Image of Year 6 Red, white and blue day
5 May

Year 6 Red, white and blue day

Year 6 really enjoyed the red, white and blue day that we held in preparation for the king’s coronation. At lunchtime, all of the children ate their dinner on the field during our Coronation picnic.

Image of Super Sports Stars!
5 May

Super Sports Stars!

Congratulations to our super sports stars this week! It is great to hear and celebrate all of our pupils achievements, both inside and outside of school!

Image of Celebration Worship: King Charles III
5 May

Celebration Worship: King Charles III

This morning during celebration worship, we learnt all about the coronation of King Charles III, which will be happening this weekend. We spoke about some of the important things to look out for during the coronation and what it will be like when King Charles is coronated. We also spoke about some of the celebrations that are happening in Darwen this weekend, such as a street party on Monday in the town centre and a party in Whitehall Park on Sunday! We also celebrated all of our successes and achievements in school this week, such as TriKidz and our coronation picnic lunch! We finished our Worship by singing the National Anthem to the new King whilst waving our special coronation flags that our school have bought us. Our Trust have also bought us some special gifts of a commemorative coronation coin, a bookmark and sticker. Thank you Cidari Multi Academy Trust!

Image of Coronation Style Selfies
5 May

Coronation Style Selfies

Coronation Style Selfies with Year 4

Image of Year 6 TriKidz
5 May

Year 6 TriKidz

Year 6 had great fun competing in their very own triathlon. There were a lot of bright red faces when they returned to the classroom. Fantastic effort year 6!

Image of Year 1- The Coronation photo booth!
5 May

Year 1- The Coronation photo booth!

We had a super worship this morning all about the King's Coronation followed lots of activities linked to the Coronation. Wishing you all a super weekend celebrating!

Image of Online Safety: Smart Watches
4 May

Online Safety: Smart Watches

Time to get smart about watches? Wearable tech is usually considered 'cool' by young people, with smartwatches at the forefront – but are they safe from #OnlineSafety risks? Trusted adults can find out in our #WakeUpWednesday guide. Download >>

Image of Year 1- Coronation PE activities
3 May

Year 1- Coronation PE activities

We’ve played lots of games in P.E. linked to the King’s Coronation on Saturday. We had so much fun!

Image of Year 5 - Pen Licence
3 May

Year 5 - Pen Licence

Over the past few weeks, we have focussed on handwriting. Thinking about presentation, letter formation and writing legibly and accurately. This week, some of the children have been granted a pen licence to use instead of a pencil when writing in class.

Image of Year 5- Class Worship-  The Coronation of King Charles III
3 May

Year 5- Class Worship- The Coronation of King Charles III

During class worship this morning, the children watched a short film all about the coronation. We joined Elysha on a journey with her friend to discover the history and importance of the Coronation, the role of the King, and the importance of the Monarchy around the world. The children also learnt that Constance Spry invented the coronation chicken in 1953. She was also asked to arrange the flowers in Westminster Abbey and along the route for Queen Elizabeth's coronation. We spoke about mutual respect and tolerance to the lives and beliefs of others. We ended the class worship with a prayer, thanking God for all the wonderful things we can celebrate.

Image of Red, white and blue day for the King's Coronation
3 May

Red, white and blue day for the King's Coronation

We had a special red, white and blue day to celebrate the King's Coronation this Saturday. We have really enjoyed learning all about King Charles and the Coronation this week in school. We hope that everyone enjoys celebrating this weekend.

Image of King's Coronation Picnic
3 May

King's Coronation Picnic

We had a wonderful time at our King's Coronation Picnic. It was lovely to have our whole school family eating and playing together on the top field.