Reception - Remembrance Poppies
Reception have been super busy creating poppies in our different areas for Remembrance Day. We will be learning about why the Poppy is an important symbol and why this is remembered each year.
Autumn 2 Behaviour Focus: Using Manners
At St Barnabas, we pride ourselves on promoting positive behaviour for learning. Our aim is to give your child the best start in their education and this can only happen if all children are trying their best to follow our 4Be's: Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Ready and Be Respectful. Each half term we will be focusing on a specific aspect of behaviour, which will involve teaching the desired behaviours, supporting the children to show these and awarding values points for effort. This half term, our behaviour focus is using manners. Please see the posters attached for an idea of how the use of manners is promoted around school. A special thank you to our WOW group for demonstrating these behaviours for our school. At St Barnabas, we truly believe that instilling positive behaviours has a profound impact on the children in school, at home and as future citizens. Encouraging these behaviours at home will provide your child with a greater opportunity for success, as research indicates that positive behaviour for learning often leads to better outcomes later in life. If you would like to reinforce this at home, we would appreciate your support, as always. Feel free to message with any questions.
Whole-School Worship: Remembrance
At St Barnabas, we always take the time leading up to Remembrance Day to reflect on the people who kept us safe in the past and those who keep us safe now. In worship, we heard examples of people who came from other countries to help defend the UK during the World Wars, and the courage and friendship they demonstrated in doing so. We also thought about how we would like to remember those who lost their lives in war. The children had some lovely ideas, including writing or saying prayers, drawing poppies, visiting memorial sites, attending church services, and even holding a two-minute silence at their weekend football matches. We remember those who gave up their lives for our country and also say a huge thank you to those who work hard everyday to protect us such as the armed forces, the police, firefighters and the NHS. We sang a lovely song of peace at the end of our worship in hope that the world will one day be filled with peace.
The W.O.W. Group: Creating Viewfinders
This week, the W.O.W. Group created viewfinders to help us explore the beautiful natural patterns in our spiritual garden. Over the next couple of weeks, they will be showing the other children how to spend time exploring patterns in nature and they will develop further activities from this, such as observational drawing, describing and games.
Year 4 - RE: Shabbat
This week in RE, Year 4 learned about how some Jewish people observe their holy day of rest: Shabbat. The children learned that many blessings are said over the Challah, the Kiddush and as the candles are lit, but they were most fascinated by the restrictions on the use of electricity. No technology for 24 hours! We will be following this up next week by exploring why Jesus chose not to observe Shabbat and continued teaching.
Year 3- French- Learning colours in french
Today Year's 3 lesson in french focused on numerical and colour vocabulary. The children practised counting from eleven to twenty (recap from the last lesson) and reviewed colour terms.
Year 3- PSHE-Expressing opinions and listening to those of others;
This afternoon in PSHE, the children discussed several statements and placed themselves on a line to show their agreement or disagreement. We talked about topics like healthy eating, screen time, physical activity, and sugary drinks. After sharing their positions, the children explained why they chose those spots. It was a great opportunity to listen to different viewpoints and understand each other's thoughts.
Year 3- Class Worship- Hopes and Dreams
Today in our class worship, we learned about the incredible achievements of Adriana Brownlee, the youngest woman to climb all 14 of the world's 8,000-meter peaks. We then reflected on our hopes and dreams, both individually and as a class. We discussed the Bible's message of God's love, strength, and guidance, and how these principles can help us to pursue our aspirations. Lyla then read the prayer to the class: Thank God for always being there as we journey through life and giving us hope for the future as we learn and grow. Amen
Year 4 - Maths: Subtraction
Our place value grids are coming in very useful in maths this week. We’ve been learning how to subtract two 4-digit numbers, working up to making exchanges. In order to understand the concept of exchanges, we drew out the problem and crossed off the counters. Then we could see if there wasn’t enough to take from a column and adjusted accordingly. We will continue to develop this technique across the week.
Christmas at St Barnabas
Good morning parents and carers, Christmas will soon be here and we know what a busy time of year it is for everyone. We have lots of exciting things planned at St Barnabas so I thought it might help to have all of the dates in one place. Here are all the important dates you need in the lead up to the Christmas holidays. Please save it to your phone or device and I will also send it to you as a message. I hope this is helpful, Mrs Ham
Online Safety: Encouraging Children to Choose Respect
Anti-Bullying Week is right around the corner, and this year’s theme is “Choose Respect”. When disputes arise among children, insults and rudeness can sometimes follow and it’s vital for us to show them a better way. Working with the Anti-Bullying Alliance themselves, we’re bringing you expert advice on how to do exactly that. Download >> Listen >>
Edstart Jag Tag Festival
What a fantastic opportunity we had today in taking part in the Edstart Jag Tag Festival at Soccerdome. In the morning session, the children developed their skills and game tactics and then this afternoon they played games against other schools that were attending the festival. Team B showed great respect, encouragement and passion in every game and came away with a MVP ( Most Valued Player) in every single game with super results : Game 1 - 18-0 WIN vs St Oswalds MVP - Freddy Game 2- 20-6 WIN vs St Matthew’s MVP - Matthew Game 3 - 18-2 WIN St Anthony’s MVP Brooke Huge thanks to all of the coaches from Edstart , the other schools and support staff.