Image of Year 5 and 6 Rose Garden Visit
27 Mar

Year 5 and 6 Rose Garden Visit

This morning, year 5 and 6 visited the Rose Garden to see the art work that each year group created to represent different elements of the Easter story. The standard of work was superb across the school. Mr Bloomfield then led a quiz based on the art work that was kindly created by Mrs Araujo.

Image of Rev Matt’s Worship: Good Friday
27 Mar

Rev Matt’s Worship: Good Friday

Rev Matt’s worship this week began with a drawing challenge. A Year 4 child was shown a picture and they had to draw the picture on the back of a Year 5 child. This child then had to draw what they thought the picture was on the back of a Year 6 child, who had to attempt to draw it on flip chart paper. Rev Matt then explained that messages sometimes become distorted when we don’t see the full picture, but it is important to stay hopeful. This mirrors the sadness of Jesus’ death on Good Friday. We must remember that it was all part of God’s plan to save mankind.

Image of Online Safety: Clickbait
27 Mar

Online Safety: Clickbait

The 10 Worst #OnlineSafety Fails (You Won’t Believe Number 6) That get your attention? Clickbait works by appealing to our emotions and curiosity – but where exactly do those links lead? Download our #WakeUpWednesday guide and find out Download here >>

Image of Year 2 - Whitehall Park
26 Mar

Year 2 - Whitehall Park

This afternoon we visited the Rose Garden in Whitehall Park. As a school, we have turned the rose garden into an art exhibition full of the whole school’s Easter artwork. The children loved seeing all their art being displayed for the public to see. It is definitely worth a visit to the Rose Garden this Easter.

Image of Year 5 - Fairtrade Letters
26 Mar

Year 5 - Fairtrade Letters

This week Year 5 received a special letter on behalf of the Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak at 10 Downing Street in recognition of their persuasive writing to purchase more Fairtrade products. The children wrote a letter detailing the worldwide benefits of Fairtrade and they have been writing to persuade the Prime Minister to promote the purchasing of Fairtrade. Our letter states that our letters have been forwarded to the Department for Business and Trade to make them aware of our views and options. Well done Year 5 for making a stand and trying to make a difference!

Image of Year 5 - Trout Release
26 Mar

Year 5 - Trout Release

This week, Year 5 RotaKids said goodbye to the trout that they have been looking after. The class has raised them since they were eggs and carefully helped them starting their life journey. We released the trout in our local river stream and learned all about the life cycle and what benefits we have brought to the life cycle. The children also explored a variety of wildlife; classifying many different insects. The children also had a lesson in water safety to ensure that when dealing with water, they understand and know how to remain safe.

Image of Reception: Easter Artwork
26 Mar

Reception: Easter Artwork

Our Ducklings enjoyed viewing the artwork in the Rose Garden. They looked at the Easter story and tried to describe each picture.

Image of Reception: Forest Schools
26 Mar

Reception: Forest Schools

Our Reception children explored a different area of Whitehall park today. They made fairy houses, balanced on beams, built dens and climbed trees.

Image of Year 3- Maths- Measuring in metres and centimetres
25 Mar

Year 3- Maths- Measuring in metres and centimetres

In today's math lesson, Year 3 revised skills learnt in Year 2, measuring the length of objects using either metres or centimetres. They revisited these skills by starting with measuring objects in centimetres using a ruler. Additionally, they had the opportunity to compare each other's work.

Image of Collective Worship- Salvation
25 Mar

Collective Worship- Salvation

This morning in Worship we learnt about Palm Sunday with Mrs Ham and then we watched the Easter Worship Together across the Diocese video with Lisa and Bishop Philip. We looked at our school timeline of God's Big Story and found where salvation was in the New Testament. We then learnt all about Jesus being our salvation, our rescuer and saviour. We looked at our sorry tree and Mrs Ham read out some of the things we are sorry for (sins) and we asked for God’s forgiveness. We finished with an Easter prayer and Years 3 & 4 performed the songs they will be singing in our Easter Service on Thursday morning.

Image of Mad Science After-School Club- Magnetic Magic
25 Mar

Mad Science After-School Club- Magnetic Magic

Our future scientists had a blast using paper clips, strings, and a magnetic board for hands-on exploration. They immersed themselves in the world of magnets, conducting experiments and discovering the fascinating properties of magnetism in a fun and engaging way.

Image of Year 3- Easter Artwork
25 Mar

Year 3- Easter Artwork

This afternoon, Year 3 went for a little Easter walk to the rose garden at Whitehall Park. The children enjoyed guessing which part of the Easter story each class, from Reception to Year 6, represented through their artwork. Once there we all sang Easter songs together too. Our walk covered 2.5 miles, contributing to our Lent journey as well.