Year 1 - PSHE Pants Project
Today in PSHE we learned all about Pants Power and staying safe. We discussed who safe adults are that we can talk to both in school and at home. We then labelled parts of our bodies with the anatomically accurate labels. The children worked extremely hard to label their bodies and also remembered The Talk Pants Rules!
Year 3- Big Debate Club- Can you ever truly know what happened in history?
The children had a big debate about whether we can truly know what happened in history. Some said we can, because we have things like old letters and pictures, and scientists can figure out how old things are. Others said we can't know for sure, because sometimes things get lost or people might not tell the whole truth. It's a tricky question, and it makes us think about how we learn about the past.
Year 6 - Designing our Christmas themed loop game
Year 6 have been working towards their Christmas themed loop games this week. They started by researching existing products and how it is important that form follows function. Following on from this, the children then designed their loop game, keeping in mind that it is to be sold at the Christmas fair. The designs are absolutely fantastic and I look forward to seeing all of the final products.
Year 3- Litter Picking- Demonstrating our Christian Value of Service
Year 3 demonstrated the Christian value of service by participating in a litter picking activity. Their hard work and dedication made a positive impact on our school family and local community.
Year 3- Class Worship-The Earthshot Prize winners
Today in class worship, we celebrated the Earthshot Prize winners. This inspiring award recognises people and organisations working to protect our planet. Year 3 were particularly excited, having just cleaned up their local community. We discussed how small acts of kindness, like their community clean-up, can contribute to a healthier world. The Bible reminds us that we are stewards of creation, and responsible for caring for the Earth. We prayed, thanking God for our beautiful world and asking for forgiveness when we haven't been good stewards.
Year 5 - Christmas Cushions
Year 5 are now in the final stages of creating their wonderful Christmas cushions, showcasing their creativity and sewing skills. They have been carefully stitching the cushions together and adding intricate final touches such as decorative patterns to make them truly stand out ready for the Christmas Fair!
Year 4 - Maths: Three Times Tables
Teamwork was key in our maths session today. In celebration of No Pens Day, our maths included a combination of singing, matching, playing online games and puzzle solving. We learned the three times tables and used this knowledge to create fact families. Our extension activity today was to complete a three times table Tarsia. It proved to be more difficult than they first thought, but it certainly challenged them.
Year 1 Phonics
In Year 1 this afternoon, we learnt the ‘i’ for child. We read lots of words with the ‘i’ for child in them such as behind, mind, kind, rind, find, wild and mild and matched them up to to the picture that showed the word. Some of us also did the ‘ear’ for hear and the ‘oi’ for coin. This reading activity worked perfectly on ‘No Pens Day’.
Year 5 - Litter Picking
As part of No Pens Day, Year 5 explored the local area, taking part in a litter-picking activity inspired by a suggestion from the Smart School Council. This act of kindness demonstrated fantastic teamwork, community spirit, and a shared commitment to protecting the environment. Back in class, the children reflected on what they had observed, noting the impact of litter on wildlife and natural spaces. They engaged in thoughtful discussions about how to make a positive difference, generating ideas such as increasing recycling efforts, designing impactful posters to raise awareness about the environmental damage caused by littering and making a habit of picking up litter whenever they see it. The activity not only built their understanding of environmental responsibility but also empowered them to be proactive change-makers within their community.
Online Safety: Snapchat
Snapchat has been available for almost 14 years now. It’s expanded plenty in that time – adding new features, and with them, new risks. This #WakeUpWednesday, our guide and podcast are revisiting this messaging app, letting you know how to keep younger users safe. Download here >> Listen here >>
Reception: Christmas
This week we have been retelling the Nativity story. We have also been thinking about why Christmas is important. The children said Christmas is important because Jesus is born on Christmas Day. We discussed how Jesus is very important to Christians and is God’s son. The children have been enjoying retelling the story using dressing up, our small world area and through our Eggsplorers too.
Reception: NSPCC PANTS Rule
In our PSHE lesson, our Reception class listened to the pantosaurus song and learnt all about the important of our private parts saying private. We discussed the 5 rules: 1. Privates are private. 2. Always remember your body belongs to you. 3. No means no. 4. Talk about secrets that upset you. 5. Speak up, someone can help.