Image of Well-being Club
14 Mar

Well-being Club

This week the children worked together to make playdough. They decided to colour the playdough purple and used a variety of different coloured glitters. The children decided on an orange scent for their playdough. They enjoyed playing with it after and made tacos, wraps, houses, pizzas and lots of other creative objects!

Image of Year 3- R.E- The Easter Story
14 Mar

Year 3- R.E- The Easter Story

This afternoon, Year 3 explored 'The Easter Story' using a children's bible. After reading the story, they described the emotions expressed through the paintings related to the various parts of the story, such as the 'Entry into the City, the Crucifixion, The Women at the Empty Tomb and Good Friday. They found the paintings and the story bring happiness and some are quite upsetting. They then expressed the symbolisms and sadness and joy through art.

Image of WOW Ambassador Training
14 Mar

WOW Ambassador Training

In our very first WOW Ambassador meeting today, we met to discuss the children’s role and how they will promote this walk to school initiative throughout school. We also completed training on how to access the travel tracker and monitor each class on a weekly basis. The children can’t wait for the launch of this exciting new walking to school initiative next week!

Image of Year 3- Collective Worship- Jesus the Powerful Friend
14 Mar

Year 3- Collective Worship- Jesus the Powerful Friend

This morning in our class worship, Year 3 watched and listened to the worship together across the Diocese video. The children first explored God's Big Story by exploring the timeline. The story comes from the gospel. After listening to the story of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus the children discussed two key questions. What was Jesus trying to teach us and how can we use the story in our lives today. The story taught us about faith, trust and the power of Jesus in our lives.

Image of Year 4 Number Fluency Conceptual Lesson
14 Mar

Year 4 Number Fluency Conceptual Lesson

In our Number Fluency session this morning we focused on how to solve division facts by recalling a known multiplication fact. We watched the animations on finding into groups of two, writing and reading division equations and then practical of division facts as multiplication. The children worked really well together to identify various expressions sticking fact families together along with bar models for each representation.

Image of Reception British Science Week - Weather Charts
14 Mar

Reception British Science Week - Weather Charts

For British Science Week, we have been looking at the weather locally! We looked at the weather forecast for Darwen for the week and discussed the different types of weather we often get. Then we made our own weather charts in the creative area that we can use at home to show when the weather changes.

Image of Easter Singing Worship
14 Mar

Easter Singing Worship

We had a wonderful morning singing our favourite Easter hymns and songs. To finish we practised the Spring Chicken song in hope that we get a visit from the Spring Chicken at the end of term.

Image of Year 2 - History
14 Mar

Year 2 - History

This week in History, we continued our learning looking at Monarchs. In previous lessons we learnt about our current monarch King Charles III. This week we went back nearly 1000 years to 1066 and the Battle of Hastings. We looked into the Norman Conquest and the events that occurred leading to William of Normandy becoming king. We then looked at the Bayeux Tapestry which shows scenes from the Battle.

Image of Year 6 Art
14 Mar

Year 6 Art

In year 6, we have started to look at our new art unit and have linked it to our R.E. Artwork that will be displayed in the Whitehall Park Rose Garden. We started by analysing a piece of work created by the artist Lubaina Himid, entitled ‘Five’. In her artwork, she displays symbols and addresses issues close to her heart. We have used her work as inspiration for our own creation and have started to develop our own ideas to answer the question ‘Who was Jesus?’ in our own piece of artwork.

Image of Year 1 Science- Reflective Materials
14 Mar

Year 1 Science- Reflective Materials

In their science lesson, Year 1 were exploring reflective materials. They took a variety of materials (tin foil, dull black paper, shiny black paper, mirrored plastic, newspaper, brightly coloured paper, brightly coloured fabric and dark fabric) into a dark tent to see whether they were or were not reflective. They shined the torch at the material to see whether the light did or didn’t bounce back. They decided that all of the materials reflected some light. Therefore, to help us to decide the properties of the most reflective items, we used a data logger. By using the data logger, we found out that tin foil and mirrored plastic were the most reflective and black dull paper was the least reflective. We came to the conclusion that the most reflective materials are shiny and bright.

Image of Year 1 PE- Athletics
13 Mar

Year 1 PE- Athletics

Year 1 enjoyed their athletics session today. They practised ‘rolling a goal’ to score points, tracking the distance that they could hop, skip and jump and completing a relay that involved part balancing a beanbag on their head and part sprinting. Well done Year 1.

Image of Year 1- Exploring Recounts
13 Mar

Year 1- Exploring Recounts

Today in English, Year 1 read a recount in groups using their phonic knowledge to decode it and then acted this out as though they were the person who had written it. We then thought about what language features we had noticed within the recount texts such as time conjunctions, first person pronouns (I, we) and how they are written in the past tense.