History- Year 5
The children in Year 5 have been exploring how the Maya civilization grew so strong when the odds against it were so huge. We have been using our outdoor History timeline to gather information and looking at our gallery in the classroom. I displayed a number of images relating to the Mayan civilization of approximately, 1,000 years ago. The children worked in pairs to spot what they thought might be important indicators as to why the Mays civilization grew so strong.
Transition Afternoon- Year 4 to Year 5
The Year 4 class, soon-to-be Year 5 had a brilliant afternoon. They were super excited to know what they will be learning about in September. The children made 'All About Me Snapshots' and personalised bookmarks. They all had a wonderful time.
Reception Junior Jam
Today the children had a junior jam session. They started with a dance session to warm up and they were given some scarves to use. They then had a go at singing ‘A Whole New World’ from Aladdin. They were amazing at remembering the lyrics to the song ! The next session was Music where they learned all about the instruments Boomwackers. They were shown how to use the boomwackers and discussed how they make their sound. They even had a go at using them and learned the names of the different notes. In the next session they watched some clips and they were asked to identify how the characters were feeling. They then used a new app this week called Toon Tastic to make a setting and characters to create a story- they had to create a beginning, a middle and an end for their story.
Year 1 Local History
Year 1 have been exploring modern-day Darwen. We have been looking at the different types of shops that we currently have on our local high street, and we will be comparing these to the types of shops that we had in the 1950s. We discovered that we have takeaways, supermarkets, shops that sell electronics, pharmacists, hairdressers, beauticians, charity shops and discount stores. We wonder how this will compare to the 1950s?
Online Safety
The biggest-selling video game of all time
Gymnastics competition
Well done to our Year 5 girls who took part in a gymnastics competition at St Bedes. They tried really hard and put in lots of effort into their routines. Well done!
Whole School Singing Worship led by St Barnabas Choir!
Well done to our school choir for planning and leading our whole school singing worship this morning! During choir club on Monday, the children decided on their favourite worship songs and we voted on 5 songs to sing in worship today! The school particularly enjoyed singing My Lighthouse and School Rules!
Year 4 - Discussing Mealtimes in French
This week in French, we have been learning how to say what we have for dinner at school. We discussed what time we eat lunch and whether we have a packed lunch, une panier repas, or a school dinner, la nourriture du collège.
Darwen Library- Summer Reading Challenge 2022
This morning, Angela who works at Darwen library visited school to invite us all to participate in ‘The Summer Reading Challenge 2022.’ The challenge is free of charge and involves children reading 6 library books between 1st July and 30th September, including picture books and audio books. There are various prizes awarded for each book that is read and returned, and those who complete the challenge will receive a certificate and a medal. If your child completes the challenge, we would love for them to be bring these into school so that we can present them during whole school celebration worship. Anglea told us that there is something for everyone at the library. However, if there is a specific book that the children are looking for but they don’t have it, it’s her promise that they will get it for them on request. If your child does not yet have a library card, the library can quickly and easily enrol them as a library member for free and no ID is required. Children without library cards may still join the Summer Reading Challenge, please enquire at Darwen Library about this. We hope that as many of our children as possible will take on the challenge. Happy reading!
Qu’est- ce-que-tu Manges?- French- Year 5
In today's French lesson, the children were learning about the different items of food that they eat for dinner. They then used their french knowledge and wrote sentences in french about what they had for lunch. For example, J'apporte un sandwich, une pomme et un jus dans ma boîte à lunch.
Year 1 - Refugee Week
In Year 1, we watched an animation called ‘Make them Feel at Home.’ This video told a story about a young refugee named Santa and a toy dinosaur named Dino and their difficult journey to find safety in the UK. The video helped us to understand how difficult and nerve-racking it must be for refugees having to leave their home and move to a new place that is unfamiliar to them. We reflected on this video and thought about ways in which we can help to make refugees feel at home, and we also thought of some beautiful prayers.
Sports Day KS2
What a fantastic morning we have had taking part in Sports Day 2022. We have all been looking forward to getting our parents and carers back to support…..and take part in the adult races……..very enthusiastically! Well done to each and everyone of you that took part, the gold medal winners, the winning house team -River Darwen Blues and a special thanks to Mrs Ham for being an amazing compère, crowd pleaser and super fun host! So very proud of Team B _ you all totally smashed it and had huge smiles on your faces whilst doing so!