Image of Year 3- Art- Working with wire
18 Sep

Year 3- Art- Working with wire

This afternoon, the children have been working with wire, bending and twisting it to create the form of a fish, using smaller pieces of wire to add features.

Image of Year 3- Make a Splash in Their First Swimming Lesson
15 Sep

Year 3- Make a Splash in Their First Swimming Lesson

Year 3 had an incredible start to their swimming lessons today. The instructors divided the children into two groups, taking into consideration their prior swimming experience. We were immensely proud of their confidence and dedication. We look forward to witnessing their continued progress in the water over the coming weeks.

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
15 Sep

Friday Celebration Worship

This morning, we started our celebration worship by saying a huge well done to our value award winners this week for showing the Barney’s 4B’s, hitting the ground running in their new classes and always having a positive attitude to their learning. Well done Albie, Naomi, Walter, Daisy, Walter, Annabelle, Leonora and Seb. We then said a special well done to Whitehall Park this week who were our award winners this week, Reception and Year 5 for being the amazing attendance winners this week and Hamza, Harry and Daisy in Year 5 for gaining their pen licenses. We then moved on to say a huge congratulations to our out of school superstars. Well done to Alice for achieving 20m in her swimming, Alexis for achieving lots of badges at Rainbows, completing the Summer Reading Challenge and achieving 25m in her swimming, Carmen for completing the Summer Reading challenge and even reading an extra 9 books than she needed to, Renee for completing the Summer Reading Challenge, Frankie for completing the Summer Reading challenge and achieving stage 2 in his swimming, Annabelle for being awarded a special badge for her keyboard playing, a Blue Peter Badge for her musical talent and and a ‘Swim England’ award and medal, Summer for being awarded 50m in her swimming, Elijah for achieving 100m in his swimming without armbands, Eliza for achieving 4 rosettes in her horse riding, Jack for achieving 5m, 10m and stage 3 in his swimming, Ruby for participating in a 2 week swim and lifeguard camp and achieving her level 1 and 2 in snorkelling and her bronze and silver awards at Brownies and Charlie for achieving his 5m at swimming. We ended our worship with a lovely prayer from Rev Ben and a singalong to ‘Our God is Great Big God.’ Thank you for all of your support this week and we wish you an enjoyable weekend.

Image of Reception-  Friday Fun
15 Sep

Reception- Friday Fun

Mrs Ham had a wonderful afternoon teaching the Reception class her favourite games of Elsa freeze, monkey tig and parachute games in PE. The children had to show super listening during the games, especially where they lifted the parachute up and then listened for their name to swap places by running underneath the parachute. They also had lots of fun with the colour monster teddies, showing the different feelings and moving the parachute like the different feelings. They particularly liked showing anger with the parachute as the teddies went flying. They also played cat and mouse with the parachute. The children then went on an outdoor adventure through the willow tunnel and onto the big school field. They played another listening game where they had running races across the field but they had to listen for Mrs Ham to say ready, steady, go, but she would trick the children by saying ready, steady googly eyes, grandma, gravy etc. What a super busy Friday, Reception class and a great end to your first full week in school. We are sure there will be some tired children this evening.

Image of After school clubs- Autumn 1
15 Sep

After school clubs- Autumn 1

Good morning parents and carers, here is a reminder about the after school clubs for this half term. Some of the clubs are nearly full but there are still places at several clubs. If your child will be attending a sports based club, they will need to bring sports clothes to wear and suitable trainers or football boots for football club. If the club is on their PE day, they can stay in their PE kit. A reminder that the children in Years 1 and 2 need to be collected from the circular infant yard at 3.20pm and children in Years 3-6 need to be collected from the circular infant yard at 3.30pm. If you give them permission to walk home, please message the club leader. A quick note that the performing arts club is for Year 6 at the moment to give them priority for the end of year production and to cast the main parts. However, if we have low numbers then it will be opened to older year groups.

Image of Year 6 - Internet Legends
14 Sep

Year 6 - Internet Legends

Today, year 6 took part in the ‘Internet Legends’ workshop. They took part with such enthusiasm, but never lost sight of the message it was tying to get across. They were taught to: - Be sharp and think before you share. - Be secure by using and not sharing strong passwords. - Be kind and respect each other even when you are online. - Be brave by telling a trusted adult when you are in doubt about anything.

Image of Year 6 R.E.
14 Sep

Year 6 R.E.

In R.E. Year 6 have been looking at how following Jesus’ teachings has an impact on lives today. They looked at Jesus’ life journey and thought about how individual events might influence the way in which Christians live their lives.

Image of Year 1- Be Internet Legends
14 Sep

Year 1- Be Internet Legends

Year 1 watched the ‘Back to School- Be Internet Legends Assembly.’ We learnt and discussed some very important ways of staying safe on the internet. We know that we should not share information such as our full name, the school we go to or where we live with anyone over the internet and that we should have a tricky password that is hard to guess when we are creating one.

Image of Year 1 Maths
14 Sep

Year 1 Maths

Year 1 have been counting forwards and backwards in their maths lessons this week. They have been completing unfinished sequences using their knowledge of counting forwards and backwards to help them. They have had to write the numbers as both numerals and as the written word. They have enjoyed playing true and false games such as, ‘Will I say the number 7 if I count forwards from 8?’ Or ‘Will I say the number 2 if I count backwards from 5?’ They have also had to solve problems such as, ‘What number will I not say if I’m counting forwards from 6?’ Or ‘What numbers will I say if I’m counting backwards from 2?’

Image of Year 1 Art- Warm and cool colours
14 Sep

Year 1 Art- Warm and cool colours

Year 1 have been exploring warm and cool colours in their Art lesson this week. They needed to explore a range of pictures and decide whether they were of a warm or cool landscape. They also had to use a colour wheel to select warm and cool colours to use in their sketchbooks. Over the next few weeks, they will continue to build up skills and knowledge to create a cold landscape.

Image of Year 3- Be Internet Legends Back to School Assembly
14 Sep

Year 3- Be Internet Legends Back to School Assembly

Today, the Year 3 class joined the live assembly delivered by 'Be Internet Legends'. During the assembly, the children learned about online safety, how to protect themselves and using strong passwords. Five key points that were highlighted throughout the session were; Sharp, Alert, Secure, Kind and Brave — these are designed to equip children with the key skills needed to stay safe online including critical thinking and empathy.

Image of Year 5 - Be internet legends
14 Sep

Year 5 - Be internet legends

This morning year 5 participated in the be internet legends live assembly. The assembly discussed all the key aspects of online safety and why it is important to remain safe online. They discussed how the internet was an amazing platform for people and how it has changed to world to make things more accessible to people. The assembly discussed the potential threats that can happen online and how to avoid them and know when to alert a trusted adult of a potential danger. They gave lots of tips and advice how to maximise your online activity while remaining as safe as possible. The key aspects the assembly discussed are: - Be sharp - Be alert - Secure - Kind - Brave