Image of Reception Kandinsky Circles
21 Sep

Reception Kandinsky Circles

Reception have been artists like Kandinsky. We have been practising our formation of circles and have created colourful art work for a joint piece.

Image of Year 4 Art - Soap Sculptures
21 Sep

Year 4 Art - Soap Sculptures

In our art session this week we have been making soap sculptures. First we watched a video on how to complete this step by step starting by drawing our animal designs on to paper. We then transferred this onto our bars of soap and began sculpting. We used lots of different tools to sculpt our animals and it was very tricky! As you can see from our designs, we created animals that we could find in the rainforest including butterflies and fish.

Image of Online Safety: WhatsApp
20 Sep

Online Safety: WhatsApp

97 million messages. Every. Single. Minute. Our updated #WakeUpWednesday parents’ guide to WhatsApp examines the latest features on the world’s most-used messaging app – and what #OnlineSafety issues they might raise for children. Download >>

Image of Year 3- Class Meeting- What are you most looking forward to this year in school?
20 Sep

Year 3- Class Meeting- What are you most looking forward to this year in school?

Today, in Year 3, we had our first class meeting that has been set up by the school communication team. Darcy was our 'Class Leader' and Desmond took the role of 'Notetaker'. in small groups they discussed the key question ' What they are most looking forward to this year in school'? Three of the groups are looking forward to learning new things and the other two groups are looking forward to making new friends. Their teamwork was outstanding, great work Year 3!

Image of Year 4 - PE: Handball Skills
20 Sep

Year 4 - PE: Handball Skills

Year 4 have been showing great determination and will power in PE this week. They were set the task of keeping the ball below waist height while dribbling and most of them found that it improved their control of the ball as well as their speed of movement.

Image of Year 4 - Junior Jam Music
20 Sep

Year 4 - Junior Jam Music

The children in Year 4 are thrilled to be learning how to play ukuleles this half term. They are doing an excellent job of playing the chords and reading music.

Image of Year 4 - Exploring Habitats
20 Sep

Year 4 - Exploring Habitats

We loved getting out and exploring an urban woodland habitat in science this week. Our Year 4 scientists investigated the plants, animals, climate and conditions in the area. Unfortunately , we didn't see many animals but we could use our prior knowledge to say which animals we would expect to find there.

Image of Year 2- Music
20 Sep

Year 2- Music

For our music lesson today we learnt how to change the pitch on our ukulele.

Image of Multi skills sports club
20 Sep

Multi skills sports club

Our first week of multi skills club and what a great time we had! We had lots of different stations set up to practice our fundamental skills followed by a very exciting game of bench ball.

Image of Year 2- P.E
20 Sep

Year 2- P.E

This week we linked our P.E lesson to the story ‘Jack and the beanstalk’. We took parts of the story into our lesson to practice different skills such as climbing and over arm throwing just like Jack's mum throwing the magic beans out of the window.

Image of Year 2- Computing.
20 Sep

Year 2- Computing.

In music this week Year 2 have been creating their own piece of dance music by using app “garage band” on the iPad.

Image of Year 5 - RotaKids
20 Sep

Year 5 - RotaKids

As part of RotaKids, Year 5 are raising money for the families that have been affected by the earthquakes in Morocco. In order to raise money, Year 5 are hosting a non uniform day and children must come into school wearing the colours of the Moroccan flag to show their support and compassion for those affected. The money raised by the school will help provide: food, water, shelter, medical essentials and survival equipment to help. We are asking for a minimum donation of a £1.