Reception Nativity
A huge well done to our Reception children who were amazing in their Nativity this morning. We are so proud of how much their confidence has grown since starting with us in September. They sang and danced their little hearts out and they really did fill our hearts with joy! A massive thank you to Mrs Wilkinson, Mrs Govan and Mrs Thompson for all of their effort into making the production such a success. A special thank you to Mrs Hegarty and Miss Craig for helping get the children in and out of their costumes and Miss Lyons for painting their faces. Thank you to Rev Ben for blessing us all and leading us in prayer at this special time of year, when we remember the birth of Jesus. Thank you so much to all of our Reception parents and carers for providing the children with wonderful costumes and for practising their lines. Thank you also for coming along and showing your support today. We hope you enjoyed it and hope your hearts were filled with joy too.
Year 5 - Music
This week, Year 5 had an incredible time exploring music through a variety of instruments. The children experimented with different sounds and rhythms before coming together as a class to combine their efforts and create a vibrant musical piece. Their teamwork and creativity truly shone as they brought the composition to life!
Year 5 - Peace Class Worship
During today’s class worship, Year 5 participated in this year’s Picture News Christmas campaign, focusing on the symbol of peace, which was also our focus this week our Diocesan Year of Prayer. The session began with a thoughtful discussion where the children reflected on what peace means to them, its importance in the world, and how they can actively spread it in their daily lives. Inspired by their reflections, the children then created beautifully crafted origami doves, symbolising peace and hope. Each dove was lovingly decorated with heartfelt prayers, expressing their wishes for kindness, understanding, and harmony. The activity helped the children connect deeply with the true meaning of the season, fostering a sense of unity and purpose.
Seasonal Stocking Making Mission Nearly Complete
We are very nearly there with completing our seasonal stockings. We just have a few more bits of final decoration and they will then be ready to take to the Christmas markets next week. The children have really surprised us with how quickly they have developed their sewing skills and followed instructions so carefully. These stockings are definitely the best we’ve ever seen!
Year 4 - RE: How Did Jesus Bring Light?
In Year 4, the children’s acting skills were put to the test today when they were asked to re-enact the story of Zaccheus. They began by watching a range of stories that showed how Jesus brought light into the lives of those around him, including the stories of Zaccheus, Levi and the Rich Young Man. They then had to choose one to act out in their groups, identifying the “dark” parts of the story and when Jesus brought light. I think the story of Zaccheus was their favourite as all of the groups chose this one and they each acted it out brilliantly.
Year 4 - English: Publishing
The children finished their Roman soldier diaries on Monday, and this week, we have been typing them up using the Chromebooks. There are a number of skills involved in this process. It really forces the children to think about their punctuation, word choices, and spelling.
Year 3- PSHE- Making Smart Choices Online
Today in PSHE, we learned how to be smart online detectives! The children worked in groups to identify which statements were true or false about the trustworthiness of websites. We also discussed the importance of checking if information on websites is reliable. We learned to use tools like fact-checking, website checkups, looking for multiple sources, and asking adults for help. We also listed some of the websites we know, like YouTube, BBC News, Instagram, Snapchat and Roblox, and discussed how some websites are more trustworthy than others. Just like we wouldn't believe everything we read in a book, we should be careful about the information we find online.
Year 3- D.T- Finishing touches
The Year 3 Elves are nearing the end of their Christmas-themed pouch project. They've worked hard on techniques like running stitch, fabric joining, and knot-tying. Now, they're helping each other and considering the overall look of their pouches.
KS2 After School Club
During this week’s after-school club, the children focused on improving their movement off the ball. They played an engaging game of bench ball, enhanced with various conditions to challenge them tactically and help develop their football skills. It was a fantastic session filled with teamwork, strategy, and enthusiasm!
Year 5 - Dance
Today, Year 5 enjoyed their final dance session, showcasing creativity and energy as they flipped on bounce mats, perfected their movements, and crafted dynamic routines. The children explored a variety of sequences, combining skills they’ve developed throughout the term, including balance and coordination. They worked well to create engaging performances, demonstrating teamwork and enthusiasm. It was a fantastic way to wrap up their dance unit.
Reception: Year of Prayer
As part of the Diocese of Blackburn's Year of Prayer, this week's focus was on alphabet prayers. Reception class thought about what brings them joy. Evie said her star on her Christmas tree, Max said playing his memory game, Beau said her family and Mikey said visiting the dinosaur museum. It was wonderful to see the children reflecting and listening carefully to one another. At the end of our prayer we thanked God and said Amen.
Year 6 - Exploring osmosis and diffusion
Today, Year 6 explored how our bodies get the water and nutrients they need through the process of osmosis and diffusion. To highlight these processes, we soaked gummy bears in 3 different liquids (Coca Cola, water and salty water) for 24 hours. We discovered that the gummy bear in the water grew in size because the water molecules moved from a higher concentration (water), to a lower concentration (gummy bear) which is exactly what happens in our bodies. The water in our blood would move into our cells in order to keep us hydrated. However, the gummy bear in the salt shrank. This tells us that if there is too much salt in our blood stream, the water will actually move away from our cells, where it is needed, and back into the blood to restore balance. As a result, we can become dehydrated and our cells become less efficient.