Reception Art - Finger Painting
Reception have been exploring paint through finger painting to create ‘abstract’ or ‘figurative’ pieces of work. We talked about the texture and colours as they painted, and mixed colours together to create new ones. The children also enjoyed looking at professional pieces of Art work that have been created using fingers.
Year 5 - Art
This afternoon, Year 5 experimented creating mixed media portraits. The children explored a variety of designs and used colour and contrast to make their self portraits stand out. The children then created another design where they would rip and cut their portraits and placed them back on the page; creating a cracked effect.
Year 1 Science- Identifying a Variety of Common Wild and Garden Flowers
This afternoon, Year 1 went on a walk to identify a variety of common garden and wild plants. For the garden flowers, Year 1 found lavender, roses, pansies, marigolds and petunias. Roses were certainly the most popular garden flower that they found. They also spotted lots of wild flowers including buttercups, daisies, poppies, foxglove, dandelions, ivy, cow parsley, stinging nettles and forget me not. Well done Year 1 for super listening and identifying!
Year 4 English - The Mousehole Cat
In our English session this morning we have been focusing on our new class novel ‘The Mousehole Cat’ by Antonia Barber. After sharing more of the story, our objective was to sequence and discuss events using a story map. The children first discussed their ideas, working in pairs to sequence pictures. Then then created a whole class word bank that included key vocabulary from the story. Finally they wrote a paragraph for each picture. The children produced some lovely writing during the session with lots of complex sentence, uplevelling their work as they went along.
Year 4 - The Big Debate - Should parents be able to access their children’s social media?
As part of our class worship this morning, we completed our big debate on whether or not parents should be able to access their child’s social media accounts? We know that social media can have both a negative and positive impact on children. We also found that OFCOM completed a survey in 2020 which showed that 30% of children aged 5-7 years had a social media account! Reasons for ‘should’ were : It could protect the child from danger It can support with mental health if the child is struggling to deal with issues It can correct negative behaviour ( the parent can intervene) Reasons for ‘shouldn’t’ included: It’s invasion of privacy They can learn their own way about e-safety There are other ways of checking on your child Overall our class voted 22 people for their parents checking and only 5 opposed it.
Year 3- PSHE- Drowning Prevention Week- Water Safety in the home
During our class worship, we learned about water safety at home. The children watched the water safety animation and discussed danger signs and when to shout for help. We also took a moment to thank God for keeping us safe around water in our homes, pool, and beaches.
Year 4 - Maths: Interpreting Charts
Our super mathematicians in Year 4 are working on statistics this week. They made a fantastic start by reading charts and interpreting the information. They started off with pictograms and bar charts and will be working up to line graphs.
Year 4 - PE: Underarm Throw
This week, we started our new games unit in PE. We were working on skills to perfect our underarm throw and the correct way to receive the ball. The children played various games in order to apply the skills they learned. They also worked on the skill of communication by suggesting tactical manoeuvres to their teammates.
Reception Maths - Compostion of 6
Reception have been revisiting the number 6 and what parts it is made up of. They arranged 6 spots in different patterns and thought about the arrangement of 6 on a die. They then used the numicon pieces to create their own compositions of 6.
Year 3- Science-identify and describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants and flowers
This afternoon, Year 3 began their unit on plants. Each group was assigned a specific plant to research. Using secondary sources, they investigated the functions of their plant. They highlighted key scientific terms in their writing, such as photosynthesis, nutrients, temperature, light, sun, water, absorbs and transports.
Year 1 English- Creating a Non-Fiction Book About BeWILDerwood
This week in their English lessons, Year 1 have been working on their own Non-Fiction book about BeWILDerwood. Year 1 visited BeWILDerwood before the holidays and we thought that the trip and our experiences of it would be a good stimulus for writing. The children have created their own book with a front cover, contents page and three further pages about the activities that BeWILDerwood offer. On these pages, the children made sure that they included a heading, picture and a very informative caption. They have really enjoyed this-well done Year 1.
Reception PSHE - Our Daddies
In preparation for Father’s Day, we have been thinking about why our Daddies are so special and why we love them. Teddy said ‘I love my Daddy because he helps me build things.’ Hollie said ‘he helps me do jigsaws.’ We have made some very special cards to show our Daddies how loved they are.