Image of Year 2 - Exploring travelling and movement
23 Jan

Year 2 - Exploring travelling and movement

In year 2 this week we have been exploring the variety of ways we can move and techniques to improve movement linking in with a giant story. We linked movements through travel, jump, turn, gesture and stillness.

Image of Monday Worship: Forgiveness and Friendship
23 Jan

Monday Worship: Forgiveness and Friendship

This week, we began our worship with our happy tank. We learnt all about affirmations. An affirmation is when we say a positive thing about ourselves. Our heads and deputies helped Mrs Ham to show what an affirmation was. Our job this week is to think of affirmations to say to make us feel good. Mrs Ham’s affirmation to share was “I am amazing!” The children all joined in with this affirmation. The heads and deputies read lots of affirmations which the children copied to help fill up their happy tanks. Charlotte read an affirmation that said ‘it is ok to make mistakes’. Bobby read out “It is ok to ask for help” and Elsa read the affirmation “I matter in this world”. Today we focussed on our Christian values of friendship and forgiveness. Mrs Ham asked the children if they had ever broken anything. Lots of things can be broken but most of the time they can be fixed. If a book has a rip, Ella suggested that we could use cellotape instead of throwing it away. If a handle falls off a mug, Alfie said that we could use superglue. If we hurt ourselves, Jack suggested that we could use a plaster. Mrs Ham asked the children to think about what we could do to fix a broken friendship. Jesus said if somebody does something mean, you should always forgive them. Jesus told a parable called the unforgiving servant. Our heads and deputies helped Mrs Ham to retell the story. If we do not forgive others, then God will not forgive us. Jesus said that we should forgive people 70 x 7= 490 times! We shouldn’t keep track, we should forgive every time. God always forgives us for big and little things so we need to do the same to each other. For our reflection this week, we are going to have a think about how we can mend a broken friendship and how we can show forgiveness. We finished our worship by singing ‘As one’.

Image of Year 2 - 3D shapes
23 Jan

Year 2 - 3D shapes

In year 2 we have been exploring the various properties of 3D shapes; looking at vertices, faces, name and looking at similar objects in the real world.

Image of Year 1- Gymnastics
20 Jan

Year 1- Gymnastics

Today in PE we did gymnastics. We worked in pairs to help each other to balance on large body parts (side, back, tummy, hips, shoulders) and focused on stillness. We had a go at lots of movements today but we learnt a couple of new ones “The dish” and “The Arch”. We finished off by creating our own gymnastic routines using new moves we had learnt today. Well done year 1!

Image of FOSB Christmas Fair Update
20 Jan

FOSB Christmas Fair Update

We are delighted to announce that we raised an incredible £1242.90 at our Christmas Fayre! This will be added to the existing and ongoing Friends of St Barnabas fund, with the ultimate aim of purchasing a mini bus for use by the school, as well as funding smaller projects throughout the year. Thank you to the parents, children and staff for your generosity in both time and money attending the Fayre and donating tombola items and a BIG shout out to Tesco Blackburn and Turners Butchers for the wonderful raffle prizes. Please continue to support future FOSB events and if you have any ideas or suggestions, or simply wish to get involved, email [email protected]. Don’t forget about our Valentine’s disco on 9th February. Tickets are available to purchase on parent pay for £2.50 which includes a drink and a snack. EYFS and KS1’s disco will be from 5-6pm and Year 3-6 disco will be from 6.15-7.15pm.

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
20 Jan

Friday Celebration Worship

We had so much to celebrate this week in our special celebration worship, it was lovely to see so many grown ups attending too. Mr Prescott stepped in this week and announced our attendance winners, well done to Reception and Year 5 classes. After our trials for Sports Hall Athletics we took all 31 children to compete this week. We received amazing feedback that our students were so respectful and represented the school superbly, so well done to you all. Their resilience and determination brought them into second place so we are so proud of you all. Thank you for bringing in your out of school achievements, it is lovely to share your success out of school and see such a wide variety of activities being enjoyed. A huge well done to all of our values winners this week who have demonstrated our Christian and British Values. You are all superstars!

Image of Year 5- Art- Packaging Collage
20 Jan

Year 5- Art- Packaging Collage

In our art lesson this afternoon, we have creatively arranged a collection of our favourite sweet wrappers to draw, firstly sketching a basic outline of each to get the layout and proportions right and then adding the detail of the lettering, shapes, and illustrations before colouring it in.

Image of Reception - Chinese New Year
20 Jan

Reception - Chinese New Year

This week, we have been learning all about Chinese New Year. We have practised writing Chinese numbers, tasted different Chinese foods, learned all about the famous dragon parades and even made our own dragon! We have really enjoyed learning all about the traditions of Chinese New Year and comparing them to our own experiences and celebrations.

Image of Reception - Chinese New Year
20 Jan

Reception - Chinese New Year

This week, we have been learning all about Chinese New Year. We have practised writing Chinese numbers, tasted different Chinese foods, learned all about the famous dragon parades and even made our own dragon! We have really enjoyed learning all about the traditions of Chinese New Year and comparing them to our own experiences and celebrations.

Image of Smart School Council in Year 4
19 Jan

Smart School Council in Year 4

As part of our Smart school Council session today, we discussed what makes a better dining experience. Our Class Leader Freddy and Notetaker Grace gave everyone the time to discuss the five different options. In Year 4 we decided that having our lunch in our classroom would make a better dining experience.

Image of Year 1- Under the sea- Mark making
19 Jan

Year 1- Under the sea- Mark making

WOWZERS Year 1!! What a great afternoon we’ve had. This afternoon we having been looking at different kinds of mark making to make the perfect under the sea picture. We’ve used oil pastels, chalk, wax crayons and soft pastels to make the waves. We talked about using different shades of blues and greens to make our pictures look effective. We finished off by adding our own sea creatures.

Image of Year 1- Throwing and catching.
19 Jan

Year 1- Throwing and catching.

This afternoon we have done lots of games that included our fundamental skill this week which is throwing. We did under and over arm throwing and I was really impressed with the technique of our over arm throw.