Image of Year 2 - English
19 Mar

Year 2 - English

Before we begin writing our sequel to ‘The Journey’, we needed to ensure we have a good understanding of the story. We created a storyboard to recall all of the important events that had happened in the story so far.

Image of Year 3-Food and Nutrition- Making a Seasonal Tart
18 Mar

Year 3-Food and Nutrition- Making a Seasonal Tart

This term in D.T. Year 3 have been exploring food worldwide, recognising that food grows in different climates and identifying locally grown foods in the UK. At the start of the unit, the children made Japanese skewers, additionally, we were lucky to have a professional baker join us to create a delicious fruit crumble.  For our final lesson, the future bakers/chefs had a hands-on experience creating a seasonal tart using some of our key ingredients: mushrooms, rocket, kale, cheese, and tomatoes. Next week,  the children will evaluate their dishes, provide feedback and identify strengths. 

Image of Reception: Muddy Monday
18 Mar

Reception: Muddy Monday

Our reception children really enjoyed our Muddy Monday session today at Whitehall park. They climbed up trees, created a cafe, travelled on a ‘steam engine’ and created a bug hotel. Super imaginations!

Image of Mad Science After-School Club- Optical Illusion
18 Mar

Mad Science After-School Club- Optical Illusion

Our after-school club began with a thrilling start, as the future Scientists embarked on an exhilarating journey into optics, reflection, and sight! With a cool gadget called a camera obscura, they watched as pictures changed right before their eyes. They had a blast learning about light and vision.

Image of Year 2 - RE
18 Mar

Year 2 - RE

In Year 2, we have produced artwork that will go on display in the Rose Garden at Whitehall Park. Our class created the last supper scene using painting and stamping. The children took real pride in making sure their artwork was exactly how they wanted it to look. The final results are wonderful and we can’t wait to visit our artwork in Whitehall park next week!

Image of Year 5 - Dance
17 Mar

Year 5 - Dance

Year 5 have been progressing with their dance unit - earthlings. The children have been creating shapes and images within a group to represent key vocabulary relating to space exploration. The children were extremely creative linking their gymnastic balance and counter balances to depict their word to the group. The children showed many interesting interpretations of their chosen words.

Image of Darwen Swimming Gala
15 Mar

Darwen Swimming Gala

Good evening parents and carers, I’m so sorry for the late message but we are just back from the swimming gala. We are so proud to share that our swim team came 3rd overall out of 8 schools. Every child in our team won at least one medal and they were amazing at encouraging each other. Here are the medalists: 100m relay - 2nd Isaac 25m butterfly- 2nd Annabelle 25m butterfly- 2nd Isaac 25m breaststroke -2nd Sophie 25m breaststroke - 1st Isaac Boys medley relay- 3rd Boys freestyle relay - 3rd Girls freestyle relay - 3rd Thanks to Mrs Gardner for running the swimming trials and sorting the admin. Thank you to Mr Bloomfield for supporting the children with me tonight. A huge thanks to the parents and siblings who came along to cheer them along, it was a brilliant atmosphere! We have had another wonderful week at St Barnabas. For all of the news from this week, please click here: Year 6 have an exciting week next week as we go on our visit to London and the book fair will be visiting our school. Wishing you all a fantastic weekend and thank you for your continued support, Mrs Ham

Image of Friday Celebration Worship
15 Mar

Friday Celebration Worship

This morning, we started our celebration worship by thanking our whole school family for dressing in red to support Comic Relief. We then thought about how we’ve lived life in all its fullness this week with the help of our amazing after school clubs, a wonderful worship with Rev Matt about Jesus being kind towards Zacchaeus and by celebrating British Science Week. Mrs Ham also updated us all on our Big Lent Walk progress. Up to now, we have collectively walked 1239km and raised £215. We believe that we can continue to better this and achieve 2000km and raise even more money. We then presented Summer, Eli, Lyla, Ivy, Ruby, Hamza and Charlie as the value award winners this week. Well done to those children for consistently demonstrating an amazing attitude to learning and our 4Bs. We also congratulated Reception and Year 3 on being our amazing attendance winners this week, the KS2 girls who took part in the Girls Football tournament last Friday with Mr Bloomfield to celebrate International Women’s Day and River Darwen who are our overall value award winners this week. We then congratulated our out of school achievers. Well done to Olivia for achieving her white belt at kickboxing, Sofia for achieving her 8th birthday badge at Rainbows, Carter for achieving his stage 2 at swimming, Annabel for achieving swimmer of the month, Vienna for being awarded an amazing 50m at swimming, Elsie for her incredible swimming and Renee for achieving her Stage 1 swimming. To end our worship, we had some lovely prayers from Olivia, Olivia, Finn and Mrs Ham who prayed for those who have died , are in the midst of conflict and a prayer to encourage us to be both kind and forgiving during this time of Lent. We also sang along to ‘Sing Hosanna.’ We thank all those who attended celebration worship and we wish the the rest of our school family a lovely restful weekend and thank you for your ongoing support too.

Image of Spring attendance update
15 Mar

Spring attendance update

Good afternoon parents and carers, please see the images for the latest attendance update for the Spring term. In the Autumn term we achieved an award for being in the top 25% of schools nationally for attendance and we are really close to our school target and government target of 96%. With your help we can ensure that your child achieves the best possible outcomes in life by coming to school every day and on time. We are looking forward to presenting Amazing Attendance certificates to all of the children who are at our 96% target and above at our Easter Service in church on Thursday 28th March at 9.15am. For further information about attendance, please click here:

Image of Year 4 DT - Designing a product to fit a set of specific user needs
15 Mar

Year 4 DT - Designing a product to fit a set of specific user needs

In our third DT session we have been looking at how we can design a product (torch) to fit a set of specific user needs. We looked at how to factor in who our product is for and how our design must follow a success criteria. The children designed some amazing torches with lots of thought and effort. We can’t wait to start making them next week.

Image of Year 3- Gymnastics- Use apparatus to perform jumping actions.
15 Mar

Year 3- Gymnastics- Use apparatus to perform jumping actions.

Year 3 explored various jumping techniques during the session such as straight, star, and tuck jumps. During the activity, the children were reminded about safety rules and the importance of trust. They also encouraged each other, particularly those who might have been apprehensive about jumping from a slightly higher bench. They can't wait for the next session where they will use the apparatus to perform rolling actions.

Image of Year 3- Easter Artwork- Express the symbolism of sadness and joy through art.
14 Mar

Year 3- Easter Artwork- Express the symbolism of sadness and joy through art.

This afternoon, Year 3 explored 'The Easter Story' using a children's bible. After reading the story, they described the emotions expressed through the paintings related to the various parts of the story, such as the 'Entry into the City, the Crucifixion, The Women at the Empty Tomb and Good Friday. They found the paintings and some parts of the story bring happiness and some are quite upsetting. They then expressed the symbolisms and sadness and joy through art. Year 3 are super excited about displaying their artwork at the Rose Garden.