Year 4 Art - The role of a curator
In our art session we explored the role of a curator and the skills required to do this role. We then created our own gallery with various pieces of artwork and sketched this using different grades of pencils.
Year 5 - RotaKids
This week, year 5 were visited by the Darwen Rotary Club and were introduced to RotaKids. During this visit the club discussed all the amazing objectives they meet each year and how their unbelievable work contributes to their local area and worldwide issues. They discussed the objectives that we must meet as a class to meet the expectations of The Rotary Club. As a class, we did a democratic vote for the four offices of RotaKids. A huge congratulations to: President - Hamza Vice President - Will Secretary - Daisy Treasurer - Ezmae
Online Safety: Setting Boundaries
Parents and carers have entered the game! Power up this #WakeUpWednesday with our practical tips to setting gaming boundaries – a useful tactic for helping to protect your young gamer from #OnlineSafety hazards while they play. Download >>
Year 1- Lunch time on the MUGA.
We had our first session of this term on the MUGA on Tuesday and we had so much fun. We played lots of different games that worked on 2 of our fundamental skills, skipping and jumping.
Reception: Phonics
Our Ducklings have been listening to sounds in the environment. The children heard birds tweeting, cars, children and the rain. Super listening skills!
Reception: The Colour Monster
Our Ducklings have read the story ‘The Colour Monster’. They have explored the feelings of calm, love, fear, happiness and sadness. The children have created a feelings jar, painted their own colour monsters and discussed when they have experienced different feelings.
Smart School Councillors
We are proud to introduce our ‘Smart School Councillors’ for the year. From Year 5 we have Laila, Daisy, Harry, Oscar and Leonara. Representing Year 6, we have Isaac, Amelia, Lucy, Sophie and Colton. These dedicated pupils will meet fortnightly to discuss school matters. Smart School Council is an important and useful way for our school to provide leadership and development opportunities for all of our pupils. It is an excellent way in which to increase participation, teaching our pupils about democracy, local and global citizenship and accountability. Their mission is to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard and ideas considered.
Year 3- Maths- How to access T.T Rockstars?
The Year 3 class were introduced to T.T Rockstars today. They successfully learned how to access and log in to the platform and had the opportunity to play a single game. They were super keen to get home and continue practising. T.T Rockstars is an engaging online platform designed to help students improve their multiplication and division skills through fun and interactive games.
Year 5 - Gymnastics
This week in gymnastics year 5 have started with mirroring positions with a partner. The children have been working on the core aspects of gymnastic rules to make their positions as presentable as possible. The class mirrored many positions such as: tuck position, pike position, lying down straddle movements, hollow and lunge.
Reception: Fun in the rain
Our Ducklings love to go out in all weathers. Today the children enjoyed exploring in our sandpit. Some of the children were making soup in our mud kitchen and some children enjoyed making a volcano!
Year 5 - Interpreting line graphs
This week in year 5 the children have been finishing off their statistics unit. They have been focusing really hard on interpreting and drawing the appropriate graph that would represent the data that has been provided for them. The children were able to spot patterns, infer and make educated estimates based on the trajectory of the graph or bar chart. Year 5 worked extremely hard on their presentation to ensure that their work is tidy and clear for the reader.
Tuesday Collective Worship with Rev Matt
Rev Matt came to lead our worship and told us the story of Adam and Eve, and how God showed his generosity, staying with them even after they disobeyed his orders. We also discussed how we can show generosity this week.