Image of EYFS & KS1 Sports Day
24 Jun

EYFS & KS1 Sports Day

Our Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes showed lots of courage this morning in our Sports Day. They were just like St Barnabas- the Encourager too as they cheered each other on and supported each other.

Image of Reception Sports Day
24 Jun

Reception Sports Day

Reception class really made us proud today as they found their brave and took part in our sports day. It was wonderful to hear them encouraging each other and trying really hard in each race. Well done Reception!

Image of Year 6 London Thames River Cruise
23 Jun

Year 6 London Thames River Cruise

Our Year 6 children enjoyed seeing some of the famous sights of London from the River Thames. They also learnt about the history of the buildings from our tour guide. Can you spot any you know?

Image of Buckingham Palace & St Jame’s Park
23 Jun

Buckingham Palace & St Jame’s Park

We’ve just had a singalong of the National Anthem in front of Buckingham Palace! We’ve learnt so much from our guide Liz.

Image of Natural History Museum
23 Jun

Natural History Museum

We had a quick whistle stop tour of the natural history museum and some children spent some of their money in the gift shop. We managed to see Dippy the dinosaur too.

Image of Reception Car Wash
23 Jun

Reception Car Wash

The cars in our reception yard needed a wash, so some of the year 6 children led a car wash activity this morning! They used the cloths and brushes to scrub the cars nice and clean. Thank you to those Year 6 children who helped!

Image of London Sightseeing Tour
23 Jun

London Sightseeing Tour

We have seen lots of sights around London and have been learning all about the History of London from our tour guide Liz.

Image of Year 2 English: Making predictions!
23 Jun

Year 2 English: Making predictions!

In year 2, our topic this term is 'Beside the Seaside'. This week in English, we started a brand new unit. The class were given the book cover for the story that we will be exploring over the next couple of weeks. The children then made their own Title predictions, based on evidence from the front cover. The class are so excited to find out the Title of the story and explore the main character!

Image of Year 2 D.T: Wacky Windmills!
23 Jun

Year 2 D.T: Wacky Windmills!

During the summer term in D.T, Year 2 have been learning all about the purpose uses of windmills. We completed some market research to look at the different types of windmills and the materials that are used to make them. We then spent some time designing our own windmills and thinking about the materials that we could use the make them. This week, the class brought their designs to life and made their own windmill's using classroom materials and their own designs. We then evaluated our windmill's and thought about what we might do differently next time, to ensure our bases are strong and sturdy.

Image of Food, glorious food!
23 Jun

Food, glorious food!

Year 6 have shared some lovely meal times together in London in parks, restaurants and the hotel. It’s been wonderful to see them developing their independence and conversational skills before moving on to high school. And of course we’ve had several renditions of ‘Food, glorious food’ from our upcoming Oliver production!

Image of Reception: Stay and Play
23 Jun

Reception: Stay and Play

Thank you to all of our parents and carers who attended our stay and play session. It was great to see you all completing challenges with your children. What a super morning!