Image of Songs of Praise Worship
29 Jan

Songs of Praise Worship

We had a joyous start to the week with our songs of praise singing worship. We practiced a selection of our favourite songs including My Lighthouse, Build Up, Jesus Strong and Kind, the School Rule song, May you find peace and Sing a new song to the Lord. Each class got the chance to choose a song and perform the actions at the front for our Reception class to copy as some of the songs are new to them.

Image of Mrs Ham's Highlights
26 Jan

Mrs Ham's Highlights

Good afternoon parent and carers, what another busy week at St Barnabas! The highlights have been: * the super Science show yesterday, * Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics team winning their heat and getting through to the finals, *Creating terrific tie-dye t-shirts in Year 3, *Playing on the outdoor gym, *A money matters session in Year 5 and some of their trout eggs have hatched! Next week we have our Aladdin Pantomime to look forward to on Friday afternoon. We kindly ask for a small donation of £3.00 which can be made on parent pay. Thank you to our FOSB for their contribution in order to keep the cost down. For all of this week's news from each class and this morning's celebration worship, please click here: For all of the upcoming events, please click here: I would like to wish you all a lovely restful weekend and thank you for your ongoing support. Take care and God bless, Mrs Ham

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
26 Jan

Friday Celebration Worship

This morning, we started our worship by signing the trinity and discussing our week in school. We reflected on our ‘Mad Science’ assembly which was amazing and also discussed our learning about Jesus being special in collective worship. We then presented Samuel, Piper-Jo, Emily, Peyton, James, Grace, Austin and Wilson as our value award winners this week. Well done to those children for working exceptionally hard , consistently demonstrating the 4Bs and demonstrating our Christian Values. We also congratulated our Year 5\6 football team who represented Darwen in the County Football Finals last Friday and made it to the semi-final, our Year 5\6 Sportshall Athletics squad who represented our school amazingly well at St. Bedes on Wednesday evening and celebrated a win ready to compete in the final, Summer, Grace and Charlie-Rose for achieving their pen licenses, Reception and Year 3 on being our amazing attendance winners this week and India Mill who are our overall value award winners this week with 322 points. We then moved on to our out of school achievers. Well done to Charlie for achieving 10m in his swimming, Leonora for achieving her honours swimming challenge for swimming 40 lengths in under 20 minutes, Desmond for being awarded with his 25m in swimming, Jacob for being Player of the Week at Judo, Seb for being awarded with a trophy for Darreners Player of the Week at football, Olivia B, Olivia R and Darcy for getting through to the final of their football competition, Cassidy for achieving two new additions to her Rainbow badge collection and moving up to Brownies, Vienna for sponsoring a dog called Sage to become a guide dog, Harriet for being awarded with Morris Dancer of the Week for incredible marching and Lola, Summer and Quinn for wonderful gymnastics. Lola has been working extremely hard to perfect her backwards roll, Quinn has been persevering to achieve a cart wheel and Summer has been using her fantastic gymnastic skills to guide others. We then ended our worship with a lovely prayer from Rev Ben and sang along to ‘My Lighthouse.’ We thank our children for another wonderful week and we look forward to the next two weeks of this half-term. We have some exciting things planned such as a pantomime of Aladdin next Friday 2nd February and ‘A Dress to Express Day’ on Friday 9th February. We thank all those who attended celebration worship and we wish the the rest of our school family a lovely restful weekend and thank you for your ongoing support too.

Image of Year 3 - P.E- Outdoor Gym Session
26 Jan

Year 3 - P.E- Outdoor Gym Session

Year 3 had a great time in P.E. at the outdoor gym this afternoon. We discussed the importance of getting off the equipment safely and not rushing past anyone to reach a new one. Everyone had a turn to explore and enjoy all the equipment! They had a great time.

Image of Year 6 Gym Session
25 Jan

Year 6 Gym Session

This week, year 6 finally got their chance to explore the gym and had a great time during their break time. They are looking forward to using it on a more regular basis.

Image of Year 6 P.E.
25 Jan

Year 6 P.E.

This week, in P.E., year 6 spent time preparing for the sports hall athletics competition. It looks like all of the hard work and preparation paid off as they managed to make it through their heat and into the finals.

Image of Year 5 - Art
25 Jan

Year 5 - Art

Today, Year 5 have been experimenting with different media to create futurist art work. The children used: fine liners, chalk, oil pastel and drawing pencils to create different effects to their drawings. Using a view finder the children chose a specific area of a picture they would like to replicate and then used their different media to replicate it four times; assessing the various advantages and disadvantages of that particular tool.

Image of Mad Science Assembly - Year 4
25 Jan

Mad Science Assembly - Year 4

This morning, we welcomed Mad Science Sarah in our assembly. Scientific Sarah explored static energy using balloons, electric energy using people power where our very own Annabelle lit the plasma ball by creating energy by turning the pedals. Sarah then went on to making chemical energy in a jar. We loved every second of it and Year 4 can’t wait to try out some new experiments in our Science lesson on Monday.

Image of Mad Science Show
25 Jan

Mad Science Show

This morning our whole school family had a super Mad Science Show led by Scientist Sarah. The focus was on energy and she showed us all some really exciting experiments that create different forms of energy. A huge well done to our chosen volunteers James, Annabelle and Archie!

Image of Year 2 - P.E.
25 Jan

Year 2 - P.E.

This week, we combined our knowledge of shapes from our maths work and our superb P.E skills. After warming up, we jumped into shapes and out of them ready for our landings. The children loved showing off new shapes they jumped into. Some shapes made it more difficult to land so it was important to be quick in and out of the shapes.

Image of Year 2 - Maths
25 Jan

Year 2 - Maths

We have moved onto from 2D shapes to 3D shapes. This week we have been counting faces, edges and vertices on 3D shapes. It can be difficult to count without losing count or counting the same one twice. We have found strategies to make sure our counting is accurate.

Image of Reception - Ordering Numbers
25 Jan

Reception - Ordering Numbers

Reception have been working hard to sequence numbers 1-10. They have been using their counting skills to check which number comes next to ensure they are in the right order.