Image of Whole School Worship: Anti-Bullying and Respect
12 Nov

Whole School Worship: Anti-Bullying and Respect

Our worship today introduced the theme of Choose Respect for Anti-bullying Week. We heard from primary school children from around the country talking about the effects of bullying, the importance of respect and how we can change the way we speak to others. Mrs Ham invited up some of our pupils to act out various scenarios so that we could identify the potential bullying problem and suggest ways to correct it that benefit everyone involved. The children had some fantastic suggestions, which we can all try to use on the playground to resolve conflict. We spent some time reflecting on the meaning of respect and on how others may feel when they are treated with disrespect.

Image of Year 5 - Anti-Bullying Week
12 Nov

Year 5 - Anti-Bullying Week

Year 5 embraced Anti-Bullying Week with Odd Socks Day, proudly wearing mismatched socks to celebrate individuality and this year’s powerful theme of respect. In their PSHE lessons, they reflected deeply on what bullying means, sharing personal insights on how to respond and support others in challenging situations. They discussed the importance of kindness, respect, and inclusivity, learning how even small actions can make a big difference in creating a safe and supportive school environment for everyone.

Image of Year 3 - PSHE-Odd Socks Day for Anti-Bullying Week
12 Nov

Year 3 - PSHE-Odd Socks Day for Anti-Bullying Week

Today, our school celebrated our unique differences by wearing odd socks to launch anti-bullying week! Year 3 joined the live assembly in class, where we learned about the importance of kindness, respect, and a future without bullying. The assembly shared inspiring messages, guest speakers, and interactive activities where children had to discuss scenarios and develop solutions in pairs. This follows from our school worship led by Mrs. Ham, where we explored similar themes.

Image of Reception Celebrate anti-bullying week
12 Nov

Reception Celebrate anti-bullying week

Today the children came to school wearing odd socks to celebrate anti-bullying week. During our PSHE lesson we discussed how we can show respect and be a good friend to each other. These are some of the ideas the children came up with; “Be kind” (Max) “Be helpful” (Cassius) “Be friendly” (Willow) “Share” (Hadi) “Share toys” (Evie) “Be Respectful” (Reggie) “Help our friends if they are struggling with their work” (Oliver) “Listen to our friends” (Will) “Have kind hands with our friend” (Hendrix)

Image of Year 2 - Hinduism Workshop
12 Nov

Year 2 - Hinduism Workshop

Year 2 were very lucky to have an exciting visitor in school today. During our workshop, Prags shared her knowledge and experience of Hinduism. We discussed how Hindu’s prepare for worship and how their prayers are similar and different to Christians. We also joined in some classic Hindi dancing wearing very colourful skirts and jackets.

Image of Year 4 - Science: Modelling the Digestive System
12 Nov

Year 4 - Science: Modelling the Digestive System

I’m sure that many of us found this lesson hard to stomach, but it was all in the name of science! The children have been learning about the parts of the digestive system and, this week they created a model digestive system in order to understand the functions of each organ and report on their findings. They acted out the process of digesting a cracker using a bowl and a knife and fork to chop the cracker into small pieces. They then transferred this to the oesophagus, which passed it down to the stomach (a ziplock bag containing water and washing up liquid. Here, the cracker pieces were churned up into a paste, which was then added to the small intestine (one leg from a pair of tights). The children even acted out peristalsis to squeeze the “nutrients” from the paste and push it down through the large intestine before the left over waste was pushed out through the anus (a small hole in the end of the tights. It was a messy but memorable activity, which produced some super explanations!

Image of Year 4 - RE: Interfaith Week & Hinduism
12 Nov

Year 4 - RE: Interfaith Week & Hinduism

The Year 4 class thoroughly enjoyed their Hinduism workshop on Monday. Our visitor, Prags, from Cultural Educasian, brought in a variety of artefacts in order to explain and demonstrate some Hindu beliefs and practices. The theme for the Year 4 workshop was Reincarnation. Prags gave a great, child-friendly explanation to the children about the Hindu belief that everyone has a piece of Brahman inside them, like a part of a jigsaw, and that their aim is to live a good life in order to complete the jigsaw, Brahman, and make him whole. We learned that being reincarnated signifies that the previous life was lived imperfectly and Hindus are given a chance to correct this in the next life. There was also some time for trying on some traditional Indian clothing and performing a traditional dance.

Image of Year 4 PSHE - How do we treat each other with respect?
12 Nov

Year 4 PSHE - How do we treat each other with respect?

In our PSHE sessions we are focusing on ‘Valuing Difference’. This week we shared different scenarios about how we would deal with aggressive behaviour. The children learned how to recognise potential consequences of aggressive behaviour and suggested how to deal with someone who is displaying this. They showed super communication skillls and discussed conflict resolution and diversity.

Image of Seasonal Stockings Session 2 - Can I explore different ways to join fabric using sewing skills?
12 Nov

Seasonal Stockings Session 2 - Can I explore different ways to join fabric using sewing skills?

In our second DT session, we looked at the different sewing stitches, how to thread a needle and joined two pieces of fabric together using a sewing stitch. The children showed great perseverance and determination as many found it difficult to thread the needle at the start! Eventually, the children selected the sewing stitch that they preferred and got to work joining the two pieces of fabric together. Some children even managed to get on to creating their very own stocking design so hopefully, next week, we can begin on the wonderful seasonal stockings that the children will be making for our Christmas Fair.

Image of Reception- Maths-More and Fewer
12 Nov

Reception- Maths-More and Fewer

In maths we were using the pan balance to compare more and fewer. We had a discussion about what ‘fewer’ could mean. Beau said “it means less” and Marnie-May said “it means there aren’t as much”. We put an uneven amount of cubes in each side of the pan balance and watched what happened. The children observed that the side with fewer cubes ‘went up’ and the side with more cubes ‘went down’.

Image of Lego Club
11 Nov

Lego Club

Everyone had a great time at Lego club again this week. We got the chance to make models we didn’t get the chance to last week and some new ones! The ice cream stand seemed to be a popular choice this week!

Image of Year 3- Guided Reading-A Poppy is to Remember
11 Nov

Year 3- Guided Reading-A Poppy is to Remember

For our guided reading session today, Year 3 listened to a story "A Poppy is to Remember" by Heather Patterson and Ron Lightburn. This story helped the children understand the significance of Remembrance Day and the symbolism of the poppy. We reflected on the sacrifices made by soldiers for peace, listening to John McCrae's poem, In Flanders Fields.