Reception: RE
Last week our Ducklings learnt about the creation story. Following on from this, we learnt about how we are all unique and how God made us all to be special. We looked at our hands and fingerprints and learnt how nobody is the same as us! God made us all special. We read a story called ‘When God made you’.
Reception: Elmer
This week, our Ducklings have read the story of Elmer. We learnt how we are all special and unique. We then created our own Elmer’s using playdough, created unique marks on Elmer and used the colours to create our own elephants for Elmer day.
Collective Worship with Rev Ben - Noah’s Ark
Today, we started with a fun game of floating and sinking in our collective Worship with Rev Ben. He then told us the story of Noah and his Ark and his mission to rescue God’s creation. We considered how we could help to take care of God’s world.
Year 3- What did the ancient Egyptians believe?
Today, Year 3, as historians, explored the world of Egyptian gods and goddesses. They discovered why these gods and goddesses were so important to ancient Egyptians, using the Egyptian creation story as an example. They also learned about the extraordinary qualities that made each god and goddess unique. Additionally, they discovered the meanings behind the symbols and characteristics associated with their chosen god or goddess.
Foodie Friends Funtime Club- Years 3 and 4
Our young chefs from Years 3 and 4 made microwave peanut butter and jam brownies today in the Foodies Friends Funtime afterschool Club. The children worked in small groups and followed a recipe. They first discussed the importance of washing their hands and making sure the surface was clean to work on. They then carefully weighed the ingredients and made the mixture. They then poured their well-prepared mixture into a glass dish and popped it in the microwave for 5 minutes. They had an absolute blast and can't wait to come back next week.
Year 5 - Gymnastics
This week in year 5, we have been learning how to effectively and correctly counter balance with a partner. The children explored numerous poses and positions with varying levels of difficulty. In order to succeed children communicated well with their partners to counter balanced each others weights and correctly execute the balance.
Social Media Safety
Good morning parents and carers, the children will tell you that my main job is to keep all of the children safe. That is in school and whilst online. We are having an increasing number of children, particularly in the upper KS2 classes who aren't being safe online at home as they are being exposed to social media apps, namely tik tok and snapchat. Over the past couple of weeks we have had several issues being brought into school from inappropriate content posted on these apps. We have spoken to the children about the dangers of these apps but would also like to remind parents too as tik tok and snapchat are particularly difficult to monitor due to the disappearing messages. These apps have an age rating of 13 and aren't meant for primary aged children. Please see the attached safety guides and the following websites detailing the risks of the apps and information on how to keep your child safe online.
Collective Worship- In the beginning
This morning in Collective Worship, we continued learning about God's Big Story with Worship across the Diocese. Today we started right at the beginning of the Bible and focused on God's creation. This built on our Worships with Rev Ben and Rev Matt as we have been focusing on God's generosity in creation. After watching and joining in with the Worship across the Diocese video, we also watched a cartoon about God's creation. We then reflected on our favourite creations and Mrs Ham threw the inflatable earth and asked us to share our favourite creations with the whole school if we caught it. We shared so many of our favourite wonderful creations such as trees, flowers, people, food, fish, mountains, the sea, the sun and the sky. We then sang one of our favourite songs about creation, 'If I were a butterfly' where we thanked God for all of his wonderful creations.
Year 3- Art- Working with wire
This afternoon, the children have been working with wire, bending and twisting it to create the form of a fish, using smaller pieces of wire to add features.
Year 3- Make a Splash in Their First Swimming Lesson
Year 3 had an incredible start to their swimming lessons today. The instructors divided the children into two groups, taking into consideration their prior swimming experience. We were immensely proud of their confidence and dedication. We look forward to witnessing their continued progress in the water over the coming weeks.
Friday Celebration Worship
This morning, we started our celebration worship by saying a huge well done to our value award winners this week for showing the Barney’s 4B’s, hitting the ground running in their new classes and always having a positive attitude to their learning. Well done Albie, Naomi, Walter, Daisy, Walter, Annabelle, Leonora and Seb. We then said a special well done to Whitehall Park this week who were our award winners this week, Reception and Year 5 for being the amazing attendance winners this week and Hamza, Harry and Daisy in Year 5 for gaining their pen licenses. We then moved on to say a huge congratulations to our out of school superstars. Well done to Alice for achieving 20m in her swimming, Alexis for achieving lots of badges at Rainbows, completing the Summer Reading Challenge and achieving 25m in her swimming, Carmen for completing the Summer Reading challenge and even reading an extra 9 books than she needed to, Renee for completing the Summer Reading Challenge, Frankie for completing the Summer Reading challenge and achieving stage 2 in his swimming, Annabelle for being awarded a special badge for her keyboard playing, a Blue Peter Badge for her musical talent and and a ‘Swim England’ award and medal, Summer for being awarded 50m in her swimming, Elijah for achieving 100m in his swimming without armbands, Eliza for achieving 4 rosettes in her horse riding, Jack for achieving 5m, 10m and stage 3 in his swimming, Ruby for participating in a 2 week swim and lifeguard camp and achieving her level 1 and 2 in snorkelling and her bronze and silver awards at Brownies and Charlie for achieving his 5m at swimming. We ended our worship with a lovely prayer from Rev Ben and a singalong to ‘Our God is Great Big God.’ Thank you for all of your support this week and we wish you an enjoyable weekend.
Reception- Friday Fun
Mrs Ham had a wonderful afternoon teaching the Reception class her favourite games of Elsa freeze, monkey tig and parachute games in PE. The children had to show super listening during the games, especially where they lifted the parachute up and then listened for their name to swap places by running underneath the parachute. They also had lots of fun with the colour monster teddies, showing the different feelings and moving the parachute like the different feelings. They particularly liked showing anger with the parachute as the teddies went flying. They also played cat and mouse with the parachute. The children then went on an outdoor adventure through the willow tunnel and onto the big school field. They played another listening game where they had running races across the field but they had to listen for Mrs Ham to say ready, steady, go, but she would trick the children by saying ready, steady googly eyes, grandma, gravy etc. What a super busy Friday, Reception class and a great end to your first full week in school. We are sure there will be some tired children this evening.