During our class worship today, we watched this week's Picture News about a football team that launched a campaign to support young players with short hair. This came after a junior girls' team faced accusations of "cheating" when opposing teams and their supporters assumed they were fielding boys.
To show their support, York Railway Institute AFC's women's recreational squad created a social media video where players wore T-shirts with the slogan: "Girls can have short hair – get over it."
The junior players, aged 11 and 12, shared that these comments upset and frustrated them. Kate White, from the women's team, expressed how unfair the situation was, saying: "It's been horrible. It's the girls' basic personal choice it’s who they are. Some girls have short hair, and this singles them out when they don’t need that."
As a class, we then watched a short clip of two girls playing football. However, because they had short hair, some people mistakenly questioned their gender. This led to a discussion about why we sometimes judge people based on their appearance whether it’s a person, a book by its cover, or a film by its trailer.
Naomi shared her own experience from Year 2 when she was hesitant to talk to Albert at first. But once she got to know him, she realised they had a lot in common. Now that Albert is no longer here, she misses him.
We then explored a Bible quote that reminds us, as people of God, to see beyond appearances and treat everyone with dignity, love, and kindness. We also reflected on Martin Luther King Jr.'s powerful words: "I look to a day when people will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character."
To conclude, we thanked God for loving and accepting us just as we are, and we prayed for the ability to see beyond appearances and recognise the true worth in every person.