Reception: Rhyme time
We welcomed our grown ups to our rhyme time this morning and enjoyed singing some new songs and old favourites. It was lovely to see those who could come along. Rhyme and story time will begin again on 17th April at 9am.
Reception: PE
This week during PE, our Ducklings focused on ‘aim’ looking at where our object was going. The children used the correct technique of throwing, kicking and jumping to get it on target. Brilliant listening reception and much better at waiting your turn. Well done!
Online Safety: Encouraging open conversations at home
It’s good to talk. Whatever the problem, an honest chat - delivered with a little compassion - can help. This #WakeUpWednesday, our guide has expert tips on encouraging and maintaining open conversations with children. Download >>
Reception: Junior jam
Our Ducklings had a special treat this afternoon and our junior jam staff delivered a computing lesson where Reception could use an iPad and create an image of themselves. They followed instructions well and took turns with the iPad. Well done Reception!
Reception: Music
Our Ducklings enjoyed a lovely music lesson this afternoon. Reception learnt all about beats and different music types. Super listening and showing lots of respect to the junior jam staff too. Well done Reception!
Year 4 - RE: Easter Art
We have been busy in Year 4 creating artwork inspired by the betrayals found in the Easter Story. The children chose one of the betrayals we studied, designed three symbols to represent the key events and then used Brusho paints and water to create a mottled effect on the symbols. They then created a checked background on which to mount their symbols.
Year 4 - Science: Conductors and Insulators
Our Year 4 scientists had a great time learning about conductors and insulators this week. They spent time investigating a range of materials for their ability to let electricity pass through them. They connected each material to their circuits in turn and observed the bulb to see if it lit up.
Rev Ben’s Worship: Palm Sunday
Today, Rev Ben read the story of Palm Sunday and talked about the joy of the crowd when Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem. He contrasted this with the anger of the crowd when they were led to believe that Jesus lied about who he was. Determination and perseverance were two key qualities demonstrated by Jesus during that time and Rev Ben asked everyone to reflect on when they will need to show these qualities this week.
Year 1- Local History Walk
In their history lessons, Year 1 have been learning about the positive impact that Queen Victoria had on Britain during her reign. They learnt that Queen Victoria and her husband, Albert, supported Britain in becoming more developed. During her reign, trams and trains being developed meant that people and goods could move around the country and machinery that could be powered by coal and water could produce materials such as cotton, paper and metals very quickly that could then be shipped to other countries to support Britain becoming wealthier. Today, Year 1 went on a walk around Darwen to see the impact that Queen Victoria’s reign had on their hometown. They saw many factories that have now been repurposed but were once cotton or paper mills such as Radford Mill on Bolton Road, Hilton’s Old Paper Mill which is now Kenleys and Brittania Mills. They also saw several sights were cotton factories used to be that are now housing estates such as the site where Bowling Green Mill used to stand and where Waterfield Mill used to be. From visiting so many locations where cotton and paper mills used to be, it helped year 1 to understand just how much of a part Darwen used to play in producing cotton especially. They also learnt that this cotton used to get shipped over to India to make Britain wealthier and this is why Ghandi visited Darwen. As well as this, Year 1 also saw the original tramway track which was built and in operation during Queen Victoria’s reign and the concrete capping on Clough Street which tells us that there was a coal mine in his area which would have been used to generate the power for both the trams, trains and machinery. Year 1 walked over 3 miles during our local area history lesson which is a great contribution to our ‘Big Lent Walk’ challenge too- well done Year 1.
Running Club
Running club continued for the KS2 children. The children have been building their stamina and technique for long distance running. Many children have beaten their original times and are making lots of progress.
Year 5 - Science Experiment
Today, Year 5 investigated the chemical reaction that takes places when mixed coloured tablets and vitamin C in a liquid. The children mixed them in a tube and pointed them upright. As the chemical reaction takes place it creates pressurised carbon dioxide to push the test tubes into the sky. The children enjoyed the experiment and explored the variety of factors that make it go even higher.
Year 5 - Orienteering
Today, Year 5 continued progressing with their orienteering unit and explored a scatter lesson. The children used their map skills and orienteering skills to locate the given targets and worked within their teams to find the quickest routes.