Image of Year 1 Pond dipping at Brockholes
12 Jul

Year 1 Pond dipping at Brockholes

Year 1 were in three different groups to carry out this super activity at Brockholes Nature Reserve on their trip. They found different types of interesting creatures such as water snails, beetles, bugs, shrimps and nymphs when participating in the pond dipping activities. They used a classification sheet to help them identify creatures and magnifying glasses too as some creatures were very small.

Image of Year 1 Brockholes Nature Reserve Trip
12 Jul

Year 1 Brockholes Nature Reserve Trip

Year 1 have had an amazing time on their school trip at Brockholes Nature Reserve this week. They went pond dipping, bird watching and went on an amazing outdoor adventure playground in two smaller groups. Then after lunch in the lookout together, the whole class went into the Viking Woods to learn about different types of plants and trees. We played lots of games and went on a scavenger hunt too. It was an amazing day and we all absolutely loved learning about nature in such an exciting and fun way.

Image of Year 1 DT Testing our Super Structures
12 Jul

Year 1 DT Testing our Super Structures

Year 1 have really enjoyed testing their super structures today with heavy objects and celebrating their successes as a team.

Image of Online Safety: Summer
12 Jul

Online Safety: Summer

Here comes the summer! Being realistic, the long school holiday probably equates to increased screen time for many children. Our #WakeUpWednesday poster has some pointers to help young ones steer clear of common #OnlineSafety risks Download >>

Image of Year 1 DT Super Structures Lesson 2
12 Jul

Year 1 DT Super Structures Lesson 2

Year 1 have now finished their super structures in their second design and technology lesson using lots of cylinders. They are now ready to test the strength and stability of their finished structure.

Image of Year 1 DT Super Structures Part 1
12 Jul

Year 1 DT Super Structures Part 1

This week in our design and technology lessons we have been looking at different 3D shapes and seeing which shape is the strongest. The children have enjoyed testing the shapes and finding out that the cylinder was the strongest shape because it has no corners. We then started a super structure in teams using card and masking tape.

Image of Year 6 DT
12 Jul

Year 6 DT

Year 6 have started work on their wooden bridge structures. They have made straight cuts to form the majority of their structure and have researched both softwood and hardwood to see which one would be more suitable to form a bridge.

Image of Year 4 - Linking Schools Litter Pick
12 Jul

Year 4 - Linking Schools Litter Pick

The final part of our Linking Schools project was to make a pledge to take part in social action. Year 4 chose to do a community litter pick. The council supplied the equipment and off we went, cleaning up Knowlesly Road, Watery Lane and Whitehall Park. We filled 3 bin bags and 2 recycling bags - a super effort, class!

Image of Year 4 Exploring Newspaper Reports
12 Jul

Year 4 Exploring Newspaper Reports

This week in English we have been exploring newspaper reports and looking for key features. The children then became newsreaders to report their news article.

Image of The WOW Group’s Messy Parables
12 Jul

The WOW Group’s Messy Parables

This week, the W.O.W. Group finished off their Messy Parables workshops with our final two choices, The Wise and Foolish Builders and The Widow’s Offering. The children understood the stories well and had great fun making stained-glass style windows or a coin purse. Well done to all WOW members for leading exciting, engaging and thoughtful workshops.

Image of Year 3&4 Multi Sports Club
11 Jul

Year 3&4 Multi Sports Club

This week in multi sports club, years 3&4 took part in indoor kurling. The children learnt and understood the rules of the sport and improved their technique and understanding of kurling.

Image of Year 2 - Reading wish list for year 3
11 Jul

Year 2 - Reading wish list for year 3

Year 2 have created their wish list of library books for Year 3. The children have selected their favourite books and designed their own poster and explained why they would like to read that book.