Image of Year 1 Phonics
25 Sep

Year 1 Phonics

Year 1 are working incredibly hard in their daily phonics lessons. They are recapping several phase 3 sounds before we move on to phase 4&5 and we are starting to see some great progress in their reading and writing, Well done Year 1.

Image of Year 1 PE- Fundamental Skills
25 Sep

Year 1 PE- Fundamental Skills

Year 1 have been working on their fundamental skills in PE. Today, they practised an overarm throw as well as doing some hopping, jogging and running.

Image of Foodie Friends Funtime Club
25 Sep

Foodie Friends Funtime Club

The children had a fantastic time making their very own crumpet pizzas. They enthusiastically took on the roles of mini chefs, skillfully peeling and slicing onions, as well as chopping a red pepper. It was great to see them applying the claw and grip techniques they've learned in previous year groups. For toppings, they chose their own ingredients, they had grated cheese, basil, red onion, pepper, and tomato passata. The most exciting part was when we put the crumpets in the oven. They were all amazed by how little time they needed to prep and cook.

Image of Year 2 - Storyboards
22 Sep

Year 2 - Storyboards

This week in Year 2, we have continued our hard work in English. We have been looking at the short film ‘Caterpillar Shoes’. I’m sure the children will be able to tell you all about the events in the short story. The children became experts at recalling the different events of the story. This allowed us to create our own storyboards retelling the ‘Caterpillar Shoes’ story. The children recalled each event, wrote their sentence describing the event and drew a picture to show what was happening. A key focus of our storyboards, was to ensure we included time conjunctions at the beginning of each sentence. By using a variety of time conjunctions such as ‘Firstly, After that and Finally’ it allowed us to write in chronological order. The end results are superb! The children have produced great examples and should be very proud of their hard work.

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
22 Sep

Friday Celebration Worship

This morning, we started saying thank you to our teachers for starting their after school clubs this week. We have had choir, football, foodie friends, performing arts, netball and an infant sports club and the children have thoroughly enjoyed them. We still have a few places left in choir so please sign up if your child is interested. We then said well done to our value award winners this week for always demonstrating the Christian values particularly friendship, respect and courage and working exceptionally hard across the curriculum. These children were Lottie, Leo, Eden, Daisy and Alfie. We then congratulated River Darwen for gaining 250 value points this week putting them in 1st place, Year 1 and 5 for being the amazing attendance award winners this week and David, Archie, Carlton, Skye, Daisy, Ruby, Leonora, Annabelle, Luca and Grace for being our new WOW group members for this academic year. We look forward to you all taking a lead in various worships and helping to organise events in the Christian calendar. We then congratulated our out of school achievers. Well done to Annabelle for her blue Peter badge for her music, Jenson for achieving his 100m in swimming, Scarlett for lots of amazing rainbow badges and a swimming badge, Archie for achieving 20m in his swimming and ‘smashing it’ at Go Ape, Isaac for his perseverance over the last 5 years at Scouts, Oliver for demonstrating lots of new skills and achieving a new belt at kickboxing and Annabel for gaining a certificate for always working hard on many new skills at acro. We ended our worship with a lovely prayer centred around thankfulness from Rev Ben and a singalong to ‘If I was a butterfly.’ Please remember that we will be having our MacMillan coffee morning next Friday 29th September after celebration worship and you would be all very welcome. Cake donations would be very much appreciated and a donation to Macmillan can be made on parent pay. Thank you for all of your support again this week and we wish you an enjoyable weekend.

Image of Year 2’s - Fantastic Friday
22 Sep

Year 2’s - Fantastic Friday

A great way to end the week! In Year 2, we had a Fantastic Friday full of exciting activities. We had a very tricky maths lesson where we looked at flexibly partitioning numbers. To partition numbers in different ways was difficult but the children made great progress. We will continue our work with partitioning at the beginning of next week. Before lunch, we enjoyed our daily handwriting and our focus now is to transfer our improving handwriting skills into our other work. The afternoon consisted of a great P.E lesson where we recreated movements from the story ‘Zog’. This was great fun and the children became very competitive. We saw who could jump the furthest whilst being able to land and balance with two feet. A lovely day to round off the week!

Image of Year 6 Internet Safety
21 Sep

Year 6 Internet Safety

In today’s class worship time, year 6 focused on being internet legends. This week, they looked in more detail at how things aren’t always real online and how people may want you to believe something or possibly influence you to do something. They were made aware of different rules that can help to keep us safe online, such as: - if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. - Don’t share personal information. - Don’t visit sites that don’t have a padlock in the address bar. - Be alert when playing online games.

Image of Year 6 English
21 Sep

Year 6 English

Year 6 have been working extremely hard on their chapter endings this week. They have been writing a chapter, inspired by chapter 2 of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, ‘The Vanishing Glass’, and are looking to apply various features in their writing. They are aiming to build a very clear picture of Uncle Vernon and Harry through the use of speech and figurative language and are looking to move the narrative on by using a range of cohesive devices in their work. Well done Year 6!

Image of Year 4 Geography- How can we protect the Amazon?
21 Sep

Year 4 Geography- How can we protect the Amazon?

In our geography session today, we have been looking at how we can protect the Amazon rainforest and the impact that deforestation has on it. We looked at reasons both for and against then moved onto how some of the issues may be solved.

Image of Year 1- Precursive handwriting
21 Sep

Year 1- Precursive handwriting

Year 1 have been working hard in their handwriting sessions to form percursive letters. They have been learning how to form the letters i, l, t, u, w, e, c, o and a. Well done Year 1.

Image of Year 1- Completing our Challenges
21 Sep

Year 1- Completing our Challenges

This week, Year 1 have been busy completing challenges in the areas. They have used their knowledge of the different animal groups to classify animals in the investigation area, completed number sequences in the maths area, used warm and cool colours to colour in pictures in the creative area, consolidated the sounds ‘ng’ and ‘th’ in the phonics and writing area, completed a jigsaw containing the 7 continents in the construction area and used their observations of the shapes and sizes of the continents to make them on the peg boards e.g. making Asia very big and Australia much smaller.

Image of Year 1 Maths-Comparing Numbers
21 Sep

Year 1 Maths-Comparing Numbers

This morning, Year 1 have been comparing numbers using the greater than , less than and equal to symbols. They did amazingly well at using the language of greater than, less than and equal to within sentences such as 8 is greater than 5 and 5 is less than 8.