Image of Year 5 - Installation Art
28 Sep

Year 5 - Installation Art

Year 5 have been exploring and researching installation art. They have explored a variety of pieces and looked in depth of the inner workings and meanings of installation art. This week the children have been planning their own installation art piece based on their favourite places in the world. They labelled their work with what materials they will use to create their installation art creation.

Image of Year 4 Music with Junior Jam
28 Sep

Year 4 Music with Junior Jam

In our computing lessons we have been looking at making music using different effects in the garage section. The children really enjoyed composing and evaluating other groups.

Image of Year 2 - P.E
27 Sep

Year 2 - P.E

This afternoon, the children had a dramatic P.E lesson in which they were trusted with looking after Zog’s gold star and returning it to him. The children had to endure an escape mission which took them through zig zig mazes and swamp stepping stones. If they managed to make their escape they had to throw the gold star (gold beanbag) as far as they could when Zog was flying past so he could catch it. We had some impressive overarm throws and Zog got his gold star back! ⭐️

Image of Year 3 - French - How are you?
27 Sep

Year 3 - French - How are you?

Today in our French lesson we have been learning how to answer the question “how are you?” We now know how to say we are good, ok, not so good and angry.

Image of European Day of Languages
27 Sep

European Day of Languages

On Tuesday, we celebrated European Day of Languages in our worship with a reading of the Very Hungry Caterpillar in French. We learned some Of the French words for fruits in the story and ended with a reflection about things for which we are thankful.

Image of Year 4 - RE: Revealing Jesus’s Authority
27 Sep

Year 4 - RE: Revealing Jesus’s Authority

In our RE lesson this week, the children were researching Bible stories to find reasons why Christians believe Jesus is the Son of God.

Image of Year 4 - Science: Grouping Animals
27 Sep

Year 4 - Science: Grouping Animals

In Year 4 this half term, we are studying living things and their habitats. This week we were learning to group animals using a range of features and even went on to create subgroups. Next week, we will be using what we have learned to create our own classification keys.

Image of Year 2- Science
26 Sep

Year 2- Science

Let’s just say our science lesson was lots of fun! Today we investigated the importance of hygiene and how having good hygiene can keep us healthy. To demonstrate how being clean keeps germs and bacteria away from our bodies we carried out an investigation. We used sprinkled pepper on water which represented bacteria on a surface. We dipped our finger in and when we looked closely it was covered in pepper. Next, we put soap on our fingers and then dipped them back into the soap. We observed what happened to the pepper and recorded our results in our science books. I’ll let the children tell you about their results…

Image of Football Practice
26 Sep

Football Practice

During this session of football the players looked at technical drills with opposed and unopposed challenges during their games. They worked really hard on the technical aspects of the game and built their work into some games at the end of the session.

Image of Year 2- English
26 Sep

Year 2- English

Our English objective this morning was to identify features of a non-chronological report. We looked at various reports and found similarities and differences between them. They had lots of features in common which we highlighted so we could clearly see them. We created a list of features that a chronological report must include. When we write our own report we will use our list as our own checklist to ensure we have all the features to create a superb report.

Image of Reception- Lunch time MUGA session.
26 Sep

Reception- Lunch time MUGA session.

Reception had a great time on the MUGA this lunch time. We moved around the MUGA like different animals. We slid around like snakes, galloped like horses, stomped like elephants and lots more! I’m sure they’ll love telling you all about the games we played today.

Image of Year 5 - Reversible and Irreversible changes
26 Sep

Year 5 - Reversible and Irreversible changes

Year 5 have continued to look at reversible and irreversible changes in science. During this lesson, the children experimented and observed two reactions both demonstrating a different change in matter. The first reaction we looked at was the burning of a candle, wax melting and the carbon dioxide that is released into the air by burning the wick. The second reaction, the children mixed bicarbonate of soda with vinegar. This resulted in the foaming of the solution creating a new gas due to the chemical reaction. The gas that is formed is called carbonic acid and the children explored the change and how the bicarbonate decomposes to create gas.