Image of Year 1- Junior Jam
5 Jan

Year 1- Junior Jam

Year 1 have been working in pairs to create their own moving animation videos using equipment from around the classroom.

Image of Reception - Maths
5 Jan

Reception - Maths

In Reception we have been looking at subitising numbers up to 6. We practised rolling dice and recognising the number patterns on them. We also looked at more unfamiliar number patterns and played a game called Take A Picture where we had to remember patterns and recreate them using counters. We have really enjoyed our number work this week.

Image of Year 1- Ball skills
5 Jan

Year 1- Ball skills

In PE year 1 have been looking at different types of ball skills. This week we’ve been practising rolling and throwing the ball.

Image of Year 4 Smart School Council
5 Jan

Year 4 Smart School Council

In our Smart School Council session we discussed what is the most important thing about having a job. The children worked really well within their group and our Class leader -Harry and Key Notetaker - Josh, led the session like pros!

Image of Year 6 Science
5 Jan

Year 6 Science

Today, year 6 have been investigating which blood type hospitals would benefit from having in larger quantities.They did this by completing a model and found out that ‘Blood Type O’ would be more beneficial as it can be donated to all of the other blood types.

Image of Year 3- Junior Jam
4 Jan

Year 3- Junior Jam

Today year 3 have been recapping colours in French and also learnt the days of the week, sharing which day of the week was their favourite day. During computing the class worked in pairs and used iPads to write out a piece of information, they had to use the correct font, size and grammar. In music today, lots of different pieces of music were played, by different artists, they then voted if they thought that artist had written the song or not.

Image of Latest newsletter
3 Jan

Latest newsletter

Happy new year to you all! I hope you've had a lovely Christmas holiday with your loved ones. It has been wonderful to have all of the children back in school although I think it was a bit of a shock to the system being back in school today and I know it certainly felt like that for myself and our staff team. Our class teachers will shortly be sharing information with you about what your child will be learning this half term. As ever, if you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me via class dojo, on the school yard or via the school office. Thanks for your continued support and we are looking forward to another brilliant year at St Barnabas, Mrs Ham

Image of Year 5- Science- Exploring the Solar System
3 Jan

Year 5- Science- Exploring the Solar System

This term in science, Year 5 will have the opportunity to star-gaze by learning more about the Earth and the celestial bodies in our solar system. This afternoon we explored the Solar System and the characteristics of the planets in detail.

Image of Whole School Worship: Happy new year!
3 Jan

Whole School Worship: Happy new year!

It was lovely to have everyone together for our first worship of 2023. Happy new year to everyone! We took a few moments as we lit our advent wreath to think about Jesus and how he came to bring hope, peace, joy and love to the world and how he wanted us live life in all its fullness. A few of our children shared their new year resolutions. Alice said she wants to eat more healthily, Tristen’s is to always have a smile on his face, Sadie is to not talk back to her parents and Kaylen’s is to go outside more. Mrs Ham shared hers which is to be happy. Mrs Ham reminded us all of the kindness coach, John Magee. She introduced us all to the happy tank. We watched a video from John who explained what the happy tank was. One of the elements is to take some time to rest. During this time, we need to focus on our breathing which can help us to find peace. We all focussed together on our breathing for 2 minutes. Beau said that it made her feel calm and Jacob said it made him feel happy. Mrs Ham shared with everybody a happy calendar that we will follow throughout January. We watched a clip from ‘The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse’. At the beginning the fox was very angry but by the end he was happy. He filled up his happy tank by the boy, the mole and the horse showing him kindness. This year we need to really focus on how we can be kind to others and to ourselves. Through that, we also need to think about how we can find happiness and spread it to others. We all said a new year prayer together and ended our worship with the song ‘Shine from the inside out’.

Image of Reception: RE
3 Jan

Reception: RE

This week we have begun our unit of stories that Jesus heard. We began with listening to the story about Moses’ mummy. She had to hide him in the river to keep him safe. We discussed the story and looked at how our parents show us that they love us.

Image of Reception: What is safe to go onto our body?
3 Jan

Reception: What is safe to go onto our body?

This week we have been looking at things that are safe to go onto our body. We discussed what we should wear, how different objects can help us, what can keep us healthy and clean and what to do if we have hurt ourselves.

Image of Year 3 Christmas Artwork in the Rose Garden, Whitehall Park
20 Dec

Year 3 Christmas Artwork in the Rose Garden, Whitehall Park

Year 3 have produced some fantastic pieces of artwork, representing the shepherds visiting the stable and being in the presence of God. They have been displayed in the Rose Garden in Whitehall Park along with the Remembrance artwork. If you’re on a family walk in the area this Christmas holiday, please go along and appreciate the lovely artwork.