The Jungle Book
Years 1-6 have had an amazing morning watching The Jungle Book production. They joined in so well and were transfixed throughout. Our Year 6 children got to take part in a special workshop afterwards where they learnt about the different roles that are needed in a theatre production as they will be performing The Jungle Book at the end of the year. A huge thank you to our FOSB for their generous donation towards the cost of the production and a massive thank you to you all for supporting our FOSB events. Without your generosity we wouldn’t be able to provide these sort of memorable opportunities for our children, as our school budget is very tight. For all of the photos, please click here:
Year 2- English
Year 2 have been busy applying capital letters and full stops in the correct places.
Year 5 - Move and Learn
Year 5 have taken part and completed the Blackburn Rovers move and learn session. During the day the children took place in both classroom based and physical activities. Classroom based activities included: learning about balanced diets and why it is important to have a balanced diet, importance of hydration, body and mind and all the benefits of physical activities. The practical elements included team games and ball activities that led nicely into each classroom based session. The children worked really hard and enjoyed the competitive nature of the games and thrived in the teamwork elements of the games.
Year 3 - Junior Jam
We have thoroughly enjoyed having Junior Jam back this week. We have been learning how to say “My name is…” in French along with recapping some words we learnt in Year 2. In computing we have been making some fantastic music and beats on Garage Band and in music we have be learning how to play the ukulele.
Year 6 P.E.
This week in P.E. Year 6 have been working hard on their passing and receiving skills in hockey. They started by passing from a close range through a gate and as they progressed, they moved further away. As the lesson progressed, you could see the confidence improve and the accuracy of passes.
Year 2- Computing and Music
Our first week back has been great so far. We started off our morning with computing. In computing this week we’ve been looking at creating our own music production by using the iPads.
Year 2- P.E
What a beautiful day to do P.E outside!☀️ We had a go at rounders today a first time for most children but we had so much fun!
Year 3- Maths- How does Learning by questions work?
Today in maths, Year 3 had the exciting opportunity to set up their accounts on LBQ for the first time. They did a fantastic job using these new tools. They also had the opportunity to complete a lesson on recognising the place value of two-digit numbers.
Online Safety: Live Streaming
Has live streaming brought a flood of risks? Many young people enjoy broadcasting on the internet in real time – but not knowing who might be watching is just one of the #OnlineSafety hazards, as our #WakeUpWednesday guide explains. Download >>
Year 4 - Creating a Positive Classroom Culture
Our first task as Year 4 pupils was to create a set of class rules to keep everyone safe, happy and thriving in school. We based them around our new school rules: be ready, be respectful, be kind and be safe. So far, our rules have helped us all to create a positive atmosphere, to encourage each other to succeed and to ensure that we are focussed on our learning. Great start, Year 4!
Year 5 - Teambuilding
Year 5 have had a brilliant past two days and had a chance to take part in a variety of team building activities. They have been excited to see all their friends and have worked really well on settling back into school, class rules and routines while keeping up with high expectations.
Year 5 - Reversible and irreversible changes
Year 5 have started their science unit on reversible and irreversible changes. We explored a variety of changes that can occur to an object when exposed to different reactions such as: evaporation, condensing, dissolving heating and melting. The children explained many different reactions and knew materials that can be formed from irreversible changes; detailing the advantages and disadvantages of both changes.