Image of Back with our friends
4 Sep

Back with our friends

We have had great fun in the sun with our friends. It’s been great to catch up and reconnect after the Summer holidays.

Image of Our First Day in Year 1
4 Sep

Our First Day in Year 1

This morning, Year 1 did a treasure hunt in their classroom. They had to find out where all of the resources are kept so that they are able to get them out and put them back independently when they need them. They looked for things such as rulers, pencils, rubbers, whiteboards, whiteboard pens, whiteboard rubbers, tricky word mats, phonics mats, colouring pencils, construction straws, magnets and story books. Well done Year 1!

Image of Reception: First day at school
4 Sep

Reception: First day at school

We are so proud of our Ducklings on their first day at school. They have all been superstars. They have been making new friends, exploring our classroom and doing lots of super talking. What a super start to their school journey!

Image of Legendary lining up
4 Sep

Legendary lining up

Today we showed Mrs Ham our legendary lining up after discussing our school rules this morning in Worship. We know that we need to line up sensibly and smartly to keep ourselves and others safe and to be ready to learn. We have also been showing our wonderful walking around school. Well done everyone!

Image of First day back
4 Sep

First day back

We have had a fantastic first day back in school. Our teachers are so impressed with how well we have settled into our new classes and we have all been showing brilliant behaviour.

Image of  Monday Collective Worship-Welcome Back to School
4 Sep

Monday Collective Worship-Welcome Back to School

This morning, we all met for our first collective worship of the academic year and it was lovely to all be back together again after the summer holidays. First, we reminded ourselves of our vision, our Christian values and our British values. Then, Mrs Ham then introduced our four golden rules. These are: To be ready, to be kind, to be safe and to be respectful. We then discussed what these key phrases meant. Be Ready: Jack said having a smart uniform, Miles said looking at the speaker, Ella-Grace said being at school on time, Alice said being prepared with the correct equipment and Sonny said being ready and following instructions if the fire alarm goes off.  Be Kind- Freddie said helping each other, Daisy said supporting others such as charities and refugees, Alice said encourage others to join in your games, Wilson and David said look after the environment such as not littering and making bug houses, Renee said sharing your toys and equipment.  Be Safe- Chay said always staying where an adult is, Molly said keeping safe with our equipment such as walking with scissors upside down, Charlie Rose said walking to places within school and Jack said following the instructions of the teacher.  Be respectful- Bella said let adults through the door first, Dougie said show respect towards the environment including animals, Darcy said do not talk over the teacher. Mrs Ham reminded us that we need to line up smartly so she wanted to see 'legendary lining up' and 'wonderful walking' around school by walking sensibly, smartly, safely, silently and smiling at the same time.  Mrs Ham then explained our new behaviour system. All children will start every lesson on green (ready to learn) with the aim of moving up to yellow (time to shine) throughout the day for showing good behaviour , demonstrating our Christian values and a showing positive attitude to learning. However, there will also be pink which means time to think. If a child is not demonstrating a positive attitude to learning or making the right choices then they will be given two warnings. If the behaviour still persists after these warnings then the child will move to pink and will be asked to reflect on their behaviour by filling in a pink reflection sheet during their break time. We hope that this time to reflect will allow a child to move forward positively and make better choices.  We are all looking forward to another super year at St Barnabas and are aiming to achieve great things through learning and growing together in a love-filled Christian family!

Image of Year 6 Leavers Service
21 Jul

Year 6 Leavers Service

Congratulations to our amazing Year 6 class for being such superstars over the last seven years. It has been a privilege to have you as part of our school family and we are so immensely proud of you all. We wish you all the luck in the world as you all go off on your new adventure to high school and we know that you will achieve great things and shine from the inside out. I really hope today has made you realise how precious you are and that you from here with confidence. We also said thank you to our wonderful volunteers who support our school family so brilliantly. Thank you Carol, Fran and Glenda. We also said a huge thank you to Rev Ben. This time last year our WOW group interviewed Rev Ben and we have loved having him as part of our school family over the last few months. We sadly said thank you, good luck and goodbye to Miss Horsfall and Miss Wilkins, who have both been covering maternity leaves this year. They have been amazing and have fit right into our school family. We also said thank you and goodbye to Mrs Kay who is leaving her welfare role at the same time as her son leaves Year 6. Thanks for being a star Mrs Kay! We then said thank you to Miss Bentham who was with us short term and has secured a permanent role in another school closer to her home. Thanks Miss Bentham! Lastly but certainly not least, we said thank you, goodbye and good luck to Miss Ashworth, who has recently moved to Yorkshire. She has been an absolute star and we wish her all the luck in the world in her new school. We are sure she won’t miss the long commute to St Barnabas but we know that St Barnabas will always have a special place in her heart. Thank you so much to our parents and carers, you have been wonderful and we couldn’t do what we do without your support. On behalf of all of the staff I would like to thank you for your support, kind words and gifts. Finally, I would like to thank your truly amazing children for their huge smiles, enthusiasm and positivity. They have worked their socks off all year and it has been another brilliant year. I consider myself so lucky to lead such a wonderful school with the best staff team in the world, the most amazingly supportive parents and the most charismatic, delightful children who brighten up our days. Wishing you all a fabulous Summer holiday and we look forward to welcoming you all back on Monday 4th September. Take care and God bless, Mrs Ham

Image of Year 4 - Exploring Church
19 Jul

Year 4 - Exploring Church

We finished off our RE unit with a trip to St Barnabas Church to look for symbols of Christianity. The children were so knowledgeable, remembering lots of our learning this term. Thanks to Rev Ben and Rev Matt for inviting us in.

Image of Year 1 English and Phonics: The Prefix ‘re’
18 Jul

Year 1 English and Phonics: The Prefix ‘re’

Year 1 have been learning about the prefix ‘re’ through our Bug Club Phonics resources today and have written different words using this prefix. They understand that ‘re’ means to do again and have enjoyed spelling different words on the smart board today.

Image of Year 1 Maths Telling The Time To The Hour
18 Jul

Year 1 Maths Telling The Time To The Hour

Year 1 have used mini analogue clocks today to practice telling the time to the hour. They understand the different between the hour and the minute hand and that the minute hand must be at the 12 to be o’clock. They have completed other activities matching different analogue clocks to the correct times and drawing the hands on clocks to show different times too.

Image of Year 1 Maths Measuring in Minutes and Seconds
18 Jul

Year 1 Maths Measuring in Minutes and Seconds

Yesterday Year 1 learnt how to use stopwatches and measured themselves doing different activities in partners. They really enjoyed seeing how many seconds or minutes and seconds activities took. They also did specific exercises for 1 minute to recognise how long this was.

Image of Year 1 Building Homes Jesus’ World, Our World
18 Jul

Year 1 Building Homes Jesus’ World, Our World

This week in our RE lessons we have been comparing the buildings Jesus would have lived in and around. We have built our own cuboid homes and made a year 1 village. We recognise that when Jesus was on Earth there was no electricity, houses were not made from bricks and they often had flat roofs and no glass in the windows.