Image of Online Safety: Live Streaming
6 Sep

Online Safety: Live Streaming

Has live streaming brought a flood of risks? Many young people enjoy broadcasting on the internet in real time – but not knowing who might be watching is just one of the #OnlineSafety hazards, as our #WakeUpWednesday guide explains. Download >>

Image of Year 4 - Creating a Positive Classroom Culture
5 Sep

Year 4 - Creating a Positive Classroom Culture

Our first task as Year 4 pupils was to create a set of class rules to keep everyone safe, happy and thriving in school. We based them around our new school rules: be ready, be respectful, be kind and be safe. So far, our rules have helped us all to create a positive atmosphere, to encourage each other to succeed and to ensure that we are focussed on our learning. Great start, Year 4!

Image of Year 5 -  Teambuilding
5 Sep

Year 5 - Teambuilding

Year 5 have had a brilliant past two days and had a chance to take part in a variety of team building activities. They have been excited to see all their friends and have worked really well on settling back into school, class rules and routines while keeping up with high expectations.

Image of Year 5 - Reversible and irreversible changes
5 Sep

Year 5 - Reversible and irreversible changes

Year 5 have started their science unit on reversible and irreversible changes. We explored a variety of changes that can occur to an object when exposed to different reactions such as: evaporation, condensing, dissolving heating and melting. The children explained many different reactions and knew materials that can be formed from irreversible changes; detailing the advantages and disadvantages of both changes.

Image of Year 3 - Science - Sources of Light
5 Sep

Year 3 - Science - Sources of Light

For science this week we looked at all the different sources of light. We talked about what light is natural and what is artificial.

Image of Stay and Play
5 Sep

Stay and Play

On Thursday 28th September we have a special stay and play session for children who are due to start school in September 2024. We look forward to welcoming you to our school and you will have the opportunity to meet our school family, have a play in our Reception classroom and have a tour of our school led by our Headteacher, Mrs Ham. If you are unable to make the stay and play session or if you would prefer a personal tour with Mrs Ham, please contact our school office on 01254 702996 or email [email protected]

Image of Reception: Outdoor Exploration
5 Sep

Reception: Outdoor Exploration

Today, the children really enjoyed exploring our outdoor area. They continued to build on their friendships and played in the sand area, water area, construction area, roleplay house, stage and made some lovely drawings on our easel! They also enjoyed using the scooters and bikes and investigated how the outdoor physical equipment worked. The children had some milk and snack too to keep themselves cool in the sunshine. Well done to you all!

Image of Collective Worship with Rev Ben and Rev Matt
5 Sep

Collective Worship with Rev Ben and Rev Matt

In worship today, Rev Ben got us all thinking about being creative and our greatest and most generous creator - God. We enjoyed watching two teams of children compete to create the best animal from just sticky tape and newspaper. We also reflected on how we can be generous with our creations in school this week.

Image of Year 4 - RE: Jesus Was a Jew
5 Sep

Year 4 - RE: Jesus Was a Jew

In Year 4, we started our RE with a little artefact exploring, learning about and experiencing the Jewish festival of Rosh Hashanah, and we ended with a big reveal: Jesus was Jewish! We couldn’t believe it! There were lots of ‘Mrs Ham shocked faces’ when we found out, but I think most of us would agree that the best part was eating apple pieces dipped in honey and wishing for a sweet new school year.

Image of Year 4 - PE: Handball
5 Sep

Year 4 - PE: Handball

What a glorious day for a game of handball! Today our fantastic 4s started learning some of the skills used in handball. We watched a clip from the Rio 2016 Olympic handball final and analysed players’ movements, before heading outside to practise some passing and dribbling skills. Our core value throughout this unit is DETERMINATION, so the children set themselves targets to achieve by the end of the lesson and every one of them made progress. How amazing!

Image of First day in Year 3
4 Sep

First day in Year 3

Year 3 were super excited about reuniting with their friends and talking about what they did over the summer. The children couldn't wait to go out for a break in the KS2 yard and have fun on the trim trail. They also visited the school library to select books for their personal reading enjoyment in the classroom. Alongside this, we created our own classroom rules, building upon the four golden rules Mrs. Ham highlighted during this morning's worship. In the afternoon, the children went on a shape hunt around the school, identifying, drawing and labelling the different shapes that make up the objects they find in everyday objects. For example, a door shaped like a rectangle, a classroom window shaped like a square and the netball goal ring shaped like a circle.

Image of Welcome back
4 Sep

Welcome back

It was an absolute pleasure to welcome your amazing children back to school today. It’s been lovely to see them playing with their friends in the sun. They’ve had a brilliant day and I’m so proud of the ‘wonderful walking’ and ‘legendary lining up’ I’ve seen around school. This morning in worship we went through our new behaviour routines and we expect to see all of our children following our four golden rules: Be ready, be kind, be safe and be respectful’. We have already had lots of children shining from the inside out so they have got themselves on our ‘time to shine’ recognition board. Well done everyone! We are so proud of our new Reception children as they all settled so well and we know they are going to be fantastic additions to our school family. We also welcomed Mr Norris, our new Year 2 teacher, Mrs Stanton, our new office administration assistant and Mrs Reynolds, our new Reception special support assistant into our school family. We are sure you will all make them feel welcome. As the weather is predicted to be hot all week, please ensure you apply suncream to your child before school. They may also bring their own named suncream to apply themselves and it would be great if they had a sun hat too please. For further information about our first day back at school, please click here: Don’t forget we also have a Facebook page and Twitter/ X that also has our latest news on.