free, anonymous mental health support to young people. She focused on the children’s transition to high school and shared with them how Kooth actually works. The children seemed to really take in everything that was addressed and it was brilliant to see how open and honest the children were about their move to secondary school.
Year 6 music
In music, year 6 looked at call and response and how it is commonly used within many songs. This was carried through into the class song and allowed the children to practise playing the song as an ensemble.
Year 4 History - How did the Vikings Travel? Investigating Longships
In our history lesson today we have learnt all about methods of travel and in particular the use of longships. We looked at the key functions of the boats, labelling a diagram and then adding further details from researching. In the next part of the lesson we will be designing and making our very own longships which we are super excited about.
Year 2 - Windmills
During our year 2 DT unit the children have been exploring the use of different materials to build their structures of the windmills. They have used lots of techniques and materials to test and evaluate base structures.