Image of Year 5 - Gymnastics
12 Sep

Year 5 - Gymnastics

This week in gymnastics year 5 have started with mirroring positions with a partner. The children have been working on the core aspects of gymnastic rules to make their positions as presentable as possible. The class mirrored many positions such as: tuck position, pike position, lying down straddle movements, hollow and lunge.

Image of Reception: Fun in the rain
12 Sep

Reception: Fun in the rain

Our Ducklings love to go out in all weathers. Today the children enjoyed exploring in our sandpit. Some of the children were making soup in our mud kitchen and some children enjoyed making a volcano!

Image of Year 5 - Interpreting line graphs
12 Sep

Year 5 - Interpreting line graphs

This week in year 5 the children have been finishing off their statistics unit. They have been focusing really hard on interpreting and drawing the appropriate graph that would represent the data that has been provided for them. The children were able to spot patterns, infer and make educated estimates based on the trajectory of the graph or bar chart. Year 5 worked extremely hard on their presentation to ensure that their work is tidy and clear for the reader.

Image of Tuesday Collective Worship with Rev Matt
12 Sep

Tuesday Collective Worship with Rev Matt

Rev Matt came to lead our worship and told us the story of Adam and Eve, and how God showed his generosity, staying with them even after they disobeyed his orders. We also discussed how we can show generosity this week.

Image of Year 4 - Developing Handwriting
12 Sep

Year 4 - Developing Handwriting

Handwriting practice has begun in Year 4 with formation of the letter “f”. And what a letter to start with! Hooks, descenders, flicks, it has them all, but we have made great progress in just one 15 minute session.

Image of Monday Collective Worship- God’s Big Plan
11 Sep

Monday Collective Worship- God’s Big Plan

We started our worship by paying respect to all of the victims who lost their lives 22 years ago in the devastating 9/11 terrorist attack in New York. We lit a candle and said a prayer. Mrs Ham then reintroduced God’s Big Story to us and we looked at each concept and discussed what they mean: Creation (the beginning of the world), Fall (when people started to sin) , People of God (People in the Old Testament of the Bible), Incarnation (Jesus was sent to create peace on Earth), Gospel (spreading the good news of Jesus), Salvation (Jesus is crucified and appears as a spirit) and The Kingdom of God. We then watched a video which started with creation. We talked about our favourite things that God created. Rio said’ The sun and the moon to create light and dark,’ Sienna and Elliott said ‘The people’, Maliki said ‘The animals’ and Sonny said ‘The food.’ Followed by the Fall when people started to destroy the world. Then God gave us the People of God such as Moses and Abraham who were sent to teach us how to be good people. However, people didn’t listen so God sent Jesus to us in the flesh and this is what incarnation means. Bishop Philip explained that incarnation means that Jesus came as one of us, to share our life and so that we could share in his life and learn from his actions, stories and explanations. Bishop Philip then explained the definition of Salvation as Jesus coming to save us from a place of danger (the fall) by dying on the cross. As Jesus died on the cross and came back to life, he was our rescuer. He died for all of us brought us to a place of safety. We all look forward to learning more about God’s Big Plan in our collective worships and our RE lessons this academic year. Finally, we ended our worship by singing, ‘Our God is a Great Big God.’

Image of Year 3- P.E- Playground games in the 20th century
11 Sep

Year 3- P.E- Playground games in the 20th century

Today, in our PE lesson, the children played games like the ones kids played in the past, like in the 1940s, 1950s, 1970s, and 1980s. A group of 5/6 taggers chased after the other children and tried to tag them. When a child gets tagged, they have to stand with their feet apart and their arms stretched out to the sides. Another child can free them by running under their arms or crawling under their legs. The children had an absolute blast! For the warm-up, the children played a fun game led by Mr. Frostie and Mr. Sunshine. The game involved running, jumping, skipping, galloping, and hopping around.

Image of Site Supervisor Vacancy
8 Sep

Site Supervisor Vacancy

It is with great sadness that I let you know that Mr Tierney has secured a promotional post as a Deputy Estates and Facilities Manager post at Blackburn College. This is a wonderful opportunity for him but we will all miss him greatly. On behalf of our whole school family I would like to thank him for his hard work and dedication to our school family and across our Trust. I wish him all the luck in the world in his new position which he will start on Monday 9th October. This means that we are recruiting a new site supervisor to work at St Barnabas. If you or anybody that you know would be interested in being our new site supervisor and would love to work with such a fabulous, committed team of staff, the most wonderful children and super supportive parents, please have a look at our vacancy page for further information.

Image of Reception - Trying the Trim Trail
8 Sep

Reception - Trying the Trim Trail

Reception had a great time trying the trim trail today, they showed lots of courage and bravery. Well done!

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
8 Sep

Friday Celebration Worship

This morning, we started our first celebration of the year by reminding ourselves of our 4 B’s (Be ready, be kind, be respectful and be safe). We then talked about some highlights of the week including the production of the Jungle Book. We talked about our favourite parts. Daisy said, ‘When the lion fought the tiger and defeated him,’ and James said, ‘When Mowgli burnt the tiger's bottom off.’ We then celebrated the wonderful out of school achievements that our St Barnabas children have achieved over the summer holidays. We said well done to James for swimming 5m, Tristen for his red belt in kickboxing, Carter for being a fantastic fox at football and achieving stage 1 in his swimming, Eliza for being amazing at football and winning a football competition during the holidays and for wonderful horse riding, Poppy for running for Blackburn Harriers, Annabelle for being an amazing archaeologist, completing the summer reading challenge and achieving her stage 7 at swimming, Leonora for her super swimming, Grace for coming 3rd in her song and dance and completing the summer reading challenge, Jenson for achieving his 50m at swimming, Isaac for coming 4th in the British Championships in Derby for his BMX racing, Betsy for achieving the most points at Sports cool summer club for helping out with the younger children and always showing kindness, Finn for his trophy at football and achieving his 100m at swimming, Molly and Annabel for completing the summer reading challenge, Annabel for finding her brave and skydiving in the summer holidays with her brother and Renee for completing the summer reading challenge and achieving her stage 4 at swimming. We then congratulated Reception and Year 4 for being the amazing attendance winners this week and introduced Neve, Eden, Annabelle and Ella as our well-being warriors for this academic year. Finally we ended our worship with a beautiful prayer from Rev Ben and a sing along to ‘Shining From the Inside Out’ as a whole school. Thank you to those parents who could join us for celebration worship this week and we wish you all a lovely weekend when it arrives.

Image of Year 3- Swimming- What to expect?
8 Sep

Year 3- Swimming- What to expect?

This afternoon Year 3 had a talk with one of the swimming instructors at Darwen Leisure Centre, ready for our first swimming session on Friday, 15th SEPTEMBER. The instructor answered any questions the children had about swimming lessons and explained what to expect. We also had a good chat about pool safety and we shared some of our thoughts and worries about going swimming. The children are super excited about their first swimming lesson next week.

Image of Celebration Worship Begins
7 Sep

Celebration Worship Begins

Dear Parents and Carers, You're very welcome to join us for our first Celebration Worship of the year tomorrow morning at 9.05am. Our class teachers will be letting our children know how impressed they are with how well they have started the year. We have had a fantastic start so far and we are proud of all of the children. We have seen wonderful walking, legendary lining up and the children have been following our Barney's Brilliant Behaviour Be's (4B's)- Be ready, Be Kind, Be Safe and Be Respectful. As ever, if your child has an award from out of school, they are very welcome to bring it into school so we can present it to them on the golden podium. From next week our Heads and Deputies will be counting up the Values points from each class and the Values Winners will be awarded in Celebration Worship on Fridays. Parents will be informed on Wednesdays if their child is the values winner. However, you are all welcome to attend our Celebration Worship every week or whenever you are free.