Year 5 - Geography
Today, Year 5 looked at the Himalayas in depth during geography. The children looked at the location of the Himalayas and what life is like around that part of the world. The children look closely at tourism but mainly what challenges they face from climate change to danger risks.
Year 3- Collective Worship- Should we learn sign language at school?
Today in Year 3's class worship, we explored different ways of communicating, including prayer to connect with God and the importance of British Sign Language. The children feel learning sign language at school is vital to support the deaf community, break down barriers, and promote understanding between different communities. They also discussed the importance of respect and celebrate difference. We ended our worship by thanking God for creating each of us uniquely different.
Reception- Maths- finding different ways of making numbers to ten
In maths we have been looking at different ways of making numbers to ten. We have been doing this in various ways, we have used the Hungarian tens frame and we have also used a computer program called ‘ways to make’. The children are really starting to understand numbers in more depth.
Year 2 History
We began our new History topic of Monarchs by looking at what a monarch actually is and what they do. We discussed our current monarch King Charles III and his roles and responsibilities. We designed a crown with symbols that represent what a Monarch’s job is. For example, writing a speech, money to show wealth, handshakes to show him meeting with other people and a bible to show their faith.
Year 1 Science- Making a Prediction and Performing a Test
Today in Science, Year one learnt about floating and sinking. They learnt that generally speaking lighter objects will float and heavier objects will sink and that for an item to float, it has to contain trapped air. They also learnt that another word for float is buoyant and another word for sink is submerge. As part of their independent group work, they had to predict whether an item would sink or float and then they had to perform a test to see whether their predictions were correct or incorrect. At the end of the lesson, they got to choose some of their own items to test.
Online Safety: Self-regulation
Learning the art of emotional control. Young ones can sometimes find it difficult to manage their feelings – this week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide has expert advice on how trusted adults can help children learn to self-regulate. Download >>
The W.O.W. Group - Messy Church: Faith in Action
The W.O.W. Group have done a fantastic job in planning some exciting lunchtime Messy Church sessions. The first one was for KS2 children and the theme was “Faith in Action”. Participants had to think of someone who is their hero and make them into a superhero. They also listened to the story of Samson and his strength, and they were treated to a drink and a biscuit whilst they worked on their superheroes. The W.O.W. Group are looking forward to the second KS2 session next week.
Year 4 - Meeting Our Linking Schools Class
The children were so excited to meet their Linking class this week. We had a Zoom meeting with the Kestrels class from St Matthews in Blackburn, in which we introduced ourselves, taught and learned some sign-supported English and played games. I think their favourite game was ‘Draw An Object’; the children had to hold their whiteboards on their heads and draw the instructed object without looking. Needless to say our attempts were hilarious and nothing like what they were supposed to be!
Year 4 - English: Grammar
In Year 4, we started our new novel this week: The Firework-Maker’s Daughter. We began the topic with some grammar work on word types and created a fast poem about fireworks. The class really enjoyed creating their poems and a few children chose to perform theirs for the class.
Year 1 Phonics
Year 1 are working hard in their phonics lessons. This week, they have been focusing on the graphemes 'oy' and 'ou.' They read several words containing these two graphemes, wrote several words and dictated sentences with these two graphemes and recognised whereabouts in a word we usually see them so that they can make more informed choices in their spelling of words with these sounds in them. Well done Year One!
Year 1- Planning an Instructional Text
Today, Year 1 have worked in teams to plan their instructional text. They gathered the equipment that they needed e.g. hurdles, hula hoop, cones, beanbags, basket balls, footballs, quoits and skipping ropes and used these to create an obstacle course. Year 1 then practised using their obstacle course so that they were able to give instructions to follow their obstacle course clearly. Tomorrow, the children will write their set of instructions.
Year 4 - PE: Orienteering
In Year 4 this half term, one of our PE sessions each week is orienteering. Our first lesson with our orienteering leader Jack went brilliantly, with the children working well in their pairs. They worked cooperatively to locate the markers and remember the details on each one. Back in the classroom, we learned how to create a birds’ eye view diagram of the classroom, paying attention to furniture and the location of fixed points such as doors and windows. We are looking forward to next week’s session.